Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 122


When I woke up, I was in my bed. My bed. Shooting up, I looked around and tried figure what was going on. The clock indicated it was well after two in the morning. I was dressed in one of Edward's dress shirts and a pair of panties. How did I not wake up?

I dragged my body out from underneath my sheets and padded to Edward's bedroom. His bed was still made but I did hear the faint clicking on a keyboard downstairs. I walked to the main level, finding Edward typing on his laptop with his glasses shoved up in his messy hair. "What happened?" I asked.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," Edward chuckled.

"I woke up in my bed," I frowned, walking to him and burying my nose into his shoulder.

"I tried to wake up you for dinner but you wouldn't budge," Edward said, kissing my forehead. "Hell, you barely moved when I carried you upstairs and changed you into your sexy pajamas." His warm hand slid up my thigh and he squeezed my ass. "I know that you've had a rough couple of days and you needed sleep."

"Speaking of which, why aren't you asleep?" I asked.

"I think I slept enough for a year this week," Edward chuckled. "I tried to go to relax, but no dice. I figured I'd catch up on the shit ton of work I have accumulated while I was out."

"It never stops for you, does it?" I frowned, looking at the files on the kitchen counter.

"No, and I like it that way. You know how I am when I get bored," he smirked. "Either I eat compulsively or spend money on the most random shit. Remember when I get the tread climber?"

"Oh, that eye sore in your bedroom?" I retorted, wrinkling my nose. "I'm so glad you sold that thing. You run. Why would you need that stair stepper/treadmill/elliptical thing for people with bad joints?"

"A moment of weakness," he shrugged. "Are you hungry? I can heat you up a plate?"

"Nah. I was just very confused and very lonely," I pouted.

"I don't want to keep you up for another night, Bells," he replied, cupping my face. "Obviously since you crashed on the couch and wouldn't wake up despite my very sweet ways of trying to wake you..."

"What did you do?"

"I kissed you," he blushed, giving me his warm smile. "You kissed me back but you wouldn't budge, pretty girl. You obviously need to sleep. Having me next to you, unable to do so or coughing up my right lung is not conducive to you sleeping. Come on. Let's tuck you back in and you go back to sleep." He traced underneath my eyes. "You need it."

"Are you saying I have dark circles?"

"You're still gorgeous, but you do look like you went a few rounds with Mike Tyson," Edward answered. I snorted, rolling my eyes. He threaded his fingers with mine, leading me up the stairs and to my bedroom. Helping me into bed, he lay down next to me, wrapping his arms around my body. "Close your eyes, pretty girl. Get some rest."

I nodded, not wanting to fight the overwhelming exhaustion that washed over me.I guess I really was tired. Edward gently rubbed his hand along my back as I snuggled on his chest. Just before I was pulled under, I could a dreamy voice. I knew it was Edward, but it didn't sound real.

"Sleep, my love. You deserve it for taking care of me. I am so grateful for you, my Bella. I love you..."

What? He can't truly mean's just a dream. Fluffy bunnies...rainbows...naked Edwards...hmmm, I like that.

A/n: He admitted but Bella thinks she's dreaming. Leave me some lovin!

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