Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 134


I showered again before going to the gynecologist. I felt dirty and probably will for a long time thanks to the ex. I cringed as I waited for my appointment. When my name was called, I went through the rigmarole of giving a urine sample and a blood sample. I tried to keep myself conscious with the blood sample. I hated needles.

In the examination room, I stripped naked, wrapping myself in a gown. My doctor, an older woman, toddled inside. "Bella, I was surprised to see your name on my roster today. Is everything alright?"

"I need to get a full work up for STDs," I cringed. "I just found out my ex-boyfriend had several while we were dating and neverinformed me."

"We've tested you before, but I can definitely put your mind at ease. I'm also going to run a pregnancy test to be safe, too," she said as she readied the items for my tests. Twenty minutes later, she said that I looked perfectly healthy. Plus, the blood test indicated that I wasn't pregnant. My other tests would take a couple of days to get the results in but she didn't foresee a problem. While I was there, she also gave me my Depo shot. It was due in a couple of weeks anyway. "How did you find out about the ex?"

"I ran into someone we both knew and she was grumbling about going through treatment for chlamydia. She said she got it from Paul," I said.

"He may not know he's transmitting it," my doctor said. "Have you told him? When was the last time you were intimate with Paul?"

"I haven't spoken with him since before October. The last time we had sex was about eight months ago, but we used protection," I said, shuddering. "I don't care to speak to him, either. I'm only doing my due diligence to make sure that I'm safe."

She sighed, nodding. "Okay. Now, I would hold off on having any sexual contact with anyone until you get the all clear. I'm fairlycertain that you are fine, but you'd rather err on the side of caution. Right?"

"Yeah," I replied. She patted my arm and said that I was free to go. I would get a phone call when my results came in, hopefully, with good news.

I went to the store after my appointment and picked up makings for pasta sauce. I wanted to make this for Edward as an apology for my exploding at him. I had no reason to defend Paul or to make Edward feel badly about what he did. In fact, he was helping fifty girls get their revenge against Paul. He did unspeakable things to these girls, even having a child with one of them. It made me sick. It disgusted me. I would be hard pressed to not kick Paul's ass if I ever saw him on the street. He was a monster. A predator. I was proud of Edward and his actions. He was finally doing what he went to school to do, to help people, the underdogs.

Back at the house, began making the gravy. I had a couple of hours before my appointment with Elsa. I had everything in the sauce and put to simmer. Making sure that everything was okay, I hailed a cab and got to the office shortly before three. Filling out the paperwork, I sat down in the uncomfortable chairs. I perused Pinterest on my phone, trying to find unique things for Alice's black and white wedding on New Year's Eve.

"Isabella Swan?" called a young woman with white blonde hair that was braided over her shoulder.

"That's me," I replied, pocketing my phone and walking to the petite woman. "I'm Bella."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Elsa Berggen," she said, giving me a warm smile as she held out her hand. We shook and she led me into a comfy, cozy office with a large sofa that was covered with mounds of pillows. I sat down, making myself comfortable. "Now, tell me a little bit about yourself, Bella."

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