Chapter One Hundred Three

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Also ~ I know a number of you are pissed that Bella's insecurities are becoming too much. I've been inundated with negative reviews.

I get it.

But saying that this is the worst Bella ever? That hurt. I'm a firm believer that if you do not have anything good to say, don't say it at all. Constructive criticism, I welcome, but bashing my characters or belittling my writing style? That cutsto the quick. If you don't like it. Don't read it. Simple as that.

Chapter 103


"Okay, Bells. Enough with the heavy. There's gotta be something about your relationship with my brother that has you completely head over heels," Alice said as we finished our meals. "Tell me! But keep it out the bedroom, please."

"Well, all this week, he's been making my lunches for me. Like, making my lunches. Complete with hot meals and sweet little notes," I blushed. I pulled out one of his most recent notes since it had made my heart sputter and I nearly sobbed in the staff lunch room. "Read this."

Alice quickly scans the note and she grabs her chest, giving me such a warm look. "Oh, Bella. My brother can give Mr. Darcy a run for his money."

"Imagine reading this as you're eating leftover spaghetti and meatballs," I said, taking the note back and placing it in my wallet. However, I took it out and re-read it.

My dearest Bella,

It's after eleven and I feel so badly that I wasn't home tonight. Research ran away from me. I'll tell you more when I see your beautiful face tomorrow night. However, I wanted to give you something to make you smile. I can't claim this. I'm no poet. Writing a deposition or cross-examining a witness, no big deal. Being a lovey-dovey and romantic with my words...that's your department.

But, I have to try...

Your beauty overwhelms me
As I wrap my arms around you
I press your softness tight
Great passion fills my inner being
I'm captured in your embrace
Your eyes control my very soul
The touch of your lips, heaven
Forever frozen in time
All else fades into nothing

I thank Udiah from PoetHunter (dot) com. He or she expressed what I feel about you, my pretty girl. Know that a kiss from your lips is like a taste of heaven and that the most beautiful creature in the world to me.

Even though you're asleep, I have to kiss you tonight because I need that heaven.


Love, Edward

"When I saw him last night, he said that he stayed up to make me my lunch. Well, defrosted my lunch. He cooked some of my spaghetti sauce and made pasta to go along with it," I said. "He even sent me flowers at school! I got called down to the office and there was this gorgeous spring bouquet on the front counter. It had every different color of purple."

"My brother is amazing," Alice smiled, leading me to one of her favorite shops. "He obviously is doing all of this because he cares about you. He cares a lot." She led me to some of the racks, holding various dresses. "Why don't you get somethingsexy to show him that you feel the same?"

"Perhaps something in purple?" I giggled.

"You read my mind," Alice said, searching through the dresses for the perfect purple dress. We searched all throughout the store, not finding what Alice had envisioned. Three stores later, we finally got it. Well, Alice got it. I nearly fell off the bench in the dressing room when Alice told me how much it cost. It was a Hervé Léger Ombré dress that started a slate gray and changed to a deep plum. It hugged my curves and made me feel sexy. But, paying $600 for a dress was downright ludicrous. "Bella, it looks so hot on you! My brother will barely be able to keep his hands off you. I'm buying this dress for you because I want to see Edward lose his shit."

"Alice," I whined.

"Look at yourself, Bells. Imagine being on Edward's arm, wearing this. I'm not taking no for an answer," she said, smacking my ass. "Get dressed. We've got to accessorize this bad boy. And this?" Alice smacked my bra strap. "Will not do in this dress. How do you feel about going commando?"

A/N: Okay, I lied. Easter will be coming up, but first, Edward, Bella, Jasper and Alice are going to have some fun. *Smirks evilly*... Picture of Bella's dress is on my tumblr, blog and Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. It's also on twitter, too: tufano79. Leave me some.

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