A Note From The Author

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(Heavy breathing)


Hello, everybody. This is Leo speaking. If you're reading this, congratulations! You read the entire story to get here. Many, many thanks! Or maybe you just skipped to this part... 

Anyway, yeah. This story is the longest I've written by far, and it's been, what, a freaking entire year since I started this? 2 years? I've lost track. Regardless, it's... it's done. Seriously. That's it. I mean, you did see the big bold letters that read "THE END" in the last chapter, right? 

Yamcha is my favorite Dragon Ball franchise character. I've always thought he deserved better and one day I began thinking about what it would be like if he traveled back in time to have a redo at living his life. This story is my take on that. And by the way, about Marorizu: she's not my OC. She's actually an OC drawn by someone on Deviantart, but I just really like the idea of her. Plus, she and Yamcha go really well together in my opinion. And if I'm being honest, just like with my Future Gohan story, I'm... kinda sad to end this. I know every story ends eventually, but I honestly think of Yamcha as part of me now. I know, it's weird. But ending this is like saying goodbye to a person I hold dear. Heck, I do hold Yamcha the most dear out of any character from the Dragon Ball franchise!

Disregarding all that, I want to thank you one more time, from the bottom of my heart. I've worked my (censored) off writing this story, and I kept putting off chapters and then coming back and putting off chapters and coming back over and over and over. But now, after, like, five days straight of writing this and only this nonstop, I've reached the finish line. Yamcha's reached the finish line. You've reached the finish line! So once again, congratulations. You showed spirit, just like Yamcha! I guess I did, too. And here we are. (And by the way, the picture represents how I felt after finally wrapping this up. I've been staying up 'till, like, 11:00 at night working on this monster!) So thank you and peace out.


A Goodbye Song:

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