Chapter One Hundred Twenty

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 120


The next couple of weeks were spent buried at work. Bella had state testing and I had to step in for another lawyer who went on emergency medical leave on a DUI case. I was excited to sit first chair, but the day before the case went to court? I didn't sleep that night. Thankfully, I won the case for my client. Unfortunately, I worked myself so hard that I was battling the worst sinus infection and case of bronchitis that my doctor had ever seen.

"Edward, you need to keep your sick ass in bed," Bella said, pushing me back onto the mattress. "Your doctor told you to take it easy. Going to work is not taking it easy. Plus, you don't want to infect the entire office, right?"

"Bronchitis is not contagious. I've got depositions I have to read and briefs I need to prepare," I grumbled.

"Damn it, Edward. You're more stubborn than me!" Bella snarled, picking up my cell phone. She smirked, dialing a number.

"Bella, who are you calling?" I choked out, coughing up my right lung.

"Marcus? Hi, it's Bella Swan. Edward's girlfriend, yes. Look, I'm calling you to inform you that Edward will not be coming in today or tomorrow. He's at home with a fever and very nasty cough. His doctor told him that if he didn't take a few days to recuperate, he could end up in the hospital with pneumonia," Bella said. "The rest of the week? Fabulous. Now, you know thathe'll complain about not'll courier over some work he can complete from home? You're awesome. Thank you, soon as Edward's healthy and not coughing up putrid green phlegm, we can definitely go out for dinner. Bye, now." She turned off my phone and removed the battery. "I'll put this back together when I get home from work."

"I can't believe you did that," I pouted.

"Edward, you've been living at the damn office. This illness is your body's way of telling you that you are worn down. Besides our trip to Mesa, when was the last time you took a mental health day?"

"That's easy. Never," I coughed.

"Well, consider the rest of this week a mental health week. But it isn't really," she mused. "Since you're really sick. Now, I'm taking your car. You're stuck here until I get back. Don't make me call your sister to baby sit you, Edward Anthony. You. Need. To. Rest." Bella poked my chest, covering me with a blanket and putting a bottle of water, the remote and my glasses on the nightstand. "There's chicken soup in the fridge. You just need to heat it up for a minute, test it and then another minute. Drink lots of fluids and take your meds."

"Yes, Nurse Ratchet," I grumbled.

Bella rolled her eyes, kissing me on the forehead. She brushed my greasy hair away from my face, staring into my eyes. "Edward, I'm trying to help you. I would stay if I could, but I used all my days with my gimpiness. Call if you need me and rest. And perhaps, take a shower. Good lord, you smell." She kissed me once more before darting out of the bedroom, my cell phone and car keys in hand. Once she was gone, I admitted it. She was right. I crashed and slept until Bella came back home, wiping down my face with a damp washcloth. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak. Tired. Sore," I rasped.

"Hello, Super Bass Man," Bella giggled. "You could be the next Barry White with that voice, Edward. Sexy."

"I'm the epitome of sex appeal, wearing pajamas from three days ago and smelling like Emmett's gym locker," I deadpanned.

"You'll make a killing in radio. Come on, sickie. Let's get you cleaned up and you'll feel better," she said, helping me out of bed. We took a shower together but this was not about sex. I couldn't even get it up, honestly. I was so sick and feeling like crap. Bella was taking care of me since I had zero energy. I think I fell asleep as she was washing my hair, sitting on the edge of the tub. Once I was clean, Bella helped me into a pair of fresh pajamas and she forced my medications down my throat. Then, she made me some grilled cheese and tomato soup while she stripped the bed of my funk.

I plopped down on the couch, breathing heavily. This is so kicking my ass. Bella came downstairs, carrying my work bag. "I thought I was having a mental health week," I quipped.

"You are. I'm taking your work bag out of the bedroom in case you're tempted to do something other than sleep or drool," Bella giggled.

"That's all I did today," I whined. "I slept all day long. If you hadn't wiped my face down, I would have kept sleeping."

"Obviously you needed it, goofball," Bella said, sitting down next to me and picking up my hand. "Edward, I can count on one hand how many times I've seen you sick. You're as healthy as a horse. When you do get sick, you don't half-ass it. Now, Marcus said that he'd courier over some briefs for you to look at on Thursday. You have the next couple of days to get yourself healthy. Capische?"

"Will you be my sexy nurse?" I asked, waggling my brows.

"I think you're delirious, Edward," Bella said flatly.

"Come on. I'm sick and I know that orgasms will make me feel better," I pouted, putting my head on her lap.

"Edward, how many times have you had a coughing jag today?"

"Only when I did anything strenuous," I frowned.

"And is sex strenuous?" Bella asked, arching a brow.

"If I want to enjoy it, yes," I grumbled.

"Edward, I promise I'll be your sexy nurse, but when you are not at risk of hacking up a lung. I'd like my boyfriend to be fully healthy to enjoy our sexual explorations and be an active participant! But, you have a prescription in order to make sure that you fully enjoy the next time we're together," she purred.

"What's that?" I breathed.

"No masturbating or playing with yourself until you are healthy. If you comply, I'll be your sexy nurse," she quipped, kissing my nose. "And your full examination and sponge bath will be well worth the wait.

Damn my bronchitis.

A/N: Poor Sickward. He'll be healthy soon. And yeah...we'll find out more about Paul the next time we hear from Edward. I'm still curious, though. What should Bella do about her favorite ex-boyfriend? Leave me your opinions. Thanks for reading!

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