Ninety Seven

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Harry Styles

"Niall!" I yell through the phone immediately when he picks it up.

"Woah what?" He says through the phone, caught off by the volume of my voice.

"I just got a another letter from Salvation, they are attacking in the next 24 hours!" I shout while looking at the letter on my desk.

"What! I thought they weren't planning to attack for another week! Harry we aren't ready for it!" Niall says in panic into my ear.

"I know I know! Fuck okay you need rally up as many members as you can. I don't think their going to come until tomorrow evening but we need to get prepared." I think on my feet while dropping the letter and walking out of my office, the phone still to my ear.

"Okay I will get on that. Fuck man." Niall curses in worry.

"I need to go get Amelia, I'll feel better once I know she's safe and with me. Text me once you got some of the men together." I state before hanging up.

Fuck fuck fuck.

We aren't ready for this fight yet. Salvation said they weren't coming for another week. They wanted a fight- but they're now giving us the unfair advantage of not being ready. They are screwing us over by doing this- they know that we won't be prepared like them.

I run into my room and quickly get changed into my jeans and black shirt, quickly grabbing my jacket and putting it on.

I need to go get Amelia from that club, she's been gone for about two hours. If I opened this letter earlier then I would have never let her go by herself tonight. I need her with me, I need to get her to safety.

I had a plan, I've had one for a while.

I know Salvations numbers have been going up, while ours have been going down. They are stronger then ever right now, and we are getting weaker. I have to think of the worse possibilities from this invasion- I have to be prepared because I don't just have myself to worry about-

I have her too.

I was going to get her above ground, I was going to send her to my cabin off the eighteenth concession where she could be safe.

I was going to say goodbye.

But now it's going to happen all faster then I thought, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to her. But I have to be ready. I will do anything to make sure she survives, even if it means I won't.

I grab one of the empty journals from my bedside table, opening it up to quickly grab the enveloped letter I stuck inside that I wrote last night. I fold it in half and stick it in my jacket pocket before grabbing my bottle of pills and dumping a bunch in the secret pocket on the inside of the jacket. I don't know how long this fight will go on for, I need to be prepared for it.

It didn't take me long until I was racing down the hallway and out the door of the apartment.

I can't believe this is gonna happen soon. I cant believe I'm going to be letter her go. I captured her months ago to keep her safe underground when the new war was going to happen above ground, but now- underground isn't safe anymore. She is better off above ground, she will be better off without me.

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