Chapter Thirty-Six

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Thirty-Six


Every muscle in my body is aching. A good ache, really. That ache you feel when you have an amazing workout or really good...



Cracking my eyes open, I saw a flash of brown and smooth creamy skin. Blinking a few more times, I recognized the hair and the face of my best friend. My naked best friend. Curled up in my arms.

Why is Bella naked and in my arms?

Why am I squeezing her left boob?

Why am I NAKED?

My mind was panicking. I looked down at Bella and she was down for the count, curled against me with her ass pressed to my burgeoning arousal. She was naked. Bella was naked. I'm naked. We're naked together. Did we?

No, we couldn't have. Bella's my best friend...I wouldn't have had sex with her.

Releasing her breast, I looked over onto the floor finding three crumpled up Kleenexes. Opening them, I found three used condoms.

"Oh, God," I moaned, looking back at the sleeping woman in my bed. She rolled over, draping her arm across my chest and weaving her leg between mine. Her girly bits were rubbing on my leg and she was wet. Feeling that, my dick decided to twitch awake and I knew that I had to get the hell out of this situation.

I slept with my best friend. I'm a monster. Holy shit! I slept with her several times.

Wriggling out of Bella's strangle hold, I darted into the bathroom and tossed the used condoms into the toilet, flushing them. I cringed at how loud it was. That's when I saw my back. "Holy mother," I whimpered, looking at the deep nail marks that marred my skin. "Either I sucked or I was that good."

Shaking it off, I went back into my bedroom and into my closet. I pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, workout pants, a long sleeved t-shirt and a fleece. I had to get out of this apartment. I had to process what happened last night. I slept with Bella. Bella and I, we had sex. And from the feeling of it, good sex. I grabbed a baseball cap, thrusting it on my head.

There was a lot of thrusting going on last night, Cullen.

"I'm going straight to hell," I groaned, sneaking out of my bedroom with my running shoes in my hands. I got downstairs and found my overcoat. Taking out my iPhone, I plugged in my ear buds, slipping it up my arm and putting on my shoes. Putting mykey in the inside pocket of my pants, I opened the door, taking off into the bitter cold. My thighs were barking at me and my back was stiff. I probably should have warmed up but this blast of cold air; I needed to clear my mind.

"What did I do?" I asked, panting as I ran closer and closer to the lakeshore. "I was drunk, but not that drunk. Why would I risk that with her?"

I stopped in front of a bench, plopping down. I threw off my hat, thrusting my hands into my hair. Flashes of Bella's fingers twining in my messy strands filled my brain. Those fingers tugging as I licked her...

"I can't believe it," I sighed, leaning back on the bench. I had done more with my best friend, the girl who I think of as a sister, than with any other woman that I'd ever been with. The girl who I lost my virginity to was more into just having sex. In, out and done. Angela, she was such a prude that I wouldn't have even crossed that bridge of oral sex with her. I never even saw her naked.

And then, there's Bella. The girl who was my sister's closest friend and the person who knows me the best. Last night, I kissed her sex like I would have kissed her mouth. I fucked her six ways to Sunday and I can only remember flashes of it.

Do I want to remember it?

The flashes that I did remember were erotic and made my skin tingle. Her smooth skin under my hands. Her pink, wet flesh between her legs that tasted sweet with a touch of spice. Her beautiful breasts, bouncing as I filled her with my...

"I need to stop this. She's my friend. My best friend. Look what you've done, you horny fucker," I spat at my cock. "She's going to hate me and our friendship is going to be over. I don't think I can handle that."

I wanted to talk to someone, but I couldn't call Alice. She'd rip me a new one for not staying and preparing her breakfast in bed or she'd have a heart attack that Bella and Ifinally got together. I couldn't call Emmett because he would congratulate me for finally having sex. Real sex. The person I should be talking to is sleeping, naked in my bed.

This was a total clusterfuck and I had no one to blame but myself.

A/N: Edward's having some 'buyer's' remorse. Well, kind of. From he remembered, he liked it but the whole 'best friend' thing is causing him to panic. What about Bella? What do you think she's going to say? Read on to find out more...Picture of the Chicago Lakeshore are on my blog and tumblr. Links for both of those are on my profile. Leave me some!

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