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The sun, shines through my window, successfully waking me up. I sit up, rubbing the blurriness from my eyes. I walk to my window, opening it for some fresh air. The breeze blows across my face, the air smells better out here, way better than Californian air. Someone knocks on my door, making me jump.
"Come in" I yell, still holding my shirt for dear life. My aunt comes in holding two cups of what smells like coffee.
"I didn't know what you liked, so I just added some creamer, and sugar" she says handing me a red cup with small white flowers on it.
"No, thats great, thank you" I say, taking a small sip.
"How did you sleep?" she asks, leaning against my desk
"Great, the air here is amazing, I know its a weird thing to say" I tell her, she smiles
"No, I completely understand, its a different feeling from the city" she says, a small nostalgic smile on her face.
"Anyway, I'm gonna leave you to get dressed, breakfast is ready when you are" she says, as she shuts the door behind her. I put my coffee down, and grab my suitcase from under the bed, I never got the chance to unpack last night. Kai's face pops into my head, his smile, and his gorgeous green eyes.
"Jesus, I need to get myself together, I just met him " I say, shaking my head. I get dressed quickly, putting on my bathing suit under my clothes.
"Morning" My uncle says, as I sit down at the table
"Morning" I respond, chomping down a piece of bacon
"Im actually going to head to the beach" I say, grabbing a piece of toast, and my backpack. I walk down the hill, my feet sinking into the soft sand. The ocean breeze hits me as I dip my feet into the warm salty water. I rush into the water, the waves breaking around me. I dip my head under the water, the world blurring around me. The hum of the ocean fills my body as I submerge myself into the water. I end up floating out there for a couple of hours, the water relaxes me, it always has. Ever since I was little, I would find the nearest body of water to help me relax, but the ocean was always my favourite. When I'm in the ocean, everything else just fades away, it's only me, and the water.
"Violet" I hear someone call, I turn towards the shore, but I'm too far out to make out who it is, so I swim back. Once I'm at the shore, breathless, I see Kai, and someone I haven't met before, she's gorgeous, with caramel brown hair, and gorgeous tan skin. She's wearing a purple sun dress, with tons of bracelets gracing her long arms.
"Hey" I say, kind of surprised to see him
"Hey, sorry this is weird, I was on the beach with Kalani, and saw you" he stutters, his hand rubbing the back of his head nervously
"Oh, hi, Im violet" I say to Kalani, who's smirking at Kai
"Hey, sorry my brother here is being an idiot, he just finds you intriguing" she blurts bluntly, making me smile.
"Shut it Kalani" he says, giving her a side glance
"I like you" I say, as she laughs at her brother
"Same" she responds making me laugh
"Anyway, since my brother here obviously cant talk we were wondering if you wanted to come into town with us, you know we can show you around" she asks, nudging Kai with her shoulder, who nods at me.
"Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do" I say grabbing my backpack, and clothes. Kalani, I noticed likes to talk, she never let it get silent which I like. The sun dries me off by the time we get to the main street, so I pull my shirt over my head, and shimmy on my shorts.
"So, what brings you down here?" Kalani asks
"Just visiting" I say, but she gives me a weird look
"I don't believe you, I mean you haven't really visited much, so why now?" she asks, surprising me.
"Kalani" Kai says, his voice hard, but she just shrugs, as she balances on some rocks
"No, its okay, the honesty is refreshing, people don't usually say what they're thinking" I tell Kai
"Umm, to be honest, I needed a break, from my family, and my social life" I tell her, she stops balancing now, her eyes on mine, they're an exact copy of her brothers
"I guess that makes sense, I mean I would want a break from those city folks" she says, making me laugh
"Sorry about her, she was obviously raised by wolves" Kai says, making Kalani laugh.
"I'm great" she says, sticking her tongue out, and making me laugh.
"Okay now we have to show you this great diner, cause I'm starving." Kalani says
"You read my mind" I tell her as she takes my hand, and pulls me with her
"I kinda suck at running" I yell as we're running to this fantastic diner.
"It's okay we're almost there" she yells back. Finally we stop in front of a diner called Islanders. 
