Chapter 13: Safe At Last

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"Krillin, don't do it!" Krillin turned towards Yamcha, a shocked look on his face. "Yamcha, what? This guy killed Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo! And thanks to Piccolo's death, we-" "I know." It was the hardest choice Yamcha had ever made. He felt a dark feeling inside of him. A feeling that told him to let Vegeta die. Let Krillin cut him into little pieces. Yamcha took a deep breath. No. "Krillin, sometimes... sometimes mercy is better than vengeance. Besides, Goku would really like to fight him again, one-on-one..." Yamcha glanced at Goku. "Isn't that right?" Goku grinned weakly. "Hate to agree with Yamcha on this, but he's right... Let him go..." Krillin closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine." He lowered the sword, and Vegeta crawled into his Attack Ball, then grinned evilly. "You fools are... going to... regret this. I will have... my revenge!" And with that, the Attack Ball's entrance hatch closed, and it blasted off into space. Yamcha glanced up at the retreating space pod, and he was about to pass out when a Capsule Corporation airship landed nearby.

Bulma, Chi-Chi, Korin, and Master Roshi all tumbled over each other as they ran out of the airship. Chi-Chi quickly stood up and leaped forward, snatching an unconscious Gohan out of Krillin's arms. She looked at Goku and began to berate him, walking over to her husband. Goku just managed a tired smile. Master Roshi walked over to Krillin, who seemed to be telling him about Tien, Piccolo, and Chiaotzu's deaths. Master Roshi's expression became disheartened. "I see." Yamcha looked over at Bulma, who was standing at the entrance hatch of the airship. She was staring with wide eyes at Yamcha, until finally she sprinted over to him and knelt down next to him, tears streaming down her face. "Y-Yamcha, I... I thought..." Yamcha grinned shakily. "Hey, don't... don't do that. You know I-" he wheezed, "-hate it when you cry." Bulma nodded, with tears still falling from her face. "I-I just... thought y-you were..." She couldn't finish her sentence. She simply cradled his head in her hands, sobbing. "I t-thought I l-lost y-y-you- I-" She sobbed harder, propping him against a rock, then hugging him. Yamcha wheezed highly in pain, squeaking "Ribs." Bulma stopped crushing him and pulled away, nodding. "R-right." 

Yamcha and Goku were laid down on cots, while Krillin and Gohan sat on couches. Yajirobe stood nearby, his arms folded and his katana sheathed. Chi-Chi was still berating Goku until finally Yamcha couldn't stand it anymore. "Chi-Chi, come on! He's in pain, lying on a cot, and you're still yelling at him! Take a look at his condition for a second!" Chi-Chi blinked in surprise, and the tension in the room skyrocketed, until finally she sighed and looked at Goku, her eyes scanning his body. Her eyes widened, and she seemed to be trying to blink away tears. "Oh, Goku, why must you do these things?" Goku grinned at the corner of his mouth. "S-sorry, but I couldn't let that guy just take over Earth and kill everyone..." Chi-Chi nodded. "I-I suppose you're right." "Victory." Yamcha mumbled. Everyone managed a laugh, and despite what had just went down, a small smile gradually spread across Yamcha's face.

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