Chapter Fifty-Two

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Fifty-Two


I was sitting in my room, reading a book when I heard Edward come back. It was close to ten. His hours were going to kill him. I hopped out of bed, padding down the stairs. The front room was decorated brightly for the holidays. Edward was by thecloset, taking off his top coat and scarf. Based on the amount of snow on his shoulders, it was coming down heavily. "Hey, everything okay?" I asked.

He turned, removing his glasses and pinching his nose. "Just really tired and I've got a killer migraine. Plus, it's snowing like crazy out there. I left the office at half past eight."

"Wow," I said, looking out the front window. I felt Edward behind me. His frigid hands slid underneath my sweatshirt and I squealed. "EDWARD ANTHONY!! You are fucking mean!"

"No, you're fucking warm," he laughed, sitting down on the couch and pulling me into his lap. His freezing fingers still underneath my shirt, inching closer to my tits.

"Edward, if you put those freezing paws on my boobs, I'm going to punch you in the junk and cut you off for two weeks."

"I'm already cut off for two weeks. You're going to Forks," he said, covering my one breast with his warm hand. He squeezed itgently just before he pinched my nipple. I whimpered. "I thought you were going to junk punch me, Swan."

"It feels good now," I said breathily. "Do you want me?"

"Always," he said, kissing my earlobe. "But before we get too hot and heavy, I want to give you your present."

"You promise to finish what you started?" I asked. He had removed his hand from my shirt and set me on the couch. He was crouched on the floor, picking up several boxes from underneath our tree.

"Only if you sleep with me tonight," he countered. I blushed, nodding slowly. Edward was actually good to sleep with. He curled around me, almost protected me while he slept. Plus, his room was infinitely warming than mine. Adding his octopus-like hold to our arrangement, made it quite comfy. "Excellent. Merry Christmas to me." He handed me three boxes.

I smiled as I got up, handing Edward his gift bag of pervy goodies from me. "Do you want to go first?" I asked.

"Let's alternate," Edward suggested. "You go first."

"Which one?" I asked. He pointed to a small box first. I picked it up, unwrapping it quickly. It was a webcam. My laptop was older than dirt and didn't have one. "What's this for?"

"Skype sex," he smirked. "I'll install it and such while you're at work tomorrow. Since today was so late for me, Eleazar gave me the day off, encouraging me to telecommute if I have to go to work. He's even taking tomorrow morning off."

"Thank you," I said. "Now, there should be four things in there. They have a theme."

Edward chuckled, reaching into the bag after he pulled out the array of tissue paper I'd tossed in there. He plucked out the box of condoms, blushing furiously. "Good...I was running low."

"Perhaps I should invest in Trojan," I quipped. "We've been going through them like crazy." Edward tossed the box onto the table after he'd made a big deal of putting six of them into his work bag. Clandestine desk sex was a favorite of his.

"Next," Edward urged. He pushed a large box toward me. Eagerly, I tore into it. Inside were three books: first editions from the Bronte sisters. I scowled at him. I had seen this set at the benefit, thinking it would be nice to have, but I refused to pay the six hundred plus dollars for it. "Don't give me shit. I know you are addicted to all things literary. I noticed you liked them at the benefit and I got them for you."

"Edward, this is too much. It makes my present look like..." I frowned. "Well, like crap. And stupid. And..."

"Shut it, Swan," he chided, reaching into the bag. He pulled out his own set of books. "Fifty Shades of Gray?"

"You have this domineering side. It's about a CEO who is a dom and well...a friend of mine read it. She said it was filled with great sex and a glimpse into the BDSM world. Not that I want you to beat my ass...perhaps, well, add some more aspects of bondage, domination and submission?"

"So this is fictional, literary research?" Edward asked, his green eyes twinkling behind his glasses.

"Sort of. Yeah," I answered. I picked up the last box. It was long and very light weight. Opening it, I barked out a laugh when I saw what was hidden behind the wrapping paper. "A dildo? I thought all of my orgasms were yours."

"Technically they still are. This is a replica of my own dick," Edward said proudly. "I had it casted at a local sex shop, watching some really bad porn to keep it hard. It was finished last week."

"Aw, honey, you had your cock casted just for me?" I cooed.

"I don't do this for all of my fuck buddies," he snorted. "Besides, it's probably going to be lonely at the Chief's house. You'll need a reminder of what I feel like."

"Perhaps, I can use this while using Skype. You can watch your cock go in and out of me from three thousand miles away," I giggled.

"Hmmmm, that sound pretty damn erotic," Edward purred, his voice dropping a few octaves.

"You've got two more in there, Cullen," I barely squeaked out, wiggling his bag. He gave me one of his crooked grins before reaching into the gift bag, taking out the final presents. He turned bright red seeing the three pornos I had purchased for him, both of which revolving around domination and submission. "Perhaps we can recreate some of the scenarios?"

"If only it wasn't so late and you didn't have work tomorrow," Edward groaned. "We could watch one."

"We can do it when I get back. Save this one," I said, pulling out The Secretary from his stash, "for when I get back."


"Are we done with the gift exchange?" he asked, his voice tight and his eyes black with desire.

"Yep," I chirped.

"Good. Because I really need you," he replied, throwing me over his shoulder and running up the stairs.

A/N: No, I will not write every time they have sex. And no, this is not turning into a BDSM story. Bella's curious and Edward's willing. They will experiment. They will have fun. All because of the idea of no-strings attached, fuck buddy, friends with benefits mentality. Pictures of their presents are on my tumblr and blog. Links for those are on my profile. You can also find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation or on twitter: tufano79.

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