Lost in the Dark

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I awoke in the dark. 

The icy dark of a winters night. 

'What happened?!, I asked myself, but there was noone to answer. And I hadn't had the slightest clue. Confused I walked towards town. Everyone was asleep. The clock on the church's tower told me it was a few minutes after two o'clock in the morning. Snow started to fall. A dog crossed my way. The neighbour dog. I knelt down to pat him, but as my Hand touched his furr, he froze. No, he turned into ice. Scared I fell back on my butt. 'What just happened?!', I asked myself the second time that night. Still no answer. 

"And so, the lone boy ran off. He was never seen again in this town. He was called dead", I narrate a story to some kids. "And then, and then??", little Jamie asked in high spirits. "I don't know, since he was never seen again."-"Fusch! What a stupid ending!", Jamie sulked. "Sorry kiddo. If he ever comes back, I'll tell you the true end."-"You think he'll go back?"-"I don't know. Maybe he's immortal now and haunts little boys and girls who are naughty."-"That's Santas job."-"Santa doesn't haunt anyone."-"But he could."-"You know, the guardians could do much, Jamie. But they aren't."-"Weeeh!"-"Oh back with the sulking. Nice, now Santa will really haunt you, haha."-"Shut up, Jack."-"Ohoo, you want me to tell your mum?" Suddenly Jamie took a step towards me and grabbed me at my hoddie. "No Jack, please!" My eyes widened. I made a big step back. "HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU NOT TO TOUCH ME?!" "I-I'm sorry Jack. I really am. It was not intentional."-"It's okay. You just got my hoddie. You kids better go home now, it's getting late." "See ya Jack", the little group of kids went their ways. 

'The story of the little boy will never continue. He'll never go back to his village. Even though... everyone in it is dead. Since 200 years, so it's useless', Jack thought for himself on the way to his little cave near a lake. It was winter again, in the early darkness he heard steps on the frozen floor. 

One year later. The same cave, the same darkness, the same footsteps. "Hiccup, I told you to put something on your prothetics. It's not good for them in this cold."-"And I told you, that I don't care. I know better about the stuff that's on my body."-"And I know better about winter."-"Pff, because you fell into a frozen lake once? Keep your breath, bro, that's no argument. You could at least say a nice hello to me."-"Oh hello sweet Hiccup, how was your 100% thrilling day?", Jack said like a girl that was in love. "Oh, nothing special, my dear. Saved some people here, took down an bank robbery there, the usual stuff", Hiccup sat down. "And all of that just in youir little, fuzzy head", Jack intended to patt onto Hiccups hair, but stopped just in time. He sat next to him. "What did you do all day?"-"Avoiding to get touched by the kids. He had a snowball fight. It was kinda fun, till all of them chased me."-"I don't get why you don't want to be touched. What's the problem with that?" Hiccup grabbed Jack's Hoddie, pulled his arm up and intended to hold his hand. Jack tore free, jumped on his feet and some meters away. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS!!"-"But why?"-"I just don't wanna be touched. Germs, you know." Hiccup stood up and looked at Jack with the unbeatable "you can't fool me, stupid" face, ever. "Says the boy who lives in a cave."-"Okay, point taken", grumbled Jack. "So what's your problem then by being touched?" Hiccup took one step towards him, Jack one back. "I don't need to tell you."-"I thought we were friends", he said hurt. "We are. I just can't tell anyone."-Then I'll just try and touch you."-"NO! IF YOU DO, YOU'LL DIE, OKAY?! IS IT THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! IS IT THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?!" Hiccup stared at him. "You are joking, Why would I die by touching you? That's the most stupid excuse I ever heard."-"That's no excuse, Hiccup." Jack took a deep breath. 

"I am cursed."

"Try to fool someone else, Jack! Your stupid jokes don't work on me. That's impossible!" "NO HICCUP!! I am cursed. A cursed, 200 years old boy wo can't die! I tried! I tried so damn many times, but nothing happened!! I woke up the next day as if it was nothing! And when i touch something, it dies. No plants, just animals and humans. I don't know why I have this curse on me. I don't know why this world hates me so much. I got used to the idea of never dying. But to kill someone isn't my idea of something I wanna live with. I could work with every god damn curse, I don't care. But this... this is the worst. I love, but can't fulfill it. I wanna live, but can't fulfill it. All I can do are the things I do now. Telling my own damn sad story. I'm trying to find answers, but there are none and won't come. So don't you dare come near me, to touch me!!"

"Jack... that makes no sense. There is no such thing as curses. I guess we should get you to a doctor." 

"THAT'S WHY, HICCUP! That's why I'm not telling this shit to anyone!! I thought we were friends! At least you, my best friend, should believe me!! But no, you wanna take me to a doctor!! Just... just leave me alone. That... would be the best for now", he turned away. Hiccup grabbed his hand. 

"ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?!", Jack screamed furious while getting his hand out of hiccups grip. But than he froze. For a few seconds at least. Hiccup wore gloves. Was it really that easy? Gloves? Hiccup holds his hand again. "See? I'm not dying."-"You say that as if it proves, i am wrong. But it doesn't."-"All I'm trying to say is that I am here for you. There is no need for you to do this alone."

'But someday you will die anyways', Jack thought for himself. He didn't say it. He faked a smile. "Thank you, Hiccup." 

It was a summers eve. Since his mother came back and he has a fiancée, Hiccup just showed up once a week. Well, once a week, to take a walk with Jack. "I want you to be my groomsman, Jack." Jack stopped for a moment. "Y-you're sure? I'll need to put on long things, can't put them off, even so a pair of gloves. I guess I would be the first groomsman who doesn't go home with a female guest after the wedding party."-"That's not the sense of a groomsman, Jack. And absolute no problem. Astrid knows about it. The guests will just know that you hate germs." Jack gave Hiccup a crooked smile. "Thank you, man. I'll do my best. Er... what do I need to do again?"-"Haha, I'll write you a list."-"Thanks, man." 

As they walked, they came to an old bridge. They always took that way, in summer like in winter. It may looks old, but could still hold one class of student. Jack would say "a pack of the fat ones", but that's the same. They always walked like ducks behind each other on the wide sidewalls of the bridge. Hiccup, more than just happy, nearly jump walking his way, followed by Jack. 

Suddenly Hiccup slipped. It wouldn't be a dramatic thing. But it was. The river underneath was dry since weeks. No water at all was down there. He tried to keep on hold. He wasn't fast enough. Jack trew himself onto the sidewall and grabbed his hand in affect. Then he realised. He tried to grab Hiccup at his sleeve, but too late. The young man just stared up at Jack, frozen in time. Frozen in forever. "Hiccup...", Jack mumbled. "Hiccup, no... no, you can't... I-I AM SORRY! I didn't want... I... tried to...", he couldn't form clear sentences. All he could was holding him. And see how his own view got blurrier by any second. Until his tears dropped onto Hiccups cheek. "Hiccup... please...  I... how am I supposed to..." He kept crying. He kept holding on. He kept muttering "I am so sorry."

Why must I be lost in this darkness? You were my light. And I killed you. Like any other I touched before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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