Chapter Eighty-Seven

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Eighty-Seven


"Edward!" boomed my brother's voice. "Have you ever been to Paris?" He obnoxiously pronounced Paree. "It's so fucking beautiful!"

"Are you drunk, Em?" I snickered.

"A little bit. I had real champagne from Champagne!"

"I thought you were on a Make a Wish trip? Why are you drinking?"

"Oh, I am on a trip, but I'm drinking because you'll never believe who fucked me over," Emmett growled. "She's blonde, bitchy and resembled Smurfette at Thanksgiving."

"Rose got you?" I frowned.

"Yep. I got a phone call from my credit card company, asking if I had spent over ten grand on women's lingerie. Who the fuck would I be buying lingerie for? And ten grand? What the fuck?" Emmett snapped. "I said no and had my card disabled, whichreally fucks me over since I'm in fucking Paris. Mom and Dad had to send me cash so I can get through the rest of my trip with this family since I have no other credit card."

"You're certain it's Rosalie?"

"Yeah. I know that she was brought up on charges of fraud and identity theft. I think your firm is representing her. I pray to fucking God that you're not her attorney," Emmett growled.

"I'm not. I was asked to sit in on the case, but when I saw the paperwork and that she was the defendant, I had to recuse myself," I cringed.

"What?! Why didn't you fucking tell me?" Emmett snarled.

"Because of this little thing called attorney-client privilege. I may not have been her lawyer, but I'm still bound by a code of ethics to not blab when I get cases like this," I said sternly. "It would be in your best interest to contact the State's Attorney or the cops when you get back, informing them of the theft. You can be added to the list of charges against her."

"Will she get off? She better not get off because if she does, her ass is grass," Emmett snarled.

"I don't think so. Based off the early research our firm completed, it doesn't look good. To put it simply, she tried to blow me in order to make the charges go away," I shuddered. "And you and I both know that Rose detests me with a passion."

"Rose tried to give you a blow job?" Emmett asked, his voice small.

"She did. Em, she's desperate," I explained. "I know you loved her, but it's clear that she was only with you for your money. I'm sorry..."

"Not as sorry as I am when I sue her ass," Emmett said, his voice turning cold. "I may not be as smart as you or as talented as Alice, but I will not be made a fool of and Rose did that. I hate her. I hate her so much." He blew out a breath. "How's your vacation? Have you and Bella kissed and made up?"

Shit! Do I tell him? Do I not?


"Emmett, are you sober enough to understand what I'm saying?" I asked.

"Dude, I'm fine. I'm pissed as hell toward Rosalie, but I'm not incompetent," he chuckled.

"You breathe one fucking word of this to anyone, I will seriously kick your ass and tell mom where you keep your porn stash," I threatened. "The good shit."

"My mouth is sealed, Edward. I promise," Emmett vowed. "Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Emmett, we're not seven year old girls," I snickered.

"DUDE! Tell me! I need hear something good. Are you finally with Bells?" Emmett pressed.

"Yes. It only took me drunkenly calling her out on her behavior and making her cry..."

Emmett growled at that. "You made Bella cry?"

"Emmett, this past few months have been hell. I called her on her bullshit, pretty much telling her how much she hurt me in her denial of her feelings for me," I explained. "Yes, I felt like an ass for making her cry, but she needed to know how I was feeling. Plus, I was three sheets to the wind anyway. When we talked, I was sober and we finally got our shit together, giving a relationship a go."

"Are you happy about this?" Emmett asked.

"I am happy but scared out of my mind. I haven't been in a relationship since Angela and you know how well that turned out," I grumbled. "She's a nun. She dumped me because my penis was too large." I rubbed my hand through my hair. "I am very happy that Bella and I are together, but what if she runs off or pulls away from me."

"My question for you, little brother, is that do you love her? Like she's your one true love. You'd walk through fire for her."

"Yeah. I may be a masochist, but I think she's the woman for me," I answered quietly, seriously. "I can't tell her though. She justgot used to the idea of us being a couple. If I say that I love her too quickly, she'll bolt."

"Show her, Edward. Out all of us, you have the most romanticized notion of love," Emmett quipped. "Alice knew she and Jasper were soul mates."

"The poor guy never stood a chance," I snickered.

"And I have yet to find my soul mate. I thought I had with Rose, but you and I both know that she was only with me for my money," Emmett growled. "I think we all knew that you would eventually be with Bella. She blended with our family so well and she was so close with you. Just let her take the lead on this. I know you want to scream it from the rooftops that you love her, but she needs to come to the realization first."

"Thanks, Em," I murmured.

"Now, you have a job. Find me a sweet girl who won't screw me over. If only Bella had a sister," he guffawed.

A/N: So, Edward loves her. Emmett is somewhat intelligent and using his brain, but will he keep the secret? Now, some info about the story...I don't think it will be as long as Mafia Princess. I'm not sure how long it will be but 200 chapters may be overkill. We'll see how it pans out. I know how I want to end it, but getting there is the problem. Additionally, by the time we get through Edward's POV, we'll be back in Chicago. Possibly...You may get another lime (the full lemons will be coming soon, I promise). We'll see.

Please, leave me some! ;-)

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