Chapter Seven

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Also...Edward is twenty-nine and Bella just turned twenty-four. In case you're curious.

Chapter Seven


I got home from work a little after nine. The apartment that I shared with Bella was dark. Either she was still at work or already asleep. Grabbing a beer and a slice of leftover pizza from this weekend, I checked her room. My best friend was curled up around her pillow with her glasses askew on her face. Tear stains indicated that she had had a rough night. You suck, Cullen. Instead of researching, you should have been here for her. After removing her glasses and tucking her blankets around herbody, I slipped out of her room.

Bella had been Alice's friend all throughout high school. Something about her made me want to protect Bella. She came off as being a hard ass but there was a vulnerability there that not many people saw. Alice saw it and I definitely saw it. Hell, on Friday, it was the most vulnerable I'd ever seen her. She usually bounced back quickly, but this breakup with Paul obviously was causing her distress. It made me want to kick his hipster ass. He made one of my girls cry. That shit don't fly with me.

I knew that Paul hated my guts. He always assumed that there was something more between Bella and me. Yeah, asshole. It's called a friendship. I actually care about her. Romantically, Bella and I never crossed that bridge and honestly, if we did, it may be very awkward. I saw her as a younger sibling. Yes, she was sexy, smart and snarky, but I remember her when she had braces and was in her awkward phase with acne, frizzy hair and disproportionate body.

Don't get me wrong. I love Bella. But, anything more than friendship? I don't know.

I know my mom would love it if we would get together. Mom adored Bella and more than one occasion, she'd alluded to Bella and me having babies. Bella overheard that, turning the color of a tomato and hiding the rest of the time in Alice's room. I chastised my mother for making my best friend feel uncomfortable. However, my mom is insistent that Bella and I were going to be together. Alice has the same idea. I know that Bella doesn't think of me that way and well, I'm a guy. A set of boobs and a killer smile that makes me hard.

Bella had both.

Stop thinking about Bella's tits. She's your quasi younger sister. Shower, jerk off and go to bed.

Finishing my beer, I did just that and slept hard until my alarm went off at half past four. I picked up my gym bag and the suit for the day, I headed out to work out. Before I left, I made sure to write a note to Bella on the white board on our fridge. I promised I'd be home by six for the showdown with hipster douche.

After my two hour workout, I drove to work. As per usual, I was one of the first associates in the office. I started the coffee as Iwaited for my computer to load up. "Good morning, Edward," came the resonant voice of Eleazar Denali, the man who hired me. Not to mention, my idol.

"Good morning, sir," I said. "You're in awfully early."

"I have to be at court today for a criminal case. I wanted to make sure I had all of my ducks in a row," he explained, sipping his black coffee. "I see you're going to the benefit. Two tickets. Anyone special?"

"It's really new," I said, blushing slightly.

"Does this new girl have a name?" Eleazar asked, his eyes twinkling.

"Bella! Her name is Bella," I blurted out. "I've known her for a long time and well, we decided to try dating."

"I can't wait to meet her," Eleazar beamed. "Do you have a picture?"

I took out my phone and flipped through my albums, finding a picture of Bella and me, when she insisted I take a 'selfie' of us at Alice's Halloween party. You have long arms. Take a picture of us! Smile pretty, Eddie! I was dressed as a firefighter and Bella was wearing a slinky cat costume. Her cheek was pressed to mine and we certainly looked like a couple. "Here, sir," I said, thrusting the phone into his hand.

"She's beautiful, Edward. You're a lucky man," Eleazar said, giving me back the phone.

"I am," I smiled.

"What are you doing today?" Eleazar asked.

"I was going to finish compiling the data for the workman's comp case," I answered.

"Have Clearwater do it. You take meticulous notes and he can handle compiling the information. My second chair is home witha sick kid. I need another set of eyes," Eleazar said. "Meet me in my office at eight."

I beamed stupidly. "Yes, sir!" Eleazar smacked my arm, carrying his coffee with him as he ambled away. Once he was out of the break room, I did a fist pump and danced like a moron. Sobering quickly, I poured my own cup of coffee and darted to my office. I sent an email to Seth Clearwater, explaining what he needed to do about the data I'd gathered on the woman, along with the fake doctor's bills among other things. I placed all of my research on his desk and pulled up the case that Eleazar was working on.

Today was going to be fun!

A/N: Oh, Edward...Leave me some!!

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