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"I'm so glad you asked to hang out" Kalani says sipping on her strawberry smoothie. We're walking along the shoreline. I called her this morning, she agreed excitedly to hang out. I missed her, and I hate that things have to be weird.
"I missed you" I say, she smiles, linking our arms.
"I've missed you" She smiles pushing some hair from her face.
"I can't believe that I just met you this summer, it feels like it's been years" She exclaims, making me laugh.
"I know, this summers been the longest and best of my life" I say, she touches her heart, making me shove her.
"I know I'm amazing" she laughs.
"You are" I agree, she claps her hands together. She takes another small sip of her drink she looks like she wants to ask me something, I can tell by the way she keep looking at me then back to the sand.
"What?" I ask, she sighs
"I just miss when things were normal" She says.
"We're still normal" I shrugs, she nods
"I know but it's different. I'm not saying you have to be with Kai, but you've become to important to both of us, and I want us to always be friends" She expresses. I suddenly feel guilty because I don't want her to think I'm just going to forget about her.
"I want to be friends with both of you, Kai, well he wants more and I can't give him that" I tell her. We both stop, she turns to me, the wind whipping her hair in her face.
"I know he made it weird, but would you consider still being his friend?" She asks, trying to shift so the wind doesn't mess with her hair.
"I would love to be friends with him, I do love him as a person." I say, she smiles
"He knows that you're with Dylan he was just heated in the moment, and got caught up. He told me all this I'm not paraphrasing" She declares.
"I don't want to hurt him K., but I also don't want to hide Dylan" I respond
"Hey I totally agree, and if he agrees to be cool and normal can we all hang out?" She asks
"Why doesn't he talk to me?" I ask
"He's scared, and he's a stupid boy" She looks amused.
"Fair enough" I attest, she giggles.
"But I do want to talk to him" I say, she links our arms again as we start walking.
"Done" She agrees.
"No way" I say taking the remote from Dylan, he sighs.
"We're not watching some weird crime show, at least not right now." I say flipping back onto Netflix.
"Fine but then I get to Veto something if I don't want to watch it" He says as I lay my legs on his lap. His hands instantly go to my calves, massaging them slightly.
"Maybe" I smirk, he sighs. There's a loud knock on the door, Dylan looks at me, I shrug standing.
"Coming" I call rushing over. I open the door, and Kai stands there hands in his pockets.
"Hey" He smiles awkwardly.
"Hey" I respond
"Sorry to show up, was I interrupting?" He asks, I look behind me then quickly back.
"I have some time" I say, he nods running his hand nervously through his hair.
"Can we talk about that night?:" He asks, I nod.
"I'm sorry that I got mad, you were right I had absolutely no right to be angry at you" he starts. I step out a bit more keeping the door ajar.
"I understand that we're broken up, more importantly I understand that you don't have feelings for me anymore not like that anyway, so I'm going to respect yours and Dylans relationship" He lists.
"So ya that's what I had to say" He mumbles his cheeks pink. A part of me wants to not forgive to just start fresh. Then I think about when I first came here and how much him and Kalani helped me and I know I couldn't do that. I really do think he means well.
"Thank you for apologizing." I say, he nods.
"Are you asking to be friends?" I ask, just to clarify.
"Yes, I want to be friends" He states. I fiddle with the door handle slightly, my nerves spiking.
"Okay, yes as long as you realize that we're just friends. I love you Kai as a person, and I'll always be there for you, but I need to respect the relationship I'm in and so do you otherwise we can't be friends" I state, he bites his lip lightly looking down at the pavement.
"I understand you're in a relationship and I respect you" He says, I nod.
"Okay, so see you tonight at Luna's then?" I ask, he smiles a genuine Kai smile and it makes me smile.
"Yes, see you there Friend" He says, I roll my eyes but grin anyway. I wave as he drives away, before shutting the door. Dylan's flipping through channels when I get back. I plop down, placing my feet back onto his lap. He looks at me and grins.
"You good?" He asks
"Yes, I told him what I had to and if he does something again then that will be the last straw" I explain.
"Sounds fair" He nods, turning back to the TV
"Now what do you want to watch?" He asks, I shift pulling my feet off his lap and sitting up. He's still flipping through Netflix.
