A New Begining

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When we finally got out of the water, it was midnight, and the party was dying down, only a couple people around the fire were left. I grabbed my cover over from my bag, and pulled it around me, the breeze chilling me slightly.
"You cold?" Kia asks pulling on his shirt. His hair sends water droplets down his face.
"A little" I say
"I have a blanket in my truck, I'll be right back" he says, running off towards the parking lot. He comes back, with a big fuzzy blue blanket in his hand.
"Here you go" he says putting it around me, I smile.
"So you just have a giant blanket in your truck?" I ask as we walk towards the fire
"Of course, who knows when a damsel will need it" he jokes, making me laugh
"Well thank you" I say as we find an empty seat next to Kalani, and Haku.
"Have a nice swim?"Kalani asks, smirking.
"Shut it" Kai says, making Kalani laugh wickedly.
"So are you two doing it" Leo asks, from across the fire.
"Yup, can't you tell we're doing it right now" I say, and everyone laughs, making me blush slightly. I surprise myself, usually I would of said nothing, I just would of been highly embarrassed.
"Wow, you're so funny" some girl says, her eyes filled with subtle hatred. She looks me up, and down, making my skins crawl.
"I'm Luna" the girl introduces, flipping her hair behind her shoulders. She sticks out her hand for me to shake.
"Violet" I say, feeling intensely inadequate. She had long black hair, beautiful blue eyes, and she was tiny. She continued to look at me angrily after we shook hands, for some unknown reason.
"You still cold?" Kai asks, turning me away from her glare.
"Oh, do you need the blanket back?" I ask taking it off my shoulders.
"No, I was just wondering if you were still cold, sorry stupid question" he says, placing the blanket back on me, his hand brushed my shoulder, sending heat through me. My body warms instantly, as an electric hum runs through me.
"So Kai, I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?" Luna asks, moving to sit next to him. She touches his arms slightly, her long fingernails curling around his bicep.
"Um, I guess so, sure" he says, looking at me now uncomfortably.
"What time did you need to be home" he asks me
"Oh, well I don't really have a curfew, so whenever works for me" I tell him.
"Kalani are you coming with us, or is Haku driving you?" He asks, moving away from Luna's grip.
"Um, I think I'll come with you guys" she says, raising her eyebrows at me.
"Let's go then" he says standing up, he thrusts out his hand towards me, I take it, and he helps me up.
"I'm keeping the blanket in the car" I tell him, as we walk, he laughs.
"I thought as much" he responds, when suddenly Luna is in between us.
"God, I'm so cold" she says rubbing her hands together. We get to the car, and I don't know where to sit.
"I call shot gun" Luna says, running ahead of me, I guess the back it is.
"So, how long are you in town for?" Luna asks me.
"I'm not sure" I tell her
"Is is a vacation, or are you running from something?" She Asks, making me uncomfortable.
"Luna" Kai warns
"What I'm just trying to get to know her Kai" she says innocently. As she rolls down her window.
"I'm not running from anything, and I thought you were cold?" I say, she smiles at me again, making me feel very uncomfortable.
"Well I actually run really hot, so my temperature changes quickly" she says, confusing me
"What!?" Kalani asks, her face twisted with confusion
"Nothing never mind" she says obviously annoyed, I want to laugh really badly. The rest of the car ride is quiet, even Kalani is quiet. Kalani places her head on my shoulder, and I give her some blanket, not feeling that cold anymore.
"Alright Luna, we're here" Kai says, stoping in front of a giant house, with a beautiful wrap around porch.
"Thanks for the ride" she says unbuckling her seatbelt, she leans up, and kisses Kia on the cheek.
"Call me kay" she says as she hops out of the car, he grunts in response. Finally she shuts the door, and leaves.
"I'm really sorry about her, she's doesn't like new people" he says, once we start driving again
"She's a bitch to everyone except you" Kalani corrects, making me laugh.
"Well still I'm sorry" he says, his eyes staring straight ahead.
"It's okay, I mean it's not your fault she doesn't like me" I say, and Kalani snorts.
"That's not true, she was a bitch to you cause she's still in love with Kai, and she thinks you two are a thing" Kalani says
"Wait still in love, meaning you guys were in love before?" I ask confused.
"We dated before" Kai replies, his voice hard.
"Oh, what happened?" I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.
"It just kinda of ended, I realized I was never in love with her" Kai says, his voice drifting off.
"Well I celebrated the day they broke up, I hated her" Kalani says, opening the window, and letting her hand glide in the air.
"Well she's obviously still into you" I say, opening my window. The breeze hits me in the face, sending chills across my body. I inhale, and my body instantly relaxed into my seat, I let the wind surround me, like a blanket.
"She isn't" he says, making Kalani, and I laugh. Finally we're at my house, and Thank got I'm exhausted.
"Thanks for the ride, and for tonight it was fun" I say, grabbing my backpack off the floor of the Jeep.
"Hey, wait give me your number, I'll text you we can hang out tomorrow" Kalani says. She hands me her phone, and I give her mine.
"Okay, well thanks again" I say, as he hands me back my phone.
"Night" Kai says smiling, I smile back. I walk into the house quietly, taking off my sandals so they don't echo off the hardwood. I head to my room, stopping in the kitchen, for a snack. I grab some leftover pasta, and head to my room. I grab my computer from my desk, and plop down on my bed. I scroll through my Instagram, realizing I haven't been any social media in 3 days, I mean that's obviously not that long, just long for me I guess. I end up exiting the browser, not in the mood to analyze every picture thats been posted in my absence. I just start watching Netflix, and eating my leftover pasta in bed, and it's great.

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