Dylan's Type

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I decide to shove the weird feeling off and just relax, my brain has been overworking for too long! I
Jump onto my bed relishing in the bounce back.
"Come on a girlfriend would be fun" I tell Dylan as he crawls in beside me. Kai picked up another shift at the diner so it's just Dylan and I.
"Ya sure, but it's too much... responsibility" he mumbles head in the pillow
"Come on, you don't want one?" I ask, he turns to me, hair mused from the pillow.
"Relationships are a lot of work" he says, I nod.
"Ya but there also fun" I say, he chuckles.
"I mean I'm always horny so there's that" he says I shove him laughing.
"What too much" he asks I continue laughing.
"No, but that's not the only reason, for that you should only have a hookup" I say, he turns now on his back, facing the ceiling.
"True" he agrees
"So who then?" He asks, I lay down beside him.
"I don't know, let's throw a party" I say, he laughs
"I'm serious at your house, and I can pick someone out for you..." I clap excited, he sighs.
"You sure?" He asks
"Yes, don't worry I have good taste" I smirk, he nudges me.
Dylan and I plan a huge party at his house, we invite everyone, well mostly him since he knows everyone. It all comes together really quickly, and Kalani is beyond excited.
"I'm so excited" she squeals as we pile the drinks onto his kitchen counter.
"Ya it should be fun" I smile moving to pour myself a drink. People should be here in a couple Hours.
"So what was the reason behind this?" She asks hopping into the counter swinging her long legs.
"I'm trying to hook up Dylan with someone" I laugh, he cringes.
"Oh" she says confused.
"Just a hookup he's horny" I add, she nod the smile
Bouncing back.
"When's Jackson coming?" I ask, she blushes.
"In an hour or two" she smiles taking a sip of her beer
"Also I think tonight's the night" she blushes wildly
"Ohh, that's great" I squeeze her knee, she nods innocently.
"So any idea who your hooking him up with?" She asks
"No idea"
"Sounds promising" Dylan remarks making her laugh
"I have good taste" I defend
"I guess you like me so.." he smirks I shove him. My phone rings out, I answer it.
"Hey" Kai says, I put my drink down moving out of the kitchen.
"Hey, what's up?" I ask
"Hey, So I have to stay late tonight, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it" he explains, I plop down on the couch
"Oh, that sucks" I sigh
"I know I'm sorry"
"It's okay I get it, I'll be too busy anyway so" I joke, he chuckles
"Too busy for me?" He laughs
"Yup, I'm a match maker" I reply
"Well I'm still sorry, I'll show up when I can" he explains
"It's okay, whenever is fine"
"I love you" he states so simply it makes my heart beat faster
"I love you" I reply smiling
"Chug bitch" Kalani cheers as Dylan downs a drink. He throws his hands up after he finishes, a huge smile on his face.
"Yesss" we cheer, as the loud music pounds around us. I see a brunette girl smirking at Dylan, her eyes tracing around him.
"What about the girl behind you" I whisper to him, he looks confused but looks slowly.
"No I know her she's crazy" Dylan responds, I nod.
"My turn" Kalani smiles moving out of Jackson's lap. She grabs one of the beers and starts chugging it.
"Get it" I chuckle
"Wooooo" Kalani cheers after she's finished making us all laugh. Kalani seems to be having a great time, Jackson is well He's Jackson can't really say anything.
"I'm having the best time" she slurs moving to sit back with Jackson who pulls her into his chest.
"Where's my stupid brother" she asks
"Working remember" I tell her, she giggles
"Yes working right, he's always working" she exclaims, rolling her eyes.
"You want some water babe?" Jackson asks her looking concerned.
"No, no I want another drink" she states, he nods.
"I'll grab you one" I say, she smiles and nod. I grab Dylan pulling him to the drink table.
"Okay so tell me, who's interesting you" I ask as I pour another drink for both Kalani and I.
"Not sure" he shrugs.
"What's your type?" I ask, he shrugs sipping his drink. A blush blooms on his face intriguing me.
"Tell me!" I urge, he shakes his head
"Come on Dylan, are you into super edgy girls cause that's fine" I say, he chuckles a sparkle in his eyes.
"No, okay but you have to not make it weird" he states
"Ya of course come on" I reply, he sighs
"Fine, you're my type okay, not in a weird way just factually" he blurts his cheeks burning bright red.
"Oh that's fine, I am cute" I smile, he chuckles looking relived
"Plus I knew you were obsessed with me" I add making him snort laugh loudly. We walk back to Kalani and Jackson. Kalani's dancing wildly around him, Jackson just looks confused. It's funny.
"Hey, here's your drink" I say she rushes to me bumping me some of the liquid splashed out of the cups.
"You're the best best" she slurs taking one of the cups
"Thanks" I smile, she downs the drink again.
"I feel so loose" she smiles wiggling her arms
"Hey, maybe some water?" I urge, she shakes her head. Jesus she's gonna be hungover.
"Hey there's that girl" she points to this blonde girl, I recognize her. I think her name was Sammie.
"Ya come on let's get you some water" I say, she shakes her head again
"No I want to confront that girl" she steps forward I catch her before she falls.
"Why?" I ask as Jackson grabs her and holds her straight up, Dylan helps.
"I saw her with Kai, they were flirting" she mumbles, my heart sinks
"What?" I ask, her eyes go wide
"Shit, I'm dumb" she says her eyes shutting.
"K what did you see?" I ask
"I wasn't gonna tell you cause I love you and my brother right... I wasn't suppose to tell you that Kai told me" she urges, my brain was moving a mile minute.
"Come on lets get her to a room" Dylan urges giving me a sympathetic look, Jackson nods and they head inside. My gaze moves to Sammie, she's looking down at her phone smiling. My stomach twists, my skin hot. I'm moving towards her before I know what's happening. She looks up a confused look on her face.
"Hey" she says her eyebrow raised
"Is there anything going on with you and Kai?" I ask immediately, she shifts her cheeks pink.
"Um... no, no" she says her voice wobbly
"Please, I'm not mad at you, I really just need to know" I say, she sighs
"We kissed once" she says
"I'm sorry I didn't know he had a girlfriend" she adds.
"Thank you for telling me" I say turning to leave. I rush past the hoards of people, needing to be anywhere but here. My phone rings out I see Kai's face on my screen and a numbness fills my bones. I shove my phone back into my pocket. I stop grabbing a bottle from the table I don't even know what it is. I open it and start drinking the strong liquid.
"Hey" I hear behind me, I turn Dylan looks confused.
"Hey" I smile, he notices the vodka in my hands.
"You okay?" He asks, I nod smiling
"Perfect, want to get fucked with me?" I ask, he hesitates slightly.
"Definitely" he replies making me smile. He grabs the bottle from me taking a long swig.

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