Adventure Number One

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We're all sitting at the shore line, playing with the sand, and laughing.
"You know I use to cover myself in muddy sand thinking I was giving myself like an all over facial" I say rubbing some muddy sand on my arm.
"Your joking, I did the same!" Kalani says, throwing some sand on her legs. We sit there taking, and throwing sand till the sun starts to set.
"Holy shit, what time is it?" I ask, watching the sun turn a burnt orange.
"It's 6:40" Kai says, checking his watch.
"We should probably get going" Kai says standing up, and wiping the sand off his butt, which might I add is gorgeous, Jesus what's up with me?!
"Yeah I need to get ready for the bonfire" Kalani says, helping me stand up.
"I forgot about that" I say, grabbing my backpack, from the rocks up ahead.
"You're still going, right?" Kai asks, handing me my shirt.
"I mean why not, I really wanna go night swimming" I say, and he smiles.
"Let's go home then, I need to look good, Haku's gonna be there" She says, a huge smile on her face. We walk to Kalani's and Kai's house, it's cute. The same style as Aunt V's, but smaller, more quaint.
"Okay, I'll see you tonight" Kalani says, giving me a tight hug, she smells like coconut, and the ocean. Kalani skips inside, obviously happy.
"Thanks for today" I say, pushing my hair out of my face.
"It was fun" he says, his eyes a brighter green from the orange cast of the sun.
"Anyway I'll see you tonight" I say, pushing my backpack up on my shoulders.
"Well I can't let you walk alone" he says, his tone obvious, making me laugh.
"It's okay really" I say, he tilts his head
"You know despite what you think, I'm not a total idiot, I'm walking you home" he says, my heart stops, as an urge to lean in and kiss him pops up. Get it together Violet!
"Okay then, let's go" I squeak out trying to hide my blush, thank god for my tan. The walk is much quieter now that Kalani isn't with us.
"Your sisters really great" I say, he chuckles, and it vibrates through me.
"Yeah she's great, she likes you though, she's not usually that nice to people" he says, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets, I've noticed he does that when he's nervous, or doesn't know what to do with his hands.
"Well good, I'm glad I'm likeable, not everyone thinks that" I blurt, and instantly regret it. Why do I keep blurting out things like this?!
"You're very likeable" he says, his voice serious now, making me stall.
"So do you have any other siblings?" I ask, breaking away from this topic.
"Nope, just me and Kalani" he says proudly, making me smile.
"Well I'm sure you guys were a handful for your parents" I
"Oh definitely, but we helped them with the diner, and I think that's helped" he says, I smile at how fond the memory is.
"Diner?" I ask
"My parents own the islanders" he tells me.
"Wow, I'm glad I only said good things" I tell him, he smiles now.
"Well there is only good things to say" he says making me laugh
"They must have been busy you know with you two and the diner" I say
"It was hard, it would of been way worse if Tutu wasn't there, she helped a lot" he says
"Wait I just realized something.... you and Kaui are cousins!" I state, making him laugh loudly
"Unfortunately, Yes" he states, as he laughs loudly.
"Well were here, you did your gentlemanly duty" I say, as we stand in front of my door.
"I guess I'll see you tonight" he says, I nod, he turns quickly, kinda slipping on some loose rocks, making me laugh.
"You did not see that.... understood!" He says, pointing to me
"See what?" I play along, he smiles, and continues walking backwards. I walk inside, and wafting through the house is a roasted garlic smell, that makes my mouth water.
"I'm home" I yell, walking towards the kitchen.
"Hey, you were gone all day, what did you get up to?" My aunt says, as she mixes something on the stove, as my uncle chops some salad.
"I actually hung out with Kai, and Kalani" I say, grabbing a piece of pasta from the bowl.
"Oh, they're great kids" my aunt says, giving me a smile
"Yeah, Anyway I'm gonna go change out of my bathing suit, and I'll set the table" I say, heading to my room. I quickly change, as my stomach growls loudly for food. I set the table, and we all sit down for dinner.
"So where did you guys go?" My aunt asks, as I dig into this amazing pasta.
"Ugh, they showed me the diner islanders, we went swimming, and watched the sunset" I say, after I swallow my food.
"I love that diner, they have amazing waffles, but you must be exhausted" she says, taking a bite of her salad.
"Actually I feel great, I mean yeah I could go for a power nap, but they Actually invited me to a bond fire tonight, that is if it's okay with you guys" I say, my aunt smiles.
"Sure, I don't see why not" she respond, as my uncle nods his head in agreement. After dinner, I offer to wash dishes. After I'm done, I head to my room to get ready. I pick out my favourite pair of Levi shorts, form the messy pile of clothes in my suitcase, and I pair it With my black one piece bathing suit, and a cover over, just in case. I notice how tan I got in the mirror, as I check out my outfit, it's like I've been baking in the sun.