"This place is amazing" Kalani says stretching the words as we sit down at the bar.
"It really is" Kai says sitting down next to me, his arm brushed mine, his skin is warm, and it sends a shiver down my spine.
"Kalani, Kai haven't seen you in a bit" some woman says holding some menus. She stares at Kai, as she talks, her eyes drifting down to his lips every so often.
"I know, I've just been busy surfing, and Kai here just can't do anything without me " Kalani says taking the menu from her, and passing it to me. Kai rolls his eyes, but still smiles.
"I'll get my usual" she tells the woman, who is now staring at me.
"Hi, I'm Jade" the woman says, I smile
"Violet" I respond, she grins, her smile is small almost timid.
"Hi Kai" she says, her eyes back on Kai, as he stares clueless at the menu
"Hey jade, I'll get my usual as well" he says handing her back the menu.
"And for you?" She asks me
"Is there anything your allergic to?" Kalani asks, I shake my head in response.
"Okay then, she'll have the usual as well" she tells Jade. Jade nods, and heads back to the kitchen.
"The usual?" I ask
"Don't worry you'll love it" Kai tells me, I nod.
"So Jade..?" I say, Kai looks at me confused.
"What about her?" He asks, leaning forward, I can feel his breath on my face, it smells like mint, and those flintstones vitamins.
"Umm, just that she likes you" I say, and Kalani nods in agreement.
"She does not, there's no way you could tell all that from one interaction" he says in disbelief, now leaning farther away.
"Oh I can tell" I say, he scoffs
"Girls just have a sense about this stuff, and I've been telling you this since forever" Kalani says, her mouth full of chips that I have no idea how she got.
"Shut it guys she does not, we've known each other for forever" he says defensively, we both laugh.
"Okay guys here's your order" Jade says bringing us steaming plates of waffles, eggs, and bacon.
"Okay it's settled I love you guys" I say digging in
"I told you" Kalani says her mouth full. After we finish eating we head back outside not after some unsubtle flirting from Jade, while Kai acts naive.
"Now that we're substantially full, it's time to show you our place" Kalani says, as I chug my water.
"That sounds kind of personal" I say, she giggles slightly
"Well I think you've earned it, I mean you are the first person we've taken to Islanders who hasn't complained about the amount of food there is on the plate." Kalani says, making me smile, as a warm feeling spread across my body.
"Let's go then" I say. We walk up to this area filled with plants taller than Kai, and they just disappear inside of it. After I follow them in, it leads to a pathway of sand. I follow Kalani, and Kai down the path, until we're on a cliff overlooking the ocean.
"This is it" Kai says spreading his arms out. I look out at the ocean as the breeze whips my hair around my face.
"This is gorgeous" I say walking closer to the edge. The view takes my breath away.  We all sit down watching the waves crash around the rocks. I inhale, and it instantly makes me feel amazing, like nothing could stop this feeling of complete relaxation.
"How did you guys find this place?" I ask
"When we were kids, we went out exploring after this huge storm, and we just happened upon this place, the rain from the night before made everything so clear, and the air smelt amazing, even as kids we appreciated the feeling of calm we got at this place, then we just kept coming here" Kalani explains, her eyes straight ahead on the ocean.
"Have you guys ever jumped off of the cliff?" I ask, Adrenalin rushing through my veins at the thought.
"All the time" Kai says. I stand up, and take off my shirt, and shorts.
"Wait are you jumping?" Kalani asks, standing next to me.
"Yup" I answer
"Wow city girls got some fire" Kalani says, making me smile.
"I'm trying to" I say, my heart racing wildly.
"Well then I'll go with you" Kalani says taking off her dress. Kalani looks at Kai expectedly.
"Yeah, Yeah I'll go to" Kai says taking off his shirt, Jesus that boy has a body, Okay time to focus.
"On three" I say, my body humming with anticipation.
"1.....2.....3" Kalani yells, then we all jump. The air whizzes by me, as my body drops off the cliff. I open my eyes as my body slides into the water, the ocean consumes me. My heart beat calms as I float in the clear blue water, it's a feeling I've never felt before.... freedom.

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