Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Things I own: my sanity, not enough time to write and incredible friends and family!!

Things I don't: Twilight, Edward and Bella (Damn. It.)

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The ride to the hotel was fun. Bella and I shared a bottle of beer. She was still extremely nervous that she was going to embarrass me in front of my coworkers. Without a doubt, she was going to be fine. Bella was an endearing woman and most everyone fell in love with her instantly. I just hoped that she didn't squash her personality because of the company.

Pulling up the hotel, I helped Bella out of the limo and gallantly offered her my arm. Bella's grip was tight as she looked at our location. "I'm so going to fuck something up," she groaned.

"Stop it, Bells. Deep breaths. I'll be with you all night," I murmured, guiding her into the lobby. We were directed to the ballroom on the sixteenth floor. Once on the sixteenth floor, I checked my coat and Bella's wrap.

"I think I'm going to puke. Edward, there are like famous people here!" she hissed. She pointed over in a corner where a local news anchor was chatting with Marcus.

"Don't puke, Bells. Give me your hand and just relax," I said soothingly. I held out my palm and Bella twined her fingers with mine. "Smile." She rolled her eyes before giving me a cheesy grin. "Bella, really?"

"Oh, fine," she chuckled, giving me a more genuine smile. "Better?"

"Much," I snorted. "Come on. Let's get a glass of wine. That'll settle you down." Tugging on her hand, I walked to one of four bars set up around the room. "Two glasses of white?"

"We have chardonnay, pinot grigio and sauvignon blanc," the bartender said.

"What do you want, Bells?" I asked.

"Pinot grigio," she replied. I held up two fingers and he poured us to glasses of wine. Slipping a five dollar bill into his tip jar, I led Bella around the room. "How many of these people are from your firm, Edward?"

"Um, about a third," I answered, looking around. "The rest are visiting dignitaries and women that have successfully made new lives for themselves with the help of the shelters. It's a big benefit."

"Did you go last year?" Bella asked.

"No. I was only a junior associate, though," I said. "When I got my promotion, apparently so came more responsibilities in representing the firm outside of the walls of the courthouse."

"Edward!" called Eleazar.

I turned and gave him a smile. "This is one of my bosses," I explained to Bella, wrapping my arm around her waist. "Eleazar, sir, it's so nice to see you." I shook his hand and smiled warmly.

"And this must be your lovely girlfriend?" Eleazar inquired, appraising my best friend.

"Yes. Eleazar, this is Bella Swan," I said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Eleazar. Edward has told me so much about you," Bella grinned, shaking his hand.

"I wish I could say the same," he chuckled. "I didn't know until recently that you and he were a couple, Ms. Swan. Now I know why. You're keeping her all to yourself. What do you do, my dear?"

"I'm an English and history teacher at Whitney Young Magnet High School," Bella replied. "I've been teaching there for two years."

"That's an amazing school and not very easy to get a job there," Eleazar tutted, proud of my girl. Your girl? Dude, she's not your girl. She's your roommate. Your best friend.

"I was lucky. My grades were really good and I received glowing recommendations from my advisors, cooperating teachers and colleagues," Bella smirked.

"Now, how did you two meet?" Eleazar asked, sipping his red wine.

"Actually, Bella was really close friends with my younger sister. We've known each other for a long time and only recently got together as a couple," I said, staying as close to the truth as I could.

"Edward's my best friend and it just sort of happened naturally," Bella said as she caressed my cheek. I smiled warmly at her before kissing her forehead.

"Oh, you can do better than that," Eleazar snickered. "You two are in love and it's now, when you're young, that you can showit and not get pummeled." I blushed and cupped Bella's chin, brushing my lips against hers. She kissed me twice more before snuggling back against my chest. "Save me a dance, Bella. I may try and steal you away from my protégé."

"Definitely, Eleazar," she giggled as he walked away. Once he was gone, she slumped slightly as she turned to face me. "Wow..."

Swallowing my drink, I looked at her. "Wow, what?"

"What do you use on your lips? They're really soft," she quipped.

A/N: What do you think Edward is thinking about the kiss with Bella? Did he like it? Is he imagining her like a sister or something more? And Eleazar cracks me up! He's our Lawyer/Cupid. You know? Pictures of the décor for the benefit is on my tumblr/blog. Links for both of those are on my profile.

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