Chapter Thirty

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Thirty


$3000 later from winning the three items from the silent auction, a bottle of limoncello and some really bad dancing, I was completely hammered. Bella was trying to teach my bosses to do the Electric Slide and the only one getting it was Marcus. I was too busy laughing hysterically at Stephen Romani, the third partner, who absolutely no rhythm. Even with Bella trying to walk him through the steps, he just kept stumbling over his feet.

"Last dance, folks," said the DJ. "Find the one you love and hold them close."

The guitar strains of Eric Clapton's 'Wonderful Tonight' filled the ballroom. I walked over to Bella and took her in my arms. Shegiggled, wobbling on her feet. "Are you saying you love me, Edward?" she giggled.

"You're my date. I'm dancing with you," I said, holding her up. She was really shaky on her heels. She stumbled, laughing loudly as I stopped her from falling by catching her. "Arms around my neck, Bella."

"Kay," she smiled, her fingers finding my hair. "Tonight was a lot of fun, Edward."

"It was. The most fun I'd had in a long time," I said quietly. "Thanks for coming with me."

"Thanks for inviting me," she giggled, snuggling against my chest. "Hmmm, you smell sooooooo good, Edward. Like honey, sunshine and sea breezes."

"What? Sea breezes?"

"You do! With he-who-shall-not-be-named, he smelled like sweat socks, Fritos, pot and BO," she grumbled.

"Yeah, um, ewww. Don't ever mention that again. I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit," I said, leaning my cheek on her soft, curly hair. Inhaling deeply, I could smell the light fragrance of strawberries, sunflowers and vanilla. Her body was pressed against me and it made me yearn for this all of the time.

Why not with her? Bella's an amazing girl. Your mom and Alice have been telling you that since you moved in together.

I don't want to lose my best friend.

But you want a girlfriend. Kill two birds with one stone.

I need more booze.

The last dance finished up and a bunch of the associates decided to go to the bar. Bella wanted to go. I got our coats, the silent auction items and went down to the bar, ordering some Jaeger bombs and pints of beer. After an hour, I couldn't feel my face and Bella was swaying on her feet. Calling the limo, we left the bar and waited for our ride. With each passing moment, I was getting sadder and sadder.

Tonight had been the best night I'd had.

While I was waiting for the limo with Bella leaning against me, I came to the realization that my life was pathetic. I was lonely and I wanted a girlfriend. I wanted more. I wanted someone to share my life with. When the limo pulled up, I helped Bella into the backseat and held her against my chest.

"You're awfully quiet, Edward," she slurred. Looking up at me, she tried to push my face into a smile. "Why so glum?"

"It's nothing," I said.

"Bullshit. You wouldn't have the sullen Cullen pout if it were nothing," she quipped. "Tell me."

Huffing out a breath, I looked at her and frowned. "I'm lonely, Bells. Tonight has been amazing and being with you, even if it was just for pretend, was a cruel reminder that I do not have a girlfriend and that I don't have a life. My job is my life and I wantmore out of it. I want a girl to share everything with me, to make love to, to spoil...I'm lonely, horny as fuck and just downright miserable, Bells."

Bella stared at me and her eyes were searching mine. Then, she lifted her dress and straddled my lap. Her fingers tangled into my hair as her mouth descended onto mine. Hungrily she kissed me, her tongue plundering my mouth. Pulling back, she stared at me again. "Being as I'm such an awesome friend and all, let's have a little fun tonight. Fuck me, Edward," she growled, her lips crashing against me.

I'm drunk but not this drunk. Do I want this? Feeling Bella rock over my cock, I moaned loudly. My hands reached up and ran my fingers along her smooth skin on her back. We were kissing each other with a passion that I never knew existed. Bella's lipsmoved from mine and she kissed down my jaw, capturing my ear. "Fuck me, Edward. Help me remember what a real man can do..."

I was gone, completely lost in this vixen writhing on my lap. I had no other choice but to say, "Fuck, yes."

A/N: It should go without saying that the next chapters will be all lemons. Five chapters. Lemons. All in Bella's point of view because she needs to remember what a man is capable of doing...With lemons come pervy pic teasers. THOSE will be posted on my tumblr only. Grins evilly...strap yourselves in, kids. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

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