Chapter One Hundred Nine

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Things I own: my sanity (though, that's debatable at times), not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter 109


The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. However, the smell of Bella's French toast told me that I wasn't alone. Slipping on my glasses, some sleep pants and my slippers, I followed my nose to the kitchen. Bella was wearing one of my button-down shirts, her pajamas of choice lately, and dancing to some silent music. I slipped behind her and kissed her neck.

"Oh!" she squeaked, turning around to look at me. "You're up! I wanted to make you breakfast in bed."

"I couldn't not come down when I smelled your French toast," I said, tipping her head up to kiss her pouty lips. "Besides, you weren't there and I was lonely."

"I couldn't stay in bed any longer. The call of nature was too strong," she giggled, putting her iPod on the counter. "Your tight hold around my belly didn't help matters, either." She flipped the toast and I slid onto the counter, watching her make ourbreakfast. "Are you ready to face your parents?"

"With us as a couple?" I clarified. Bella bit her lip and nodded. "Hell yes. My mom has always loved you and now that we're together, her family is complete."

"Not quite. We've got to find Emmett someone," Bella said, her eyes focusing on the microwave.

"He's nowhere ready to start dating. The whole identity theft thing has left him untrusting of everyone who is not family," I frowned. "Rose really raked him over the coals. He needs time to rebuild that trust."

"Like me," she shrugged.

"Explain, pretty girl," I said quietly.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking. Some this morning, but some of it happened during the time while we were not together. It was Alice that really pointed it out to me when we went shopping yesterday. I've liked you, had a crush on you since I was fourteen, Edward. You were my ideal. You were smart, poised, handsome and funny. But, I was afraid that you wouldn't notice me."

"Bella, I've always noticed you," I said. "I've always thought you were pretty, funny and amazing. But you intimidated the shit out of me. I was shy and slightly afraid of girls. I'm still afraid of girls."

"I was always outspoken and not afraid of going for what I wanted, except you. I just wanted you to like me. To be interested in me, but your actions never gave me any indication that you were remotely attracted to me. So, instead of waiting for you, I went for the easy prey. The guys, who now I know, used me for everything but being a girlfriend," she explained. "In the long run, I ended up getting hurt. I was their doormat. I was emotionally abused by these men, who used me for their own pleasure and not caring about me.

"This morning, I came to the realization that my behavior must be driving you crazy. My mood swings must be giving you whiplash," she quipped sadly, dishing out the toast onto the plate. "In some ways, I'm very confident, independent and self-assured. Last night was an example..."

"You were so sexy, Bella. I loved seeing you like that," I moaned, digging into my breakfast.

"I loved being like that. I felt desirable for you. I wanted it all from you," she smiled. "And you gave it to me, but it wasn't like what I experienced before. It was enjoyable for both of us, as opposed to just you." She dished her own meal and looked at me. "However, I'm still afraid that you will toss me aside like the other guys in my life. That's where the trust aspect comes into play. I trust you implicitly, but the irrational part of my brain is hesitant to do so. You can tell me that you won't change until your blue in the face, but I have to actually believe it. Right now, I don't and that's all on me."

"What can I do to prove to you that I'm not going anywhere, Bella?" I asked.

"I just need to start believing it," Bella sighed, giving me a resigned grin. "I know I need help. I know that what Tyler, Paul and every other asshole I dated have screwed with my psyche, but like I told Alice, I want to try on my own. If I can't get it through my thick skull by summer, I will consider going to a therapist or counselor. I have to try, for myself, to do this on my own."

"I'll help you with whatever you need, Bella. I vow it to you," I said, cupping her head. I love you and I want you happy. "There is one thing, though."

"What, counselor?" she asked, tucking into her breakfast.

"Your reaction to Paul was quite strong," I said, my face flaming. "How would you feel if you made an anonymous call to hisdepartment head about his unethical practices of teaching?"

"Try and get him fired?" Bella questioned, her brows furrowing.

"That girl appeared to be his student and he was using sexual favors for her to receive a higher grade. I could do some investigating, too," I said.

"I don't want to be that ex," she spat bitterly.

"Unfortunately, he was that ex by belittling you in front of his plaything," I said angrily. "His behavior is immoral, unethical and if that girl was underage, illegal. If you take the upper hand with Paul, it may help you with feeling better about yourself."

"I don't know," Bella said, eyeing me dubiously.

"Just consider it, Bells," I murmured, pulling her between my legs. I took her head in my hands and kissed her lips softly, tasting the cinnamon and syrup from the French toast. As we languidly kissed, I made a promise to myself that I would do some investigating on Paul. My caseload was fairly light since Phil Dwyer's case had concluded. I would find out as much as I could about Paul and hopefully, end his teaching career.

It was the least I could do for his treatment of my girl.

A/N: Will Bella go through with filing the complaint against Paul? It will be the best way to get him and to possibly help her get over the hump of being his doormat. Up next will be Easter and Esme's and Carlisle's reaction to Bella and Edward being a couple. Leave me some!

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