Chapter One Hundred Five

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 105


Dinner was amazing but highly overpriced. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw a glimpse of the check. Our meal was the equivalent of my paycheck. Edward signed for it without batting an eyelash. After dinner, we drove to The Mid, parking in a garage across the street. I handed Edward my ID and credit card, not wanting to carry a purse in the club. He slipped them into his wallet, stashing his jacket in the trunk of his car.

All throughout our meal, Edward had his hands on me. His eyes were black with desire and he kept teasing me. I was on fire from his touches along my thighs and his wet, open-mouthed kisses along my jaw. Each time Edward touched me, Alice would bounce in her chair. The way he was touching me was sexy, dominating and hot, but still sweet in his own way. Despite his hunger for me, his eyes still twinkled behind his glasses and the respect he had for me was there.

It's more than respect, chickadee...The boy loves you!

Once inside the club, Jasper and Edward went to go get something to drink while Alice and I commandeered a table. It was still early and the club was not really full. However, based on the conversations from the nearby wait staff, it was destined to be a packed night.

"I can't believe how affectionate Edward is being," Alice said, leaning over. "I've never seen him like that."

"He's never been like that, either. I like it," I blushed, looking at him. He was leaning casually against the bar, waiting for our orders. "He's up to something and I honestly can't wait."

"I bet you can't. I know I said that I didn't want to know about my brother's sex life, but girl, you are going to get fucked and fucked hard tonight!" she laughed, hugging me to her side. "You might not even make it to a bed."

"We might not make it home," I snorted, appraising Edward. He looked like sin. His clothes tailored to his body and knowing what was underneath it. He turned to look at me, giving me a sexy, crooked grin. I responded in kind, my panties long since been ruined from the sexual teasing he'd done all night. A few moments later, Edward and Jasper came back with a small tray of shots and drinks for all of us.

"I want to propose a toast," Jasper said, handing out the Jaeger bombs. "To good friends, family and love!"

"Here, here!" Edward smiled, sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"To new relationships," I said quietly, looking up at Edward. He smiled at me softly, kissing my lips before we all clinked our glasses. We downed our shots and I coughed. Edward chuckled, rubbing my bare back. "Yeah, I'm not having another one of those."

"Me neither. I have to drive us home," he said, his voice low and rough.

"Come on, Jas! Let's dance," Alice squealed, dragging Jasper away from the table. The club was filled with a deep bass sound, pumping all throughout the building, making our insides rattle.

"Do you want to dance?" Edward asked, his thumb caressing my spine.

"This isn't dancing. It's imitating sex," I deadpanned. Edward turned and looked at the dance floor. Couples were draped over each other with hips grinding. "Not sex. Fucking."

"So, I could fuck you on that dance floor?" he purred. "No one would be none the wiser."

"You want to fuck me on the dance floor?" I asked, arching a brow.

"I just want to fuck," he said, his nose tracing my earlobe. "Seeing you in this's doing things to my body that aren't legal. It makes me want to strip you bare and have you right on this table, screaming my name."

"Edward," I panted. "God, I don't know what's with you tonight, but you're driving insane with this dirty talk."

"A good insane or bad insane?" he chuckled, his lips finding the sensitive spot behind my ear. "I can stop if you want me to."

"Please don't," I pleaded. "Let's just say that my brand new thong is ruined from your honeyed voice and aggressive behavior."

"Ruined?" he asked, his eyes alight with passion. "Prove it. Take them off, pretty girl. I want a souvenir of our night together. Because, tonight is going to be unforgettable, baby."

"Here? You want me to take off my panties here?" I squeaked.

"No, silly girl," he laughed, his hand tracing up my thigh. "Though, that would drive me wild. Go to the bathroom and remove that ruined thong and bring it back to me. Do not touch yourself because I want to feel how wet you are. Can you do that for me, Bella?" I nodded, staring into his hooded eyes. "Go, baby. I'll be waiting for you."

A/N: Can we say Hornyward? Leave me some! Oh, and we're switching gears to Edward...his pervy mind is taking over.

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