Chapter 77: Krillin's Sacrifice

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Everyone jumped away, managing not to get hit by any beams, while Tien, Vegeta, Goku, and Marorizu watched from a distance. "Looks like they've been cornered." Marorizu said in a slightly worried tone. "That's what'll happen if they continue to just keep avoiding the attacks without retaliating!" Vegeta said. Android 18 walked up to them. "Hey. What's going on?" Goku faced her. "We're looking for a sniper." "A sniper." "Yeah." Goku replied, and then he pointed his thumb at something- or more accurately, someone. "And I think I see him." Everyone looked at where he was pointing to see a bulky, large humanoid with red skin standing on a tall boulder, with lasers being reflected off his body in all directions. But there was also someone shooting his backside. He was just the reflector. Goku frowned. "It looks like there's someone shooting and that guy's just reflecting those shots." Vegeta growled. "I'll take that guy. He's closer anyway!" He charged without waiting for a reply. "H-hey! Vegeta- oh, shoot." Goku's frown turned nervous. Tien faced him. "You go help Vegeta with that guy. I'll try to find the real shooter." He and Goku both ran off to do their respective parts, leaving Marorizu and 18. The Saiyan faced the android, hands on her hips. "Well, 18? What do you say we go give those bumbling boys a helping hand?" 18 smiled, amused at Marorizu's joke. "Sounds good to me." 

Lasers continued to rain down on the four, with Gohan and Piccolo taking cover under a large slab of rubble while Krillin and Yamcha did their best to evade. "We're running out of options here!" Gohan said. Krillin glanced at the Saiyan-Earthling hybrid as he was forced to block a few energy blasts. "E-easy for you to say! You guys get to hide while we have to deal with getting shot at!" Yamcha deflected a few blasts, clenching his teeth. "This guy's persistent, I'll give him that!" Krillin scowled. "I'd like to give him a good old-fashioned punch to the face, thank you very much!" They then heard a voice call out "Oh, boys!" The group looked over to see Marorizu and 18 sprinting towards them. "What are you doing here, 18?!" Krillin hollered over the multiple explosions. "M-Marorizu? Why- Krillin, move!" Yamcha shouted. He and Krillin both jumped away as the barrage of attacks increased steadily. They landed safely, and Yamcha looked over at the girls. "Hey, where's Tien?" 18 grimaced. "He said he would try and find the real sniper! As for Goku and Vegeta, they're off trying to stop the guy who's reflecting the shots towards us!" Gohan looked worried. "You'll get shot, too! Don't get too close!" They paid his warning no mind and kept running forward. "We have to trust that Goku and my brother will take care of the enemy!" Marorizu yelled. 

Goku and Vegeta bounded towards the warrior who was reflecting the shots, and as they approached, Vegeta looked angry. "I'll end this nonsense right away!" "I'll lend you a hand, Vegeta!" Goku declared. As they continued to run forward, Vegeta began to charge up a Galick Gun, and Goku a Kamehameha. "Galick..." "Ka-me-ha-me..." Both Saiyans threw their hands forward, aiming at the reflector. "GUN!" "HAAAAAA!" The purple and blue blasts rocketed upwards and hit the boulder the reflector was standing on, causing a massive explosion. However, when the dust cleared, it was revealed that the fighter was unharmed, since he had just managed to jump away to another rock in time. The warrior, a fighter from Universe 2 named Prum, clenched his teeth and glared down at Goku and Vegeta. Vegeta pointed at Prum, his expression angry. "Hide and snipe at us from a distance, will you?! Pah! I'll blow you away in one shot!" "Oh, yeah?!" Prum shouted. Vegeta quickly fired another Galick Gun. This one nailed Prum, but instead of blowing him away, it was absorbed by his body and created a purple glow around it. 

Prum grinned. "Reflection!" The Galick Gun shot out from his aura in front of his stomach, but the Saiyans quickly avoided it by jumping away. They were, however, quite surprised. "W-what?!" Vegeta said in disbelief. "This guy can reflect energy attacks?!" Goku exclaimed. "That's right." Prum confirmed as Goku and Vegeta landed on the ground, "And I knew you'd come after me first." Vegeta and Goku both looked shocked. Suddenly, from another location, a thin blue blast hit Prum. His body gained a blue glow around it. "Reflection!" The blue glow quickly vanished as it seemed to focus into a blue beam that fired at Goku and Vegeta, who both dodged once again. Prum explained his role as Goku and Vegeta got ready to fight. "My job is to simultaneously act as an observer of enemies and as a mirror!" "What?!" Goku shouted. "So we should have gone for the source of the attacks first." Vegeta remarked, realizing their error. Goku lowered his voice to a whisper and told Vegeta, "Tien's working on that right now." Vegeta scowled. "Bah." Prum grinned. "You're too late in realizing that. It's over for you!" Another blue blast was shot and hit Prum, and his grin widened. "I think it's time for me to take out one of your friends now! Let's see if this shot's the one to do it!" He reflected the blast, and it rocketed off, bouncing off each pink orb. Prum laughed as the beam went around. "Hee hee... Those orbs are drones! I can make them whenever I wish, and there's no limit to their numbers!" 

Meanwhile, the blast bounced from drone to drone, and eventually it began heading straight towards 18. She didn't see it- her back was turned. But Krillin saw it, and his eyes widened. Yamcha (who was also oblivious to the approaching shot) suddenly got a very bad feeling. "No..." Krillin muttered under his breath. "18, watch out!" He ran forward and shoved his wife out of the path of the attack and took the full brunt of it, shouting in defiance as he fell off the fighting stage. "Krillin!" Yamcha shouted, "Oh, no... My bad feeling came true!" "What- Krillin, why did you do that?!" 18 exclaimed to her husband, who was now sitting in the spectator stands. Krillin smiled, but it was a sad and nervous smile. "S-sorry, 18. I saw the attack coming and instinct took over. You were in danger and..." he trailed off. 18 eventually grimaced and nodded. "Whatever the case, I owe you one." "The fight isn't over!" Marorizu reminded the group, and everyone was on their guard once again. They continued their search for the attacker. Meanwhile, Tien was getting ready to take action. 

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