Chapter Fourteen

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fourteen


After work the next day, I hopped in a cab to go to Alice's shop. Alice owned a clothing store on Belmont that featured her own designs. She used part of her trust fund to open the store and quickly Alice became the go-to shop for funky but classic looking clothing. Most of the young television anchors used Alice for their clothing. She took traditional pieces and made themdifferent with a unique stitch, some sort embroidery or a different fabric you'd expect. I loved Alice's clothes. I got a fair amount of freebies because I walked in several of her fashion shows. Alice was against just using tall, statuesque models to display her designs. She wanted to prove to the world that anyone could wear her clothing. And me, being slightly chunky, short and withtits and an ass, definitely displayed the versatility of her pieces.

Okay, I'm not that chunky. As Edward put it that one night. I'm curvy. In all of the right places.

Why are you thinking about that?

Shifting my bags, I stepped into the shop and was immediately assaulted by Alice's assistant, Jane. "Hi! Welcome MAB Designs," she said in her nasally voice. I removed my hat, looking at Jane. "Oh, it's you. The one who never buys shit."

"Nice to see you to, Janey-poo," I said in a baby-like voice. "One of the perks of being a friend. Where's Alice?"

"Arguing with some vendor in her office. They sent the wrong color fabrics for her spring line," Jane replied blandly. "She told me to tell you to go on back."

"Thanks, Jane," I said, weaving through the racks of clothing. Punching in the code to the back office, I dumped my coat, messenger bag and lunch bag onto the floor. Picking up my cell phone, I walked to where Alice was arguing heatedly with someone in French. While she was trying to renegotiate terms for new fabric, I flipped through her sketch book that held her ideas for her designs. I flipped to a page that had a sketch of a beautiful gown on it. Alice slammed the book and tucked it underneath her arm. She glared at me.

Okay...what the hell is her problem?

She ended her call a few moments later, still glowering at me. "You are a nosy, busybody."

"What? I wanted to get a sneak peak of the clothes I'd be wearing this spring," I shrugged. "Why did you nearly break my hand when I got to that one page?"

"Because, Isabella Marie Swan, that dress is what you're wearing to the benefit with Edward. I wanted it to be magical, sexy and made just for you," she said, arching a brow.

"You sound like you're making my wedding dress. It's not that big of a deal," I said, waving my hand airily.

"But, it is, Bella. This benefit is huge. Massive! In addition to all of the attorneys at Denali, Volturi and Romani, it's the social event of the season. You're going to hobnobbing with the mayor, the governor, and other local dignitaries. There's also a rumor that President Obama might be there! You can't wear something that's off the rack," Alice growled.

"Dear God, I'm going to embarrass Edward," I muttered, sitting down on the stool. "I'm not that girl. I'm a hick from bumfuck Washington that is trying to live the big life in Chicago."

"Bella, you're going to be fine. Just smile, use big words and don't drink a lot of champagne."

"That's what I was looking forward to. Free top-shelf liquor," I moaned, thrusting my hands into my curly hair. Huffing out a distressed breath, I picked up my cell phone.

You are in huge trouble, Cullen! THE SOCIAL EVENT OF THE SEASON! I swear to GOD! I'm going to embarrass you and you'll kick me out of the apartment ~ B

Bella, you're not going to embarrass me and I'd never kick you out. It'll be fun. And I'm so going to kill my sister ~ E

"Edward's going to kill you," I said, arching a brow at her.

"He did ask me to not tell you that it was a big deal," she giggled. "But, you need to know. Would you rather go into the benefit knowing it was something more or fly in blind?"

"Knowing. Definitely knowing. At least, this way, I can read up on social graces and etiquette before sitting down at a table with thirty forks and fifty glasses," I said. "Now, are we going to try on dresses or you banking on whatever you got hidden in that sketch book of yours?"

"We're going to try on dresses, if anything, so I can see what style fits the best. I think I know, but I want to make sure," Alicesaid, tossing me a strapless bra. "Down to your skivvies, Swan."

A/N: Please vote for the dress you want Bella to wear for the benefit. We've got some time before the benefit, considering we have to get through Thanksgiving, but I want to know your thoughts. Leave me some!

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