Chapter Ninety-Five

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Ninety-Five


The rest of the school week inched by. Edward was barely home. He had been put on another case since he couldn't represent Rosalie due the familial ties to her case. He worked with Felix on a divorce case that was particularly nasty. The husband filed for divorce, claiming that his wife was cheating on him. She had signed a pre-nup, stating that if there was cheating involved, she would not get anything. The ex-wife vehemently denied any cheating. Edward's firm was representing her. However, the case was time-consuming and filled with a ton of loopholes and issues, namely because there was a child involved.

In addition to trying to not give his ex-wife the money that she deserved, he was suing for total custody of their four year old daughter.

On top of Edward's schedule, the master schedule for next year was announced for the staff at my school. Thankfully, what Jasper had shown me didn't come to fruition, but I still taught two history courses. At least they were World History. I was familiar with that curriculum and already had worksheets, assignments and projects prepared for that. I was excited to find out that I was given all advanced English courses, too, two AP senior level courses and advanced sophomore English.

Friday, I was at home, cooking some dinner. I wasn't sure if Edward was coming home at a decent hour or not. He had, despite his crazy hours, always found time to send me a sweet text, a short phone call or even send me an email. I cherished each one, but it wasn't the same as hanging out with my boyfriend. I knew he had a hectic job and that he was dedicated to it. We just needed to find a balance. Right now, that balance was nonexistent.

I was dishing up dinner when Edward breezed into the apartment. He walked right over to me, lifting me onto the counter and burying his nose into my hair. "Edward? What's wrong?"

"Hold me," he whimpered. I wrapped my arms around his body, rubbing his back through his suit coat. He was super tense and very upset.

"Talk to me, counselor," I murmured against his ear. "What is it?"

He pulled back and removed his glasses, pinching his nose. "So, I was getting ready to leave. Eleazar and Marcus were meeting with Rosalie to discuss her case in the conference room. Felix sent me a text, asking me to research a case file for our upcoming deposition on Monday. I had to go to the law library to find it. While I was in there, I heard the door click shut and the tell-tale signs of a woman's heels walking toward me. I barely had enough time to turn when Rosalie was on me, pushing me onto the table."

"What did that skank do?" I snarled.

"She tried to kiss me, plead with me to talk to the judge to get the charges thrown out against her," Edward shuddered. "She removed all of her clothes and tried me. It was an act of desperation from her. Marcus walked in on that as shewas trying mount me while I was trying to firmly, but gently remove her skanky ass from my body. He roared at her, demanding she get dressed and said that our firm could not represent someone who would prostitute themselves in order to get a not guilty verdict."

"How did Marcus know that?"

"Cameras in the law library," he replied. "Plus, the meeting had pretty detailed a plea agreement between the State's Attorneyand Rosalie. If she had agreed, she would spend five years in prison with the possibility of parole. However, she scoffed at the idea and demanded that our firm fight for her. The sad thing is that the evidence is irrefutable. This plea deal is the best she'll get. If they go to trial, Rosalie could end up in prison for up to fifteen years for the amount of credit card fraud, tax evasion and embezzlement she did. On top of that, Marcus is ready to contact the State's Attorney and added a count of sexual harassment and prostitution to the charge."

"Isn't that against attorney/client privilege?" I asked.

"I'm not her attorney and she approached me in the law library, making unwanted sexual advances and whoring herself out to make her problems go away," Edward cringed.

"So, what happened?"

"She was arrested. Indecent exposure, sexual harassment, prostitution, and lewd and lascivious behavior," Edward smirked. "I get to go to court, but as the victim. That's why I was so late tonight. I was at the precinct, giving my statement and go over the evidence with the arresting officer. But, I'm scarred, Bells. Scarred. I've seen too much of Rosalie Hale. And do you want to know a little bit of gossip?"

"You never gossip," I giggled.

"I know, but I figured you'd appreciate this," he snorted. "The carpets do not match the drapes."

"I KNEW IT!" I guffawed, wrapping my arms around my boyfriend's neck.

A/N: This will be the last we hear of Rosalie. She's whored herself out and now she's screwed. Royally. Up next, we're switching back to Edward and some bonding time between our two favorite lovebirds. Possibly some citrusy action??? We'll see. Hell, I may even provide you with some pervy pic teasers. Ahem, porn... Leave me some!

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