Chapter Fifteen

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fifteen


With Alice's help, we determined that the mermaid style dress, followed by an a-line gown were my best bets. I was torn between a halter top and strapless. Alice was adamant that a strapless would be timeless because a halter top screamed cheap. At least with a strapless, I could wear a bra. And when you've got C to D cup boobs, a bra is a necessity and definitely not optional.

I don't want to be wiggling for all of Edward's co-workers.

Strapless it is, kids.

The rest of the week, thankfully, went by uneventfully. I spent most nights at school, planning for the rest of the semester. I got home, on average, at eight at night. Edward gave me shit about being more of a workaholic than he was this week. I just needed something to focus my mind off the constant barrage of stress of my breakup with Paul and my overactive imagination of Edward finding my clitoris.

I started having sex dreams, featuring my best friend.

Talk about weird.

The first time it happened, the night I tried on dresses at Alice's shop, I was completely squicked out. Edward's tongue between my legs?

The next night, I had an orgasm in my sleep. Apparently my dreams were desperate to get me some action. I also got myself off when I woke up that morning since I felt unsated.

Every night since then, I'd have the same erotic dream and I needed them to stop.

Did I?

Being a quivering mess and imagining it was the man who think of as a brother doing it just...there are no words, people. None.

The next week, we only had two days for work. We had a five day Thanksgiving break and I know I was in need of some time away from my students. My kids were awesome, but I needed five days where I didn't need to think, really. So, on Tuesday night, Edward and I were driving out to his parent's mansion in Glenview to spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with themfor Thanksgiving. We were driving back on Friday night so Alice could spend Saturday morning making me gorgeous for thebenefit at the apartment.

She was going to need a lot of spackle.

Getting home from work on Tuesday, I packed my bag and made sure I had grading to work on along with new books loaded up on my Nook. I also packed several bottles of wine and made sure I had my grammie's recipe for chestnut stuffing. If I was coming to Thanksgiving, Esme always insisted that I make this stuffing since it was so much better than hers. I was waiting for Edward, playing some inane game on Facebook when he breezed into the house. "I know, I know. I'm late," he grumbled, tossing his overcoat and briefcase onto the chair. "Felix and I had a meeting with the attorney representing the insurance fraudwoman. She claims she's in the hospital, but our private eye saw her working out at a gym in the burbs. We're trying to force her into court. If she's not there on Monday, she'll be held in contempt."

"Relax, Edward. Go upstairs, change and we'll get to your parent's place when we get there. You're family knows your schedule," I soothed.

"Ten minutes. I'll be ready in ten minutes," he said, darting up the stairs to his bedroom. I snorted in disbelief. Edward was such a girl that I doubted he would be ready in ten minutes. He had to make sure that his socks coordinated with his shirt and that his boxers matched his pants. Plus, he had his whole hair regimen. Shampoo, conditioner, pomade and hair spray. Checking my watch, I settled in for a half-hour, if not longer.

Shockingly enough, Edward was only twenty minutes. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and an argyle sweater. He was carrying a pair of Chucks and socks that coordinated with his sweater. I rolled my eyes. "Can I have your keys? I'm going tostart loading up the car, Edward."

"I can do it. Let me just put on my shoes and socks," he said, tugging on his socks.

"I'm just trying to alleviate your stress. I am fully capable of lugging out our overnight bags to your precious Volvo," I giggled. "Or do you not trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you. It's them that I don't trust," he said, waving vaguely out the front bay window. "Besides, the last time you tried carrying something out to the car, you ended up falling and jacking up your wrist. Do you want to run the risk of beinglater because I have to take you to Lake Shore?"

"Are you saying I'm clumsy?" I barked.

"Bella, I love you but yes, you are the clumsiest human being on the face of the planet. I sincerely hope that Alice is making sure your dress is short enough that you can wear flats and not heels," Edward laughed.

"I hate you, Edward Anthony Cullen," I snarled, walking up to him and smacking him on the head. "My clumsiness is endearing. Perhaps I can find a 'Prince Charming' who wants to protect me from my losing battle with gravity." I swooned and Edward, as always hopped to catch me. "Until now, you'll do, Cullen."

"Why am I still friends with you?" he asked, righting me.

"Because I'm the shit and I make sure you eat," I said, poking his flat tummy.

"Nope, that's not it," he snorted, pulling on his leather coat from the closet.

"For that, you get to carry all of this crap. On your own. I'm going to sit in the front seat of your car and completely rearrange your presets," I said, swiping the keys from his palm and dashing out of the apartment.


A/N: I like this Bella. She's a smart ass. But, can you say denial!! It ain't a river in Egypt, you know. Anyhow, pictures of Carlisle and Esme's home will be up on my blog and tumblr after chapter sixteen. Up next will be Edward's POV and we'll meet Rosalie. She is going to be a piece of work. Just sayin...Leave me some!

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