Chapter Eighty-One

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Eighty-One


I couldn't sleep. I just lay in Edward's arms, content and happy. Kind of? I'd told him that wanted to try having a relationshipwith him.

It exhilarated me.

It terrified me.

Most of all, it confused me. The fact that he wanted to be with me boggled my mind. He could have anyone in the world. Most any woman would kill to be with a loving man like Edward. He was generous, tender, kind, funny, handsome, brilliant and sexy. He didn't see it, of course. In his mind, Edward still felt like the geek from high school, with lanky limbs, braces and bad acne. He wasn't, though. His confidence and self-assuredness was a huge turn on and when he took control...

I was still terrified that he would change. Almost every single guy that I dated started off being sweet and attentive, then they morphed into lazy sacks of shit. The only person who didn't go through that change was Paul. He always was a jackass, prick, dickhead. Naively, I thought I could change him. Turn him into prince charming,

That didn't happen, obviously. He stayed a warty, cranky toad with zero ambition, a tiny dick and a hairy back. Not to mention, a body odor problem. He smelled like rotten eggs with an air of Mary Jane, the cheap stuff.

And you were in denial about getting together with the hottie who smells like a proverbial rose? You're an idiot, Bella.


As I lay in his arms, I listened to Edward quietly mumble. It was incoherent, for the most part. However, he would sigh, tightening his arms around me and say my name. When he did that, his lips found my hair and he snuggled closer to me. We were so close together. Edward was wrapped around me, curling around my body, as if to protect me from whatever evil he dreamt about.

"My Bella," he whispered, his hand slipping underneath my tank top. His fingers glided along my belly until he cupped my bare breast. With a crooked grin, he buried his nose into my neck and fell into a deeper sleep, holding me to his body like I was going to disappear. I relaxed in his arms, feeling the exhaustion of the day wash over me. My eyes drooped and soon, I was indreamland.

Like my boyfriend.

Holy crap, I have a boyfriend. My boyfriend is Edward freaking Cullen.

The next morning, the alarm went off way too early. I groaned as I cracked my eyes open. I was in bed alone. What the hell? I turned off Edward's cell phone, which acted as our alarm. I listened and heard water running, indicating he was in the shower. I wanted to go into the shower with him, but that would go against my slow statute that I imparted on both of us.

He felt you up in his sleep, Bella. That goes against slow. Go in there...give him a blow job.

I ignored my snarky inner voice and got up from the bed. I emptied out my smaller carryon, packing it with some shorts, a summery dress for me and a pair of jeans for Edward for our mini excursion to the Grand Canyon. I also checked some local hotels near the Grand Canyon. I found a suite available in El Tovar Hotel. I booked it, using my credit card for tonight. I also reserved us a table at the restaurant at eight in the evening, something romantic, overlooking the Colorado River.

As I was finishing up, Edward came out of the bathroom, wearing just a towel that was slung low on his hips. With another towel, he was running it over his hair. He crawled into bed, probably to curl up around me, but he frowned when he realized I wasn't in the bed.

"Over here, babe," I giggled. He turned, narrowing his eyes at me. He found his glasses, putting them on and scowled lightly.

"I wanted to give you some extra time to sleep," he said, rolling onto his back.

"I would have, but your alarm went off," I giggled, pointing to his phone.

"Crap," he said, a frown marring his handsome features. "I'm sorry, Bells."

"It's no big deal. Besides, it gave me an opportunity to plan a surprise for you," I winked. "I've packed our bag. Are you done in the shower?"

"What did you do, Bella?" he chided.

"Nothing," I smirked. I locked my laptop before hopping up to go shower.

"Isabella Marie," Edward growled, getting up from the bed. "What is floating around in your gorgeous head?"

I just giggled as I ran to bathroom, closing the door just as Edward reached the door jamb, his towel slipping from his hips. I laughed heartily as I heard him curse. "Bella, come on!"

"It's a surprise, Edward. Let me do this for you," I whined through the door. "Please?"

"Okay," he said, resigned to whatever fate I'd arranged for us. "Does it revolve around us being half naked or fully naked?"

"No, Edward," I snorted. "Slowly, remember?"

"Swimming pool or spa, goofball," he snickered. "A hint, baby? Please?"

"Nope. You'll find out when we leave, Edward Anthony," I said, stripping out of my clothes. "No more hints until then. Got it?"

He huffed out a breath. "Yes, ma'am."

A/N: Pictures of El Tovar Hotel will be on my blog and tumblr. Leave me some lovin!

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