Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I sat on the bench, overlooking the lake until my phone started vibrating on my arm. Checking the screen, it was Bella. Grimacing, I knew I had to go back and face the music, but I was afraid of what was going to happen. The entire dynamic of our relationship had changed.

We were no longer just friends.

We had crossed that threshold and we'd seen each other naked.

And based off my alcohol induced, foggy brain, I definitely liked what I saw. Bella was just as I suspected, curvy in all of the right places. Her breasts were large and begging for my mouth. Her waist was tiny, accented by that amazing belly ring that glittered in the moonlight that filled my room. Her hips were flared away from her waist and between her thighs was the most amazing pussy. I was honestly shocked when I pulled down her panties before I licked her sex. She had a patch of curls just above her folds, but she was bare beneath there. I only thought women in the porn industry waxed but Bella obviously did. Her skin between her legs was smooth and...

"Stop it, Cullen!" I growled. Tugging my hat back on, I answered the phone. But it was too late. Bella's call had gone through to voicemail. "Great, she probably thinks I'm avoiding her." I sent her a quick text.

Went for a run. Needed to sweat off some of those toxins from last night. You want some hangover food? ~ E

She didn't respond. I knew she was probably angry with me. Hell, I'm angry with me. I should have stayed and face the music as opposed to running off like a complete pansy. I ran back to the neighborhood, stopping by our favorite greasy spoon to pick up an omelet for Bella. With the food in hand, I walked briskly back to my apartment, terrified of what was waiting for me.

Unlocking the door, I smelled coffee and my own stomach snarled in hunger. I walked slowly into the kitchen where Bella was wearing a pair of yoga pants and my tuxedo shirt from last night. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun on top of her head as she sipped from her coffee mug and read the Sunday newspaper. "We're in the paper," she said, pushing the paper toward me.

I looked at the picture and it was of me and Bella, dancing closely and looking very much like a couple. The caption underneath read, 'Edward Cullen, an associate from Denali, Volturi and Romani, dances with his beautiful girlfriend at the annual benefit for women and children that were victims of domestic violence.' It was a gorgeous picture and it did look like we were in love as opposed to being just friends.

"Good photo," I mumbled, putting the food from the diner onto the counter. "I brought you breakfast."

"I've already eaten," she said dismissively, taking the paper back from me, flipping the page.

"Oh," I said intelligently. I sat down at the breakfast bar, taking out Bella's omelet, eating it for myself. She poured me a cup of coffee and pointedly ignored me. It was awkward and I hated it. Pushing the food away, I looked up at her. "Are we going to ignore what happened last night?"

She turned to me, narrowing her eyes. "We can, if that's your choice."

"No, Bells," I said, tossing my hat onto the counter and thrusting my hands into my hair. "We need to talk about what happened. Obviously, it changed our relationship."

"It did, Edward," she said quietly, hopping up onto the counter. "But it doesn't have to be a bad thing."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"From what I remember, which is not much since I was drunker than a skunk, we had the best sex ever," she said, arching a brow. "Fuck, I remember you making me explode with one swipe of your fingers on the staircase!"

Kissing her and pulling her panties aside. Feeling her soft, wet pussy as she crumbled in my arms. I gulped, looking up at her. "You remember it, don't you?" she asked.

"I do," I said. "But, Bells, I don't want this to jeopardize our friendship. Yes, we had one night of amazing, toe-curling, orgasmic-inducing sex. If I had a choice between that and maintaining our friendship, I choose our friendship, Bells. I cannot lose that."

"I don't want to lose that either," she said, crawling on the counter and plopping in front of me. Her legs were on either side of my torso. Like last night while you slid in and out of her tight...STOP IT! "Focus, Cullen. Don't be going to trips to Lustyville."

"I didn't," I scoffed.

"You're wearing work out pants. I can see the monster growing," she said, arching a brow. "Edward, I have a proposal for you..."

A/N: Slight cliffie...You know what she's going to ask, right? Right? Leave me some!

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