Chapter Seventy-Four

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Seventy-Four


Far too early the next morning, Edward dragged me out of bed. I was barely coherent as he anxiously bounced around the room. I wanted to pummel him with my sneakers, but he deserved this vacation as much as I didn't. You heard right, kids. I felt like I shouldn't be going, but Edward wanted me to come.

"Edward, I need to shower and with you bouncing like Alice on Red Bull, I just want to hurt you. Go make some coffee while I get ready, okay?" I grumped. "And call your bank. Channel your energy elsewhere, bub."

"We've got to be on the road in an hour, Bells. Don't take forever," he chided, darting out of my room. I rolled my eyes, dragging my exhausted body out of bed. Swiping a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a khaki jacket, I padded to the bathroom to quickly hose off. Blow drying my hair, I plaited it in a loose French braid, tossing it over my shoulder. I put on some light makeup, putting the rest of it into my toiletry bag. Picking up my hair dryer and straightener, I carried my beauty goodies into my room, tossing them into my luggage. Double checking my bags, I closed them up and carried them down to the main level of the apartment. Edward was pacing in the family room, nibbling on his thumb nail. "So, there's no questionable activity in my account. That's a relief...but, can you please run a credit check? Early next week? Works for me. Thank you," Edward breathed. He hung up his phone, the pinched look gone from his face.

"Good news?"

"Apparently so. There were no fraudulent charges on my credit card, nor any cards applied for in my name," he smiled. "The bank is going to run a credit check and it will be completed early this coming week. Now, are you ready to go?"

"To get out of the nasty, icky cold? Yes. This winter has sucked. Four snow days and the snowiest winter on record in the past thirty years? No thank you. What's the weather like in Mesa? Oh,," I quipped. "Did you pack sunblock, Pasty McGee?"

"You're just as white as me, Casper," Edward teased, tugging on my braid. "I'm going to load up the Volvo. Can you make sure that the back door is locked and that our carry-ons are good to go?"

"Sure," I said as I padded to the kitchen. Double locking that back door, I checked the sink, garbage and coffee machine. Once I was done with that, I made sure that my wallet, phone and whatnot were in my carry on. I did the same for Edward. He cameback in, checking to see if he had the information for the trip in his bag. We went out to the car that was double parked on the street. Locking the front door, we scrambled into his waiting Volvo. An hour's drive to O'Hare, we parked in the long-term lot, catching the shuttle for the United terminal. We checked our luggage and snaked our way through security.

"I'm starving," Edward said as he put on his shoes after being scanned. "Our flight doesn't take off for an hour and a half. Want some breakfast?"

"Pancakes sound delicious," I said, rubbing my belly. "Perfect food to put me asleep for the three and half hour flight to Mesa."

Rolling his eyes, Edward led me to Chili's. We were seated and ordered cups of coffee. Edward got an omelet while I ordered a huge stack of pancakes. I couldn't stand flying, really. It was a necessary evil, but taking off and landing? I'd rather eat my own eyeball than deal with that bullshit. Sleeping through it seems like a wise decision. "So, what's the plan once we get to Mesa?" I asked.

"I've got to pick up the rental car and then we check into the resort. Today is fairly low-key. We can hang by the pool, go out to eat and relax. Tomorrow, we have tickets between the Cubs and Diamondbacks. First pitch is at 1:05."

"Sweet," I smiled.

"I'm glad you're excited. The only other person who would have enjoyed this trip would have been Emmett. But, he's in France or something. I'm happy that we're able to have a good time," Edward said, grinning crookedly.

"Me, too. The past few months have been...awkward to say the least," I blushed.

"They have been, but it was our own fault." The waitress brought our food and Edward asked for the check almost immediately, handing her his credit card. "This trip will be exactly what the doctor ordered. We can commiserate over howmuch the Cubs suck and our mutual sunburns."

"That sounds like so much fun, Edward," I said sarcastically. "Please watch as I leap for joy."

Edward rolled his eyes, signing for our breakfast. "Come on, Little Miss Snark. I want to pick up a few books and magazines before our flight takes off. I'll buy you an US Weekly."

"Ooooh, damn you for knowing my weakness," I quipped. He laughed heartily, slinging his carryon over his shoulder. Together,we walked a Hudson News Stand where Edward bought me an Us Weekly, Star and In Touch. I'm on vacation, folks. I need some brain candy.

A/N: Up next, the flight'll see. *Tee hee*. Leave me some!

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