Chapter One Hundred Forty-Five

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 145


Edward and I wandered around our living room and kitchen, talking the guests for his thirtieth surprise birthday party. We ate the food that I prepared (and left explicit instructions on how to make), drank some beer and just had an amazing time. Edwardhad finally calmed down after the initial surprise and was honestly, over the moon with what I did. He kept kissing me, hugging me and telling me that he loved me as often as he could. I did sneak away at one point to put on some panties because I felt really weird walking around without any underwear on.

When I got back downstairs, I checked on the food and grabbed another beer for both Edward and me. I found him sitting on the couch, chatting with Seth and his girlfriend, Layla. Edward smiled crookedly when he saw me, pulling me into his lap. Layla was a teacher like me, but taught at the elementary level. Layla and I talked about our respective schools while Seth and Edward yammered about Paul's trial.

As we were talking, we heard a ruckus outside. There was someone on the sidewalk, slurring and clearly was drunk. The next thing I knew, our front window shattered.

"Holy shit," Edward barked, blocking me from the rain of glass. Seth moved quickly and he looked out the window.


"I cannot believe it," Seth hissed. "Paul is drunker than a skunk and standing outside of your apartment."

"BELLA, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIT! IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU THAT..." he growled, throwing more crap at our window.

"Call the cops," I said, walking toward the door, picking up my order of protection.

"Bella, don't," Edward said. "He's dangerous."

"More things to nail him with," I growled. "He vandalized our home. He's disturbing the peace and he's saying slanderous things about me. Besides, if he's as drunk as I think he is, he's about two minutes from passing out. Stay in here. I don't want you to lose your case because of me."

"Emmett," Edward growled. "Go with her."

Emmett nodded and he walked with me to the door. I stepped out onto the patio, glaring at the angry little man who was polluting my sidewalk. "It's because of me that you what? Got caught?" I snarled.

"Your fucking pretty boy boyfriend filed this bullshit suit against me. I'm not a monster," Paul hissed, stumbling over his feet. "Those girls were willing to be with me. They wanted me to fuck them."

"For what?" I spat. "Paul, are you really that delusional? You're not all that great in bed and you have a tiny, diseased dick. I mean, my pinky is bigger than you erect penis."

"You bitch," Paul growled.

"I'm a bitch. Whatever. You are a predator. A monster. You ruined the lives of so many women because of your insatiable need to get off. You are nothing but a pitiful, hateful man who deserves what he gets. I hope that..." Paul reared back and slapped me. I stumbled, glaring at him. Emmett pulled me behind his body. "Now, I can add two more things to the charges I press against you. Violating an order of protection and assault. You are pathetic and I hate you, Paul." The police arrived, the lights flashing on our street. "If anyone is worthless sack of shit, it's you."

"Miss, is this your residence?" asked the police officer. His partner handcuffed Paul and sat him down on the ground.

"Yes," I said. "This man broke our window, not to mention, violated an order of protection and hit me. He's also got an arrest warrant for statutory rape." I handed the cop the paperwork. "I want to press charges and I want his drunk, sorry ass off my property."

Eleazar walked out, pushing Emmett out of the way. "My name is Eleazar Denali and I'm representing Miss Swan. This man ischarged with statutory rape."

"What's his name?" the officer asked.

"Paul Lahote," I snarled. They typed his information into a handheld tablet. Immediately, their eyes widened. They took my statement and brought him in after my face was photographed along with the damage to the window. Eleazar said that he'd go to the police station if I needed to give a more detailed statement, acting as my attorney. Once the cops left with Paul in tow, I went back inside, running into Edward's arms.

"God, my heart was about to stammer out of my chest," he said, holding me to his body. "I wanted to run out there when he hit you...punch him back. Eleazar stopped me. Bella, don't ever do that again. I can't lose you. I love you too much." He took my face in his hands, tracing the bruise on my face.

"I had to tell him off. I had to show him that I wasn't broken because of his actions," I whispered. "Every day, I'm finally feeling stronger and closer to my normal snarky self. I'm not his 'worthless sack of shit' or a 'stupid cow.' I'm a smart, beautiful, happy woman who is finally realizing that she has found her happily ever after. I love you, Edward and I know, finally, that you are not going anywhere."

"Why would I? I'm in love with my best friend," he said, holding me in his arms.

"Me, too and I wouldn't have it any other way."

A/N: We're wrapping things up, folks. I'm thinking maybe two or three more chapters, plus an epilogue. Leave me some!

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