Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Three

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 123


Edward drove me to work the next day. I had slept past my alarm and was running very late. I was grateful, though, it was Friday and the weekend was just around the corner. During my plan period, Alice called me and asked if I wanted to go wedding dress shopping with her, Esme and Jasper's mom, Barb. I was feeling better and said that I'd go, only if it was in the afternoon since this week had not been the easiest. Alice whined, saying that she wanted to hit a ton of wedding shops, but Iwas adamant on not spending my entire weekend shopping after I nursed her brother back to health and I was now fighting my own funk.

After school on Friday, Edward picked me up and we drove to my favorite diner. He had gone into the office for the morning, to check on something that had been brewing while he was gone, but he took the afternoon. He still had a pretty nasty-sounding cough and a deep baritone voice, but for the most part was almost a hundred percent.

We went home after we ate some good old comfort food. Edward stopped at Walgreens, picking up a few DVDs from the Red Box that we could watch at home. I got through one movie but was getting sleepy during the second. Again, I was carried up to my room and slept on my own.

The next morning, Edward slipped into my room and said that he was going to try and go running. I nodded, wishing him luck and cuddled back into the comforter. I loved my bed. Soooooo comfy. However, my rest didn't last very long since my cellphone began ringing off the hook. I tried to ignore it, but it would ring almost immediately after it stopped. Damn it.Picking up my phone, I saw Alice's number.

"Why? Alice, I asked if we could go in the afternoon. This week has sucked," I whined into the phone.

"Bella, it's after eleven. You need to get up since the first appointment is at one," Alice countered. "I'm on my way."

"Why did I say yes to this shopping excursion?" I grumped.

"Because you love me and you don't want to wear a neon pink hooker dress for my wedding," she snorted. "I'm using my key to get in. Shower up, chickie!"

I couldn't respond because she hung up. "I just want to rest," I grumbled, falling back on my pillows. With a sigh, I heaved my body out of bed and padded to the bathroom. I showered quickly, washing my hair and body. When I was done, Alice was perched on my bed. She handed me some clothes, which were, thankfully, comfortable.

"Bella, I love you like a sister, but you look like crap," Alice said, wrinkling her nose.

"Have you spoken to your brother lately?" I asked. "The one I'm living with?"

"No," she replied.

"Well, he's been sicker than a dog and I spent most of the week taking care of him. It all caught up with me on Thursday and I'm still not feeling a hundred percent," I retorted. "I know I don't have what Edward had, but I'm coming down with something. Too little sleep, working way too hard and just being run down in general, it's a lethal combination for illness. That's why I wanted to wait until the afternoon."

"I'm sorry, Bells. Is Edward better?"

"He's on the upswing, but he still has an awful cough which is why I slept in here," I explained, gesturing to my bedroom. "I may not be able to last all day, but I'll certainly try. Don't give me grief if I have to come home. I have no more sick days due to my fall and I don't want to be docked pay."

"You didn't get workman's comp or something?" Alice asked. "It happened at school."

"I did get something. A week of my medical leave was covered by workman's comp. The rest was covered by my sick days. Thankfully, I don't really get sick," I said, giving her a sardonic grin. She nodded. I put on some very simple makeup before turning to her. "Now, let's go get you a dress. Where are going first?"

"Belle Vie Bridal Couture and then Dimitra's Bridal Couture," Alice responded, handing me my purse. "Edward is being commandeered by the guys to look at tuxedos. Jas is asking him to be his best man today."

"Doesn't Jasper have an older brother?" I asked. "Josh or Jerry or Jedickiah?"

"Jeremiah and Jasper is not close with him. He's going to stand up for my man, but it was painful to watch him ask him to do that. Jeremiah hates the fact that Jasper left Texas and his family," Alice said, her voice angry. "Jeremiah thinks I'm a whoreand a bitch and has told Jasper that if he marries me that they will no longer be brothers because I'm a 'Yankee.'"

"Please don't make me walk down the aisle with Jeremiah," I frowned.

"Don't worry, Bells. You're my MOH. You'll be walking with my brother," Alice giggled.


"Maid. Of. Honor," Alice explained slowly, like I was a child. "Duh." Tugging on my arm, she led me downstairs to her car. I was still scratching my head. I was supposed to know that?

A/N: Shopping time! I will have a few pictures of the shops they're going to along with Alice's wedding dress and Bella's bridesmaid dress. Leave me some!

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