"I don't feel like watching anything actually" I say, he turns now a confused look on his face.
"You were the one who wanted to in the first place" He says, I sigh dramatically peeling off my shirt, his eyes go wide. My skin flushes as his eyes roam over me, lustful and hazy.
"I have other plans now" I smile, he grins before pulling me onto his lap.
"No definitely the purple one" I tell Kalani. She spins looking at her refection in the mirror.
"Ya you're right" She smiles
"Now your turn" She turns back to me. I point down to my simple outfit of shorts and a top.
"Come on, let me dress you" She whines, stepping closer.
"Please" She adds, I sigh.
"Fine, but nothing too colourful" I say, she claps her hands excitedly. She turns and stares rummaging through her closet. I sit back onto the bed. I watch as she pulls clothes out of her closet, only to then throw it on the floor with a huff.
"This is perfect" She turns to me, a smirk on her face. She lifts up a black dress that looks very much like a bondage suit.
"Try it on please" She says, I sigh. I snatch it from her hands.
"This is literal latex" I exclaim, she laughs loudly sitting on the bed. I quickly change, with the help of Kalani.
"Jesus, I broke a sweat" I say pushing my hair from my face, her smile widens.
"What?" I ask turning to the mirror. The dress was glued to my body, almost like a second skin. My boobs spill slightly over the top, but it looks more sexy than unflattering. It's like a pushup. The dress is just plain black but there almost a wire separation around my boobs, putting even more emphasis on them. I'm impressed by the outfit, but also very uncomfortable.
"I don't know it's not really me" I say running my hand down the fabric.
"You have to, you look so hot" She exclaims excitedly.
"Isn't it too much?" I ask, still unsure.
"No, you look gorgeous, come on" She urges winking, it makes me chuckle.
"Fine, but I'm bringing extra clothes" I relent, she nods vigorously. Kalani does her make quickly since Jackson, and Dylan should be here soon. I decide on a very minimal look since the dress is very out there. I keep my hair loose, not really in the mood to do something with it. I shift on the bed, the dress clinging onto me as I try to find a comfortable position.
"Ready" She says standing up from her vanity. She turns to me. She's decided to do a smokey eye, with some eyeliner, she looks amazing.
"Hot" I comment's he giggles and blushes slightly.
"Hello" I hear Jackson voice, Kalani bubbles with excitement and she rushes out. I grab my phone before following her out.
"Babe" She jumps on him, he spins her. They're so cute it's kind of disgusting!
"Get a room" I joke, Kalani laughs while Jackson blushes.
"Please don't" I hear Kai's voice behind me. He's dressed in his usual jeans and black tee. He grins, as Kalani nudges him. He turns to me his eyes widen drastically.
"Hey" I smile
"Hey" he responds. His eyes rake over me, landing back on my eyes. I shift feeling awkward. I know that look very well.
"Sup Bitches" I hear, we both turn to the door. Dylan stands a grin on his face. He's wearing a striped tee, with some jeans. His hair is wind whipped and he looks very tempting right now. His eyes find mine, his face goes slack.
"Wow" He blurts, his eyes roaming over me lustfully making my skin flush. He steps closer, and so do I, needing to be near him.
"Kalani dressed me" I blush, he grins sexily at me and my heart flutters.
"You look, I don't even have a word for how good you look" He laughs, his hands now on my hips. Heat rolls through me, making me lean into him.
"Thank you" I smile leaning up so he can peck my lips. He obliges, but it's not a peck. The kiss makes me dizzy and leaves me breathless. I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He growls lowly, urging me on further.
"Okay now you guys have to get a room" I hear Kalani's voice. Dylan pulls away, my skin on fire.
"Sorry" I mumble, turning away from him.
"Who's driving tonight?" Dylan asks, wrapping his arm around me, he pulls me flush against him. My heart races wildly.
