Party Time

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The parties in full swing by the time we get there, cars are parked around the block. People are everywhere, lining the driveway with red solo cups, and loud music blasting. We wiggle through them heading inside. The house is foggy with what I think is a mix of weed, smoke, and sweaty people. I latch onto Kai's arm, not wanting to get lost in the crowd. We push past a bunch of people, heading to the drink table in the far corner. Kai keeps me tucked into his side, even as I pour myself a drink. I turn around, looking at all the people cheering loudly as someone chugs some unknown drink, others dancing passionately to some music I can't even fully hear over the mass of cheering people. I sometimes wonder if people actually love doing this, or if it's some way of being social, and gaining friends. This lifestyle seems tired to me and I'm only 19. I shift, and notice Kai talking to some guy I haven't seen before. They pull each other in for a solid hug, happiness spills over both of them.
"This place is packed" Dylan yells, his eyes wide with annoyance.
"I know it's too much" I move in close to his ear so I don't have to yell as loud.
"Plus Kalani keeps trying to show me how fun Jackson is" he tells me
"Be nice to him Dylan" I warn, he nods taking a sip of his drink. Kalani and Jackson make there way to us hand in hand. I have to admit they do make a cute couple. Kalani the more assertive of the two and it shows, while Justin seems more laidback, quiet.
"Yay your drinking" Kalani cheers, when she gets close enough
"Ya I decided tonight I'm getting fucked" I say, she claps her hands together excitedly.
"Hey Jackson you play beer pong?" I ask him
"Sometimes why?" He asks I point the table, he smiles
"Come on lets go beat some ass" I say, he nods following me. I see some people gathered around, though there isn't a game being played.
"Can we play" I ask, a tall guy look at me smiling
"Sure" he smiles I nod towards Jackson and we head to the other side. We end up playing two strangers a tall blonde guy I now know is Trevor, and his friend Shawn, who is much shorter, and wider. Jackson isn't half bad at the game, but he still doesn't say much, I end up making most of the conversation.  I stare at the last cup, Dylan and Kalani now watching, I don't know where Kai is. I look at Jackson, he eyes me back.
"Kiss the ball man" I joke holding it out, he chuckles nervously I push it forward. He leans down giving it a small peck, I smile looking back at the cup. I toss it, and it lands. Everyone around us Cheers loudly, I jump up in excitement, even Justin cheers. I look towards Dylan, who moves to hug  me lifting me off the ground excitedly. I laugh the beers floating through me nicely.
"My best friend guys" Dylan cheers making me laugh harder. He finally puts me down.
"Nice job" I tell Jackson he blushes lightly.
"You too" he responds.
"Where's Kai?" I ask Kalani, who's smile is very bright.
"Not sure, I saw him with Cole earlier" she says, must of been the guy from earlier. I look around the crowd but I can't see him.
"You guys want to go outside I'm kind of hot" I ask, they all agree. I grab another drink before heading out. A nice breeze hits me, making me sigh in contempt. Some people are scattered around a small fire pit. I notice Kai with that guy from earlier. They're deep in conversation, the guy laughs loudly clapping Kai on the back. We all move forward toward them, I feel awkward all of a sudden, I shake it off taking a sip of my drink.
"Hey" I manage to say, Kai turns a bright smile on his face.
"Hey babe, sorry, Cole this is my girl Violet" he introduces I extend my hand, the guys shakes it. His  hair moves as we shake hands, a very animated smile on his face.
"Violet, he talks about you a lot" Cole smirks, I nod smiling.
"Well" I smile, he nods his eyes raking over me, they stop on my cleavage, annoyance shoots through me. He turns then his eyes on Dylan, then Kalani.
"Kk Baby" Cole says pulling her into a tight hug, she smiles lightly.
"Cole" she groans as he lets her go.
"You're all grown" he looks her up and down, the nerve of this guy!
"Yup that's what happens" she remark sassily making me laugh.
"Sup man, I'm Cole" he extends his hand to Dylan, who shakes it.
"And you" he asks Jackson extending his hand as well
"Jackson" he responds, Cole nods smiling. He seems like a charmer. Kai then wraps his arms around my middle, kissing my neck.
"Hey" I smile
"Hey" he murmurs, his kiss lights my skin on fire, I hold back a moan as he squeezes my waist.
"Kai" I giggle quietly wiggling away from him, he shrugs innocently. Usually I'd stop him feeling awkward, but I tipsy and feeling my boyfriend.
"You're incorrigible" I state, he chuckles pulling me flush against his chest.
"I love when you use big words on me" he says, I think he may be tipsy which is a first. 
"I'm sure you do" I smile moving a stray hair from his face.
"I do, and I love you" he says kissing the corner of my mouth. I take the opportunity to run my hands through his hair, relishing in the way he closes his eyes, and bites his lip.
"God I wish we were home" he mumbles absently, his fingers tightening in my waist, my skin prickles with excitement.
"I think your tipsy" I laugh, he opens his eyes. I'm surprised to see the want, and lust in them, it makes me shiver.
"Stop looking at me like that" I say my voice sounding breathless, he chuckles and it vibrates through me. 
"Are they always like this " Cole asks behind us, I shift back then, pulling my horny self together.
"Always" Kalani says, Cole laughs loudly.

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