Chapter Five

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Five

I went up to my room to finish grading my tests. I also needed to start planning my next unit. I knew what novel I was going to do, but I needed a hook to get the student's attention. Putting on my own reading glasses, I logged into my computer and searched online for suggestions. Edward knocked on the door, leaning nonchalantly against the door jamb. "You okay, Bells?"

Looking up at him, I smiled softly. He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a button down. His hair was its usual mess, but even more so from his hands probably tugging at it. "I'll be fine. I'm more upset that I didn't break up with him, you know?"

Edward nodded. "It's better to be the dumper and not the dumpee," he chuckled. "I personally wouldn't know since I've always been the dumpee, but knowing my type-A, control freak tendencies, it would make sense."

"Any time you have your feelings toyed with, it sucks," I shrugged. "I knew that Paul wasn't the love of my life. I was just going through the motions with him. Plus, he was so much older than me. The fact that he was mid-thirties and not married, shouldhave been a huge indicator that he was a commitment-phobe."

"I just hate to see you sad, Bells," Edward said, his green eyes downcast.

"How often was I happy with Paul?" I asked.

"Not very," Edward snorted. "I guess this was a blessing in disguise." He turned to go to his bedroom. "Sleep well, Bells."

"Edward?" I called out. He stopped, putting his hand on my door. "Thank you for being there last night. I really needed that."

"What are friends for," he said, grinning crookedly. "You want this open or closed?"

"Closed, please. I'm going to finish getting ideas for The Lord of the Flies and then go to bed," I said. He gave me a little wave before closing the door softly. The sound of some quiet jazz filled my room. Edward liked to relax while listening to music before he went to bed. The lilting sound of the jazz music caused my eyes to droop and I fell asleep with my laptop on my bed.

On Monday, I dragged my body to work. I was lucky enough to get a job at Whitney Young Magnet High School. With my stellar grades and glowing recommendations, I was hired as soon as I graduated. However, I didn't want to go to work after the crappy weekend I had, but I have to pay off my student loans.

My classes went well for the morning. I had one snafu during my class right before lunch.

Paul texted me.

B ~ You have the following items at your apartment. I need them back. Can I pick them up after work today? ~ P

He included a list of twenty things. Some of it was stuff he left at the apartment when he stayed over: sleep pants, t-shirts and deodorant. The rest, I'd never even heard of or seen. His iPod? I don't have that.

Paul ~ I have a staff meeting and half of this shit, I don't know what you're talking about. Did you check your place? I do NOThave your iPod. ~ Bella

B ~ I'd hate to have to take you to court over my missing iPod. I know you used it. Please check. Also, I need twenty-five bucks for the meal on Friday. ~ P

"Miss Swan? Are you okay?" asked one of my students, Tia. "You look like you're about to kill someone or cry."

"I'm fine," I said, placing my cell phone into my desk drawer after I turned it off. "Okay, everyone. I need you to turn to your shoulder partners and share with them what items you'd have to bring to a deserted island. Remember, explain why you want to bring them. You have until the end of the period to discuss and your brainstorming sheet is due on my desk before you go."

The last ten minutes of class went by quickly before the bell rang. I told my class to read the first chapter of The Lord of the Flies and jot down three questions they had about the novel. Once they were gone, I slumped in my chair. Not knowing what todo, I called Edward. I knew he was in the office all day today. He was usually in court on Thursdays and Fridays for the firm.

"Denali, Volturi and Romani, this is Edward Cullen speaking," he said professionally.

"Can you kick Paul's ass?" I whimpered.

"What did he do?" Edward asked, his professional tenor melting away to one of concern.

"Hold on. Let me text you our conversation..." I quickly forwarded Paul's text conversation to Edward. His cell phone beeped and I heard him growl. "Can you say asshole?"

"That's putting it mildly. He can't take you to court. If he does, it would be to small claims court and it would be more of a hassle to deal with that," Edward said. "I'm available tomorrow after work. When he comes over to get his crap, I want to be there."

"Are you acting as my protective big brother or my attorney?" I quipped.

"Both," he snickered. "And do NOT pay him for that meal. That is so petty. He broke up with you. The least he can do is buy you your meal."

"Edward?" I sighed, toying with my long brown hair.

"Yeah, Bells?"

"Thanks," I said quietly.

"What are friends for?"

A/N: Picture of Whitney Young is on my tumblr/blog. Links for both are on my profile. Find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Leave me some!

ALSO...we're switching to Edward next chapter for the next five chapters. Squeeee!!!!

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