Chapter Eighty-Three

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Eighty-Three


After the sunset, Edward and I went back to the hotel. We were covered in sand and grime from our explorations of the Grand Canyon. Our reservations were in a few hours and I needed to get ready for our date, plus take a nap. Edward must have had the same idea as me. He dragged me to the bed and curled around me. "Sleep," he mumbled, putting his head on my stomach.

"I feel gross, Edward. We're covered in sand and dust!" I giggled.

"Bells, I'm worn out from the sun and I could care less about the ickyness," he snickered, pressing a kiss behind my ear. "And don't think that it's escaped me that you've been yawning since like four. How much sleep did you get last night?"

"Um?" I replied, wrinkling my nose.

"Exactly. Sleep. Cuddle. Shower later," he grunted, burying his nose into my hair and almost immediately drifting off. I decided to not fight it and let my body relax completely, falling asleep almost as quickly as Edward. Our nap didn't last nearly as long as I had hoped. My alarm went off and I dragged myself away from Edward's arms. He grumbled as I slipped over him, but I kissed his forehead before darting into the bathroom to quickly shower off the dust from our adventures. I was finally clean but incredibly dry. I spent a fair amount of time slathering my body down with lotion since the air was so arid.

I finished putting on my lotion and then put on some light makeup. My hair, I let fall down over my shoulders in waves, with some assistance with my mousse. Puckering my lips for a brief kiss, I walked back into the bedroom. Edward was still sleeping, his nose buried in a pillow. I chuckled at his sleeping form before grabbing my summery dress that I had picked out for tonight. It was a white halter dress with a black sheer overlay with black piping. I put on a pair of black panties but decided on not putting on a bra since I didn't grab a strapless and wearing a regular bra wasn't an option.

"Hmmm, you look so sexy, Bells," Edward said, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Thanks," I smirked, cocking a hip. "You're looking a little disheveled."

"I was sleeping hard," he chuckled, getting out of the bed. His eyes were a little red from sleeping with his contacts in. "What time are our reservations?"

"Eight. You've got a half hour before we have to head down to the dining room," I said, giving him a smile. He nodded, walking to me and kissing my forehead. With a growl, he smacked my ass before disappearing in the bathroom. I watched some television while Edward got dressed. When he walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel, I whimpered quietly. I was willing that towel to fall to the ground.

Edward must have noticed me staring because he grabbed his dark wash jeans and white button down, ducking back into the bathroom. Damn it.A few moments later, Edward came back out wearing his clothes that made him look like a sin. "Bella, you've got to stop eyeing me like you're about to rip off all my clothes."

"What? You're sexy as fuck," I shrugged. "And with the touch of color? Hmmm, I'm in need of new panties."

"Behave, Swan. You're the one who wanted to take things slowly," he chided, spraying some cologne on his body before he slipped on his watch. "And I'm in agreement. Bells, our sexual relationship has fire. I want to make our actual relationship have that same intensity. Being friends has helped, but a lot of what we're experiencing is residual sexual tension. The drive was amazing and today has been the best day I've had. Ever. I want to keep things along the same vein. I'm looking forward to tonight. Thank you for arranging this." He walked over to me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"I am sorry for being so stupid," I muttered, toying with his buttons on his shirt. "I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop,Edward. I'm terrified that you're going to change into..."

"Bella, how long have you known me?" he asked, tipping my chin up to look into his eyes.

"A little over ten years."

"Have I changed dramatically in those ten years?" he pressed, kissing my nose.

"Other than showing me your temper yesterday and demonstrating some fuckhot sexual prowess, no," I answered.

"And I do apologize for being such an angry drunk yesterday. I shouldn't have snapped at you. In regards to the sexual prowess, I'll just smile and nod since I really have no idea what the hell I'm doing," he chuckled.

"Yeah, and I'm a natural blonde," I teased. "Edward, you are an amazing lover."

He blushed, kissing my lips. "I just did things that felt right, Bells. I wanted to see you lose all control and just feel," he replied. "And I really liked your responsiveness to my touch, my fingers, my tongue..."

"Edward," I moaned. "We need to go or else, this dress will be on the floor and I'll be begging for your touch, your fingers and your tongue, not to mention your cock."

"Sorry, baby," he chuckled. "Now, let's enjoy this romantic dinner you've arranged for us."

"Kay," I said, grabbing my purse. "Oh and dinner's on me."

A/N: The's coming. I swear! Next chapter will be some conversation, minor foreplay, possessiveward and then the following chapter, a nice little lime. Leave me some!

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