Chapter One Hundred Forty-Six

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 146


After the debacle with Paul, the party quickly disbanded. Everyone helped with the cleanup and with the help of Emmett and Jasper, we boarded up the front window. My parents wanted us to come back to their home but I decided not to that. We weren't staying at the apartment, but we weren't going to my parent's home. After Bella's revelations, I wanted to cherish her, love her and give her all of me. So, I got us a suite at Fairmount Millennium Park for the next two weeks. We packed our bags and left the apartment.

Before we got in the car, Eleazar caught up with me. He asked me to take a few days off and meet with him on Wednesday. I asked if I was in trouble. He assured me that I wasn't, but he wanted to discuss a few things with me. I was grateful for the time off, but worried about what he wanted to talk about.

That night, Bella and I made love numerous times. I showed her how much I loved her and gave her everything that I could. I was so proud of her that she stood up to her ex-boyfriend. Yes, I was freaking out each moment that she was out on the street with him, but I knew she had to do that. She needed to do it. He could have hurt her and he did. She had a bruised cheek, but she was finally at peace with what went down against her and Paul.

On Wednesday, I went to work, meeting with Eleazar and Marcus. Stephen was on vacation with his family or something. I sat down in Eleazar's office, sweating bullets. "Relax, Edward. You're not in trouble," Eleazar chuckled.

"Okay," I said, twisting my watch. "What's up?"

"Well, with what happened at your home on Saturday, we think that it's best that you recuse yourself from the Lahote trial," Marcus said.

"What?" I squeaked. "I worked with those plaintiffs. They trust me."

"We know and we want you to be a consultant on the trial, but Paul is a loose cannon and his previous relationship with Bella can come into question. Seth is going to step in as first chair, but you will still work on the case and act as representation for the Martins," Eleazar said. "You did amazing work with this, Edward. A lot of young women are going to get their revenge because of your diligence and attention to detail."

"You're right," I said, slumping back in my chair. "I just want to see them get what they deserve, which is a fair payout for the pain that Paul caused."

"We don't blame you. With the charges that Bella brought against Paul and his relationship with her, it could look like vigilantejustice," Marcus explained. "I know that's not the case."

"Which brings us to the next item on our agenda," Eleazar said. "Edward, your hard work has really been noticed by all of us. You've stepped in on numerous occasions and you are a brilliant attorney. Last year, when we had your annual review, we offered you to be a full associate. You've exceeded our expectations."

"You're one of the sharpest attorneys we've got, besides us," Marcus snickered. "Last week, Stephen approached us with some bad news. He is leaving the firm because his father is sick. He's relocating his family to be closer to his parents in northern Minnesota. While we're sad that he's leaving the firm that leaves an opening for a new partner."

"We've spoken, at length, over who to choose to fill Stephen's shoes. None of the attorneys in our employ have the same drive, smarts and intuition as you. They're good, but when we hired you, we knew you were the best. You're young, have a ton of great ideas and willing to put in that extra time to get the job done, which is a rarity in people of your generation," Eleazar said quietly. "I also know that you want to be with your Bella, probably get married, have a family. We're proof that you can do both. Even at the age of fifty-three, you old fart."

"Shut up. I forgot all about morning sickness and the constant horniness. I was ready for grandbabies, not a newborn. It's a blessing, but damn..." Marcus chuckled. "What we're trying to say is that we want you to fill Stephen's shoes as a partner in our firm. Instead of Denali, Volturi, Romani and Associates, it would be Denali, Volturi, Cullen and Associates."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"As a heart attack," Eleazar said. "Stephen is selling his portion of the firm. You'd have to purchase it, but it's not as bad as you think. Plus, with the pay out from the Lahote/UIUC case, that would cover it."

"But Seth would get the money since he's now the lead attorney," I said, arching a brow over my glasses.

"When we spoke to him about taking over the case, he was adamant that you two split the payment. You did all the heavy lifting. He's just stepping in to finish everything out," Marcus said.

"What else would it entail?" I asked. "Being a partner?"

"We're the faces of the firm. We also make all decisions on what cases to take, who to hire, who to fire and where our money is being spent. Additionally, the bigger cases, we tend to handle. Marcus's strengths are in real estate and tax law. I'm comfortable with criminal proceedings and based off what we saw with the Lahote case, you can handle civil cases, which was also Stephen's strength. Your workload will increase, but as you can see, we care for our friends. Our family. If you need time off, we'll give it to you. How long are you taking when your change of life baby is coming, Marcus?"

"Two months. The baby is due around October. I'd like to stay off until after the first of the year," Marcus shrugged. "I know my wife will probably want me to be snipped, too."

Both Eleazar and I crossed our legs, shifting uncomfortably. "TMI, Marc," Eleazar shuddered. I nodded. "Now, we don't expect an answer right away. Stephen has some things to wrap up before he's leaving, but he was the one who suggested you for the job."

"Won't it upset some of the more senior associates? I've been a part of this firm for only a few years," I said.

"Some, but we'll deal with that. Edward, you deserve this. Think about it. Discuss it with Bella. Let us know what you think by the end of next week," Eleazar said. "Now, I'm certain Seth has to speak with you regarding the Lahote case and you need to contact the Martins, informing them of the good news that Paul was apprehended this weekend." We shook hands and I walked to my office.

Things were definitely changing...I was off the Lahote case, but offered a partnership in the firm. The question was, did I want it?

A/N: Should he take it? Leave me some...

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