Chapter 46

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The world seemed to have new, brighter colors when she walked out of that barn. Elijah was gently stabilizing her, wrapping an arm around her waist, but she wasn't feeling weak. Her bod was tired and thirsted for blood, but the thought that she was alive again, that the chance to live a happy life, gave her so much energy. In the face of just jumping off death's edge, it all felt so easy.

"You look shitty."

Grace said bluntly, but grinned. She wrapped her arms around Elijah's neck. Chuckling, he pulled her close, still not really believing that he held her in his arms again.

"I thought you were dead, Grace. Do you really think it struck my mind to clean up nicely?"

Shaking her head, she pressed her lips onto his, not caring if the others were still around. Elijah closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the feeling of her lips against his. Hearing her breathe just became the essence of his life.

"We both should shower. Immediately."

She whispered before taking his hand and walking towards their home. Rebekah seemed to have left on her own, so the last reunion that had to be made was about to take place without her.

Nik stood in the living room, staring at nothing in particular. He turned around when he heard his best friend rip the door wide open. Tears pooled in her eyes again, but the wide, stunningly cheerful smile spread on her face again.

With an whoosh of air, she rushed to the hybrid and hugged him, nearly knocking him off his feet. Nik chuckled and immediately returned the embrace. He lightly padded her back, happy that she brought him this warm welcome. It made him feel important and he was relieved to see that his siblings and Grace were happy to see him alive.

When they pulled back, Grace suddenly slapped Nik right across the face. A loud smack sounded and he felt the skin of his cheek throbbing shortly. Still, she probably hurt herself more. His smile faded and an annoyed, but surprised expression came to surface.

Elijah flinched, his instincts telling him to get in between his brother and the woman he loved. But then he remembered that Grace Gilbert was the only person on this planet that could do that and not get her heart ripped out.

"Was this stunt really necessary, Nik? I really thought you and I are pushing up daisies from now on."

Nik rubbed his cheeks and rolled his eyes.

"Well, I deserved that."

Grace couldn't hide her smile, but before she turned around, she stopped in her tracks.

"Oh, and of course it was for ditching your sister and letting her be tortured. To be honest you deserve another slap for that. But that's something Beks can do herself."

The hybrid chuckled and Grace watched the short, but caring hug between Elijah and Nik. It was good to see the brothers of peace. Those two men...they were so complicated.

"Well, what's next?"

Grace asked. It seemed to easy that for a moment everything was alright. With the Mikaelson family there never was a really long time of peace and laying back.


Rough days laid behind Grace, Elijah and Nik. For once, there weren't any life threatening actions happening, but still they were very exhausting.

Grace found a new project in helping Elena learn to feed. She maybe wasn't the best role model, but Grace was the only vampire in her nearer circle that was outside the sensitive Salvatore zone, not judging and most importantly neither using bunnies or blood bags as her main source of food. Damon supported her also in this, which made them quite successful in making Elena feed without killing anyone. Still, there was something off about her feeding habits. Which vampire couldn't keep blood from a blood bag in?

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