Chapter Ninety-Seven

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Ninety-Seven


Bella was sleeping soundly. Her work week knocking her on her ass. I was up with the sun. My brain wouldn't shut off. I got up and did my morning run. When I got back, I used Bella's bathroom to shower so I wouldn't wake her. As she slept, I planned our day. It was going to be a lot of fun for the both of us. We had had dates while we were in Phoenix, but since we'd been home. That was due in part to my hectic schedule but I needed to remedy that. I wanted to treat Bella to something special.

At first, we were going to go to Navy Pier, enjoying lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp House. Bella had a sick obsession with all things seafood, shrimp in particular. After that, we were going to just wander around Navy Pier until we boarded a Chicago architectural tour along the river. Bella mentioned to me that she always wanted to go. Today was the perfect opportunity to go. The sun was shining. The temperature wasn't too cold and spring was finally starting to explode around the city. The last stop was going to Lincoln Park Zoo before I made Bella dinner. She always did most of the cooking, even while we were just friends. Usually, if I was cooking, either I was sucking up because I fucked up or wheedling for her help.

Manipulative, I know.

But, now? I wanted to make something special for her because she was my girl. Not because I needed her help or because I made a mistake. I wanted to make her feel like she was the most important thing in my world. Yes, I worked a lot, but my feelings for her are unwavering.

Checking our fridge, I wanted to make sure I had the ingredients for my grandmother's variation of mac and cheese. I had almost everything, except for the half and half. Bella only liked skim milk and so that's all we had in our home. Leaving again, I went to the local grocery store to pick up the few items I needed. I also picked up some dessert and passing by a floral shop, I chose an array of spring blooms for my girl, wanting to shower her with flowers. The bouquet I chose had pink and yellow roses, along with purple chrysanthemums, white and pink peonies, daisies, greenery and other various wild flowers.

Driving back to the apartment, I carried my booty into the kitchen. I left the flowers outside. It was still cool enough out that they wouldn't freeze, but would keep the flowers fresh until I wanted to give them to my Bella.

I cleaned up the main floor of our apartment and made fresh coffee for the two of us. I waited as long as I could before I had to wake her, carrying up a large mug of coffee for her. We needed to be on the road in an hour and half. Placing the coffee on the nightstand, I crawled into bed, curling around my still sleeping girl. "Bella," I cooed, kissing her ear. "Wake up, pretty girl."

"No," she grumped, rolling over to burrow into my chest. Her head was squished between mine and the pillow and somehow, she managed to slip her hands underneath my shirt. "Tired."

"Bella, baby, I've got a wonderful day planned for us," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her body. "But, we need to get going soon. I made coffee."

"The extra dark roast, with a dash of hazelnut syrup?" she asked, cuddling ever closer to me.

"With two packets of Splenda on the side," I snickered, wiggling them above her ear. She extricated herself from her strangle hold on me, glowering at me adorably. "I want to take my beautiful,gorgeous girlfriend out on our first date."

"Edward, we've been on dates. Hello? All of those outings in Phoenix," she giggled, sitting up and tossing her messy curls into a loose bun on top of her head.

"I don't count those. They were baseball games," I argued.

"Weak argument, counselor. And you win lawsuits with that logic?" Bella asked, tapping my head.

"In fact, I do." I arched a brow at her. "What about our time at the Grand Canyon? El Tovar? Dinner?"

"That was me trying to make up for the fact that I sort of sucked, Edward," she pouted, sipping her coffee. "Consider it a peace offering?"

"Regardless, I'm taking you on our first date, pretty girl. I consider it to be our first because we're going out, in our city, holding hands and being obnoxiously romantic. I want to shower you with PDA, nuzzles and wet kisses, buy cheesy souvenirs to remember our first date and just be us, Bells," I said, staring into her chocolate brown orbs.

"You know, you're a hopeless romantic, Edward," she said, brushing my hair from my face.

"So?" I snorted.

"I like it," she said shyly, kissing my cheek before getting out of the bed to get ready. Giving me a sweet smile, she cocked her hip. "I like it a lot. And today, we get to have fun and just be."

"It's a date," I smirked.

A/N: Date time! Pictures of the date will be posted on my tumblr and blog. Links for those are on my profile. Additionally, some pics will be posted on my Facebook page: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. Leave me some!

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