Sixty Two

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Harry Styles

"Fuck!" Niall shouts while stubbing his toe.

"Shh!" I shush as him and I carry the big wooden desk towards the stairs. The last fucking thing I need is for Amelia waking up right now as we're carrying a big desk up the stairs.

"What are you gonna do about a fucking Christmas tree?" Louis says while walking out of the kitchen with a beer in his hand.

"Yeah please help yourself." I whisper sarcastically, ignoring his question. Louis takes an obnoxious swig from the bottle while roaming around the living room, looking at everything.

"I've never been in your bachelor pad mate." Liam says while looking around, not helping Niall and I with the desk.

"Yeah and you're not gonna be after tonight." I clearly state while getting to the top of the stairs. Liam rolls his eyes and follows us up the stairs, Louis shorty behind.

We walk quietly down the hallway and turn stop in front of my office door.

"Okay we an stop here." I whisper while placing the desk down in front of the door. Theirs no way I'm actually letting them come into my office.

"You seriously make us come all the way here but won't let us see your secret little room?" Niall complains as we place the desk down at the door.

"Yup." I nod while walking towards Amelia's door to check on her. I wrap my hand around the cold handle and slowly open the door- trying to be ask quiet as possible.

I look in and see her sleeping peacefully on her bed, blanket tangled and just covering her feet. Her hands stay flat under her cheek while her tight white tank top has rose up at bit so you can see the diamond jewelry pierced on her tanned stomach. She looks like an absolute angel- especially when she's asleep. Her very small shorts makes her beautiful legs look teasingly long and I literally can't pull my eyes away from it.

"She has her belly button pierced?" Niall says, making me instantly realize that all the boys are also looking at her from behind me.

"Guys fuck off." I get defensive and shut the door. I don't want them gawking at her when she's asleep- especially in such little clothing.

"Fuck Styles you're a lucky asshole, you know that?" Liam says as I shut the door.

"Yeah mate she's got a bangin bod." Niall agrees.

"I will literally shoot both of you in the dick if you make one more remark about her." I whisper shout before pushing past them and back down the hallway.

"Awe is Styles getting a little protective over his girlfriend?" Louis mocks as we walk back down the hallway.

"Shut up." I spit as we walk back down to the living room.

They all laugh lightly while getting back down to the living room. Fuck I got a lot of shit to do and it's already 1:30am.

"So what are you going to do with all these lights." Liam points out to the bundle of lights on the coffee table.

"Yeah this is a shit ton of lights man." Niall adds while we all stare in a circle at the lights.

"Fuck I don't know but I need to make it look like Christmas." I run my hand back through my hair in stress. I have never had a Christmas so I'm probably the worst person to do this.

"How are you gonna do that?" Liam asks.

"I don't fucking know. What the fuck does Christmas looks like?" I ask, looking around at the three leather jacketed men shrugging their shoulders.

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