Chapter Forty-Six

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Forty-Six


I'm going to hell. First class ticket.

But what a way to go, Cullen.

My best friend was my own personal brand of heroin. I cannot get enough of her. Holy shit! I mean, having sex with her while completely sober and able to recall it...pure fucking magic.

Taking her slowly against the couch? My body was on fire.

Feeling her hot mouth around my cock as she gave me a blow job in the shower? That shit should be bottled and sold like smack.

Smelling her panties? It was fucking weird but I got as hard as a rock in the confines of my own room. Bella had the most unique scent. I craved it. Yearned for it. Needed it.

The only downfall was that I wanted more closeness in our arrangement. I swear that Bella is really a guy with boobs. Amazing boobs...I want to lick every inch of those babies. Unfortunately, when I suggested that we sleep together like we did the night previous, she said that she had an early morning meeting and that she was going to be gone before the sun came up. She was trying to keep our relationship separated, not intimate. I get it to an extent, but hated it.

Tossing and turning, I growled and tried to will my mind to shut down. Unfortunately, I couldn't. I just kept seeing memories of Bella's naked body as she was bent over the arm of the couch. I could taste her pussy as I licked her clit and remembering how wet she was.

Every time I closed my eyes, I was having my own personal porno flickering through my brain. Hopping up out of bed, Istomped to my bathroom. In the armoire inside, I swiped a bottle of Nyquil that I had in there from when I was sick. I chugged a healthy swig and went back into bed. Within ten minutes, I could feel the medicine take hold of me. My eyes drooped and I managed to fall asleep.

I slept through my alarm, though. When I cracked my eyes open, I looked at the clock on the nightstand, seeing that it was well past seven in the morning. I had a meeting with Felix about the insurance case at eight. Shooting up out of bed, I scrambled to the shower. I was cursing the invention of Nyquil and hating myself for sleeping in so late. Dressing in a suit, I put on my glasses and raced down the stairs. On the counter, Bella had left my travel mug with coffee in the coffee pot. Mentally, I thanked her and made my coffee before darting out to my car.

By the grace of whatever God there is, I got work ten minutes before my meeting. I gathered my notes. As I was walking to the small conference room, I bumped into Seth Clearwater. "Hey, Edward," he said. "Not the first one here today?"

"I, um, wasn't feeling well last night," I replied. "I slept through my alarm." Seth smiled knowingly. He hit my arm as he walked to his shared office with another junior associate, Connor Diehmer. I blushed, walking quickly to the small conference room. Felix was already there, typing quickly on his laptop. "Morning."

"Hey, Edward. You look freshly fucked," he snorted.

That has a look? "Um, excuse me?" I squeaked.

"Did you and your sexy girlfriend have some naked fun time this morning?" he asked, waggling his brows.

"Yeah, that's for me to know and for you to not," I said, sitting down. "What's up with the case?"

"Oh, right! The defendant has admitted to all wrong-doing," Felix explained, showing me a court document. "We're not going to court. Apparently the photos of her working out in a local gym while she's supposed to be healing was the straw that broke the camel's back."

"What's going to happen?" I asked.

"She's out of a job and has to pay back all of the medical expenses accrued while she was on medical leave. The amount is insane...close a quarter of a million bucks. Out of that payout, we're getting fifteen percent of that, plus our billable hours. You're getting a nice bonus, Cullen. Treat your girl to a getaway to Paris or some shit like that. Fuck her on the Eiffel Tower."

Ooooh...that does have promise. "I'll take that into consideration, Felix. Thanks."

"Are you okay, Edward?" he asked. "You seem, I don't know, distracted. That's not you."

"I woke up late this morning. I wasn't feeling well last night and just a lot of stuff," I shrugged. "I'll be fine."

"Well, good, because Eleazar wants to meet with you after lunch about this new criminal case that he's taken on. Plus, there's a meeting with foundation ladies at two that you have to be at," Felix said, handing me several slips of paper. "I'm not your secretary, Cullen."

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking at the messages.

"I'm just playing. They were in your mailbox. I just picked them up," Felix chuckled. I nodded, feeling guilty that he had done that. "Look, Edward, this thing with your girl. It's new?"

"Only a month or so," I lied.

"You're in that insatiable phase. I bet the last place you want to be in here, right? You want to be inside of her," Felix said. I blushed. "It's not a bad thing. It's a great thing, really. And hey, if Bella has any single friends? Send them my way. Perhaps we can go on a double date." He laughed, leaving me in the small conference room.

A/N: Edward, oh,'re in sooooooooo deep. Leave me some.

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