Morning After

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I spring out of bed, my head instantly turning towards my side table to see my alarm clock, but I'm not home. I look around my eyes landing on Kai's naked chest, and memories of last night flood through my head, I smile. I quickly snap out of it, grabbing my phone from the floor, to see its 8 am, and I'm still at Luna's, shit I'm in so much trouble. I stand now, and realize I'm completely naked, shit! I grab my clothes off the floor and start yelling Kai's name, but he doesn't budge. I finally get my dress over my head and move around the bed to Kai's side, he's snoring lightly, he looks so peaceful.
"Kai," I say, shaking him slightly, he hums and opens his eyes slowly. He smiles when he see's me, his arms above his head stretching.
"Morning," he says, his voice gravelly, it's very sexy.
"We have to go," I tell him, as he sits up the cover rides low, and I stare at his naked form, he notices and smirks. He pulls me toward him, grabbing the hem of my dress and kisses me. The kiss makes me dizzy, I run my fingers through his hair pulling slightly, he moans.
"We have to go," I whisper, he groans before jumping up quickly to get dressed. We rush down the steps and are met with a lot of sleeping people. I jump over people, trying not to squish their heads, and I see Luna, her eyes find mine, and she's glaring.
"Have a good time last night?" She asks her arms folded across her chest, god I don't have time for this.
"Yes Luna, now I have to go," I say, my voice annoyed, she look angrier now. I don't wait to listen to what she has to say, I need to get home, and I'm not willing to waste any time on her.
"Do you think she'll be angry even if you explain?" He asks while backing out of the driveway, I shrug.
"I hope she understands," I say, taking out my phone. She hasn't messaged me yet, which is surprising. I get to the house finally and give Kai a quick peck before rushing inside. The house is quiet.
"Aunt V" I call, but nothing. I head to her room and see she's still sleeping with Sarah by her side. I head back out to the living room, picking up the empty wine bottles, and glasses form the coffee table. I start washing the dishes and cleaning up the counters when my aunt stumbles out of the room.
"Hey, you don't have to clean," she says, her voice cracking
"No, it's okay, also I have to tell you something," I say, placing the towel I used earlier on the counter, as she makes herself a cup of coffee.
"Sure, what's up?" she asks, tying her hair back.
"Okay, I didn't come home last night, I fell asleep at Luna's house, and I didn't want to lie about it" I blurt out, she looks at me confused and then laughs.
"Honey, I know, I got up this morning to pee and saw you weren't here, you should have texted me, but I trust you, and I know you probably fell asleep and didn't mean to do it," she says, while taking a sip of her steaming cup of coffee. I hug her quickly, her embrace gives me peace. "Thanks," I say, she smiles and outcomes Sarah. Her hair is matted to her face, and her eye makeup smudged.
"Jesus Christ we had a good time," she says making us all laugh loudly, my aunt hands her a cup of coffee.
"Looks like you did," I say, which makes her laugh louder.
"By the looks of it so did you," she says pointing towards my neck, anxiety courses through me.
"What?" I ask rushing to the bathroom. I stare at my reflection, my makeup has run off my face, my dark circles are more prominent under my eyes, and right there on my neck a giant hickey, fuck! I touch it, but it doesn't hurt, the image of Kai giving me the hickey sticks in my head. I walk out of the bathroom after I shook the dirty thoughts of Kai out of my head, and head back to the kitchen.
"So how mad are you?" I ask sheepishly, my aunt has a small smile on her face, as she takes another sip of her coffee.
"You're 18 Vi, I'm not mad, okay maybe a little weirded out, but not mad," she says, patting the seat next to her, and Sarah, I sit down.
"So how was your night?" Sarah asks winking I groan at her.
"It was probably the best night ever, he's the best, I haven't felt like this before, in my life," I tell them looking down at my hands.
"Honey! You're in love" my aunt says. My face turns hot, but I nod, and they both giggle.
"Shut up, we haven't said that yet," I say.
"Well I'm sure he loves you too"My aunt reassures
"Yeah by the looks of that hickey on your neck, he loves you a lot," Sarah says, making them keel over with laughter. My phone rings our loudly, I grab my phone from the counter and answer it quickly.
"Hello" I answer, while Aunt V and Sarah giggle quietly.
"Hey, I just wanted to check in see how much trouble you're in," Kai says, his voice sending electricity throughout me.
"Oh, actually I'm not in trouble like at all," I say standing up, he chuckles.
"Seriously?" he asks, I smile
"Yup, she said she trusted me and was really understanding," I tell him, pushing open the patio door, the salty breeze hitting me instantly. I watch as waves break against the sand.
"Wow, that's amazing," He says, I nod even though he can't see.
"So about last night" He continues, making my heart speed up.
"I had an amazing night Vi, and I just wanted to make sure that you didn't... you know regret anything," he says, his voice breaking at the end, my heart squeezes in my chest.
"No, not at all I promise. I had an amazing night, you're amazing" I tell him
"Trust me if anyone's amazing here it's you" he replies, making my body melt into the wicker chair I'm sitting on.
"Anyway since you're not in trouble do you maybe want to meet up, we can go surfing with Kalani," he asks, If I could smile wider I would.
"Sure, Meet at a mine in 15," I say
"Okay, see you then," he says, I hang up the phone. I wait a couple minutes outside, watching the water move against the sand before I head inside to ask if I can go surfing.
"Hey, is it okay if I go surfing?" I ask, my aunt nods, and I head to my room to get dressed
"Oh also Vi, next time you stay out all night with a guy and come back with a hickey, you're grounded forever," she says, a small smile on her face. I fake solute her, and she laughs.

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