"Violet" my uncle calls, I grab my bag, and head out. I see Kai, at the door, he's wearing a black t-shirt, with some board shorts, and his tan stands out even more, if that's possible. I don't see Kalani, maybe she's waiting outside. My uncle, and Kai are laughing at something, as I walk up.
"Hey" I say, placing my backpack on my shoulder.
"Hey, you ready to go?" He asks, I nod.
"Bye guys" I yell closing the door.
"So where's Kalani?" I ask, as Kai opens the door to a Baby blue Jeep for me.
"She's meeting us there, Haku is taking her." He says rolling his eyes.
"Are they a thing?" I ask, as he starts the car.
"I don't know, they're in that in between thing" he says, as he places his arm on my head rest, and backs up.
"Ohhh, makes sense, do you like him?" I ask, shoving my cover over in my backpack, I will not need it.
"He's not bad, but I am her big brother, I don't want anyone hurting her" he says
"That's understandable, I mean you gotta act macho to show him who's boss!" I joke, flexing my non existent muscles, and making him laugh.
"So where is this bond fire happening?" I ask one we're on the main road.
"Maniniowali Beach, About 30 minutes from here" He answers. We end up fighting about what radio station to put on, the whole way, in the end he gives in, and I win!
"God I can't believe you like Taylor swift" he says, disdain in his voice
"I don't like Taylor Swift, I think she's a snake, but her music is catchy so shut it" I say, making him laugh. We talk a lot about who will be there, and some of his friends, and also some douche bags to watch out for, one particularly names Kaui, but I already knew that. He's really easy to talk to, I want you to just spill my guts to him.
"We're here" he says, I look around, and see a lot of cars. I get out, and the breeze wizzed around me peacefully. I follow Kai, until I see a huge bond fire, and tons of people laughing loudly.
"This is a lot of people" I say, as my anxiety raises. I have bad social anxiety, and this situation isn't helping.
"Don't worry most of them are drunk, and won't talk to us" he says, and I like that he said us, I really like it. I hear Kalani before I see her, she calls out my name.
"Violet" She screeches, running towards us. She hugs me tightly, her breath smells like beer.
"I want you to meet Haku, he's super hot" she says dragging me to a group of people, and away from Kai.
"Guys this is Violet, Vi, this is everyone" she says pointing around the circle of people. My anxiety makes me freeze, Knowing that if I say anything, my voice will shake.
"Hi, I'm Kiara" this short brunette girl introduces.
"Hey" I say my voice quiet
"I'm Leo" another guy introduces, his smirk never leaving his face. People keep telling me their names, I don't remember any to be honest. Finally Kai stands next to me, letting me catch my breath.
"Don't worry Vi the only name you need to remember is mine" he jokes, making that Leo guy scoff.
"I'm wayyyy more important than you" Leo says, still smirking at me.
"Shut it Leo" Kalani says, handing me a cup of I don't know what.
"It's beer" Kai says reading my mind, I nod, and take a small sip. Finally Kalani introduces me to her guy friend Haku, he's cute, and tall, which is a good sign I guess, but he's super quiet. I end up sneaking off, and tossing my bear, ready to get into the water.
"Hey, I'm sorry if this is a lot, I know it can be crazy to meet so many people at once" Kai says, just as I take off my shorts.
"No it's okay, I mean it is a party, I just needed a breather" I say, he smiles.
"You going in?" He asks staring at the water.
"I think so, I mean the water is just so consuming, its like it has a magnetic pull over me" I say, touching the water with my toe.
"I get it, the ocean has always been my safe place, it's like when I'm in the water it's just me, and the ocean, and nothing can hurt me, or touch me" he says
"Exactly" I agree, knowing exactly how he feels.
"Do you mind if I come in with you" he asks
"No, not at all" I say, so he starts to take off his shirt, and my eyes are glued to his chest! I look away quickly before he notices. We walk in together, letting the water lap at our waists.
"It's so warm" I say, he moves closer, and it's like I can feel the heat of his skin through the water. We swim further in, until we're unable to feel the bottom.
"It's weird" he says
"What is?" I ask
"How comfortable I am with you" he answers, his eyes now on me.
"I could say the same thing" I respond, our voices bouncing off the water.
"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks, my heart beat picks up
"Yes" I respond, looking at the  moon.
"Okay, I just farted" he says, and I burst out laughing.
"You're disgusting" I yell splashing him, he just laughs it off. We end up floating out there, and talking for so long, and It's amazing.

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