"I can, don't feel like being hungover tomorrow" Jackson says, Kalani links their hands leaning her head on his shoulder. We all head out to Jackson's truck. Dylan, Kai and I pile into the back, it's a tight squeeze. Kai stares off out the window, his jaw set in a hard line. Dylan places his palm on my knee, squeezing slightly. I shift closer to him, leaning against him. Luna's place is packed, people are everywhere. There's even a karaoke machine In one corner, where people cheer loudly. If it's possible more pictures of her appear on each wall. Dylan leads me to the drink table, our hands connected the whole time. Dylan makes me a drink, as I watch someone dancing way too hard next to some girl, who looks like she's rather be anywhere else. The girl turns looking off towards a group of girls who I assume are her friends. Her friends have wide smiles on their faces. The guy suddenly stops, spinning her around and kissing her. My jaw drops, the balls on him. She reciprocates the kiss zealously, which shocks me even more.
"Vi" I hear Dylans voice, I turn back to him my eyebrow raised in question.
"You okay?" He smiles handing me my drink.
"Ya, just saw something" I say taking a sip. The drink is stronger than I expected, my throat burns.
"What the hell is this?" I ask, Dylan chuckles loudly
"Special drink" He winks, I shove him. We head over to where everyone else stands. Cole, one of Kai's friends is taking energetically to the group. Cole and I never really got along, he's a complete jackass. He stops when he see's us, his eyes stuck to me in particular.
"Violet" He says, I nod in response.
"As I was saying, she's was a total stalker, called me eleven times in an hour. So I finally told her that we couldn't sleep together anymore, she was becoming too much" He explains. Even though I didn't get the full story, it makes me sick to my stomach how much of an asshole he is.
"Classic" I smile sarcastically, he tilts his head, his eyes roaming over me.
"I am very obsession worthy" He grins smugly.
"I'm sure you think that" I quip, my annoyance doubling. His grin widens and if it's possible he becomes even more smug.
"So what's new with you Violet?" He asks, looking over at Dylan.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I smirk, he chuckles humourlessly.
"I see you're still funny" he says, I nod sipping my drink.
"Oh Kai I forgot to tell you, you remember Jess, ya well she knows you're single and she's down for, well anything" Cole chuckles patting Kai on the back, I roll my eyes.
"Jess who?" Kai asks, whenever he's around Cole he gets annoying and weird. He acts like a frat boy, with no morals.
"Jess, big boobs' Cole says, I groan in annoyance.
"You're a pig" I say
"Jealous" He asks.
"Is it that obvious. how could I not be obsessed with a washed-up loser who's going nowhere" I quip sarcastically, anger passes over his features.
"I'd much rather be a controlling bitch who has a stick up her ass" He responds
"Calm down" Dylan steps forward, his face hard.
"Oh maybe you can control your bitch, she seems to be off her leash" Cole laughs, suddenly Dylan's fist connects with Cole's jaw. Cole stumbles backwards, cupping his jaw.
"What the fuck" Cole yells angrily
"Watch your fucking mouth!" Dylan spits at him
"Don't speak to her again, or next time it will be a lot worse than a bruised chin" He adds his voice razor sharp. I take his hand pulling him away from Cole, who's scared silent.
"Let's go" I urge, his eyes find mine. I can see the anger in them, his eyes dark.
"You guys need a ride?" Jackson asks
"No it's okay we'll walk" I say, he nods. I wave bye to Kalani and we make our way through the throngs of people. When we're finally outside, I stop.
"How's your hand?" I ask, reaching for his hand. I lift it closer to me examining the chapped knuckles. I softly run my fingers along them, he hisses slightly.
"Sorry" He mumbles, I look up, he looks guiltily at me.
"For?' I aks
"I shouldn't have resorted to hitting him, he's just such an ass" He says.
"Should I be mad at you?" I ask, he looks confused.
"Is this a trick question?" He retorts making me smile.
"No I'm confused should I be mad, cause I'm not at all. Maybe a normal person would be." I blush
"You're not mad?" He asks, I shake my head leaning up to peck his lips lightly.
"I don't want you fighting, but this one time I'm not mad. Honestly It was super hot. But don't do it again, he's not worth it." I smirk, he grins stepping closer to me. His arms wrap around my waist.
"Really" He whispers his eyes glued to my lips.
"Just a little bit" He nods dipping down to kiss me. The kiss sets my skin on fire. I pull him closer, my fingers gripping at his shirt. His lips are so enthralling sometimes it scares me. I pull away my chest rising and falling rapidly.
"We should get home" I express, my voice hoarse and filled with Lust. His eyes match making me blush all over.

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