First Day

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I'm nervous walking into Sunshine for my first day. The only other jobs I've had is in retail, in high school. What if I screw up. it's way more serious. I've decided to dress business casual, an outfit similar to the one I wore for the interview. When I walk in A small brunette girl is sitting at the front desk, she welcomes me with a warm smile.
"How can I help?" She asks, her eyes roaming over me, a sense of anxiety strikes me. Was I dressed okay?
"I'm Violet, it's my first day" I stammer, my voice sounding unsure.
"Hi, My names Jasmine, its great to meet you" She says, her tone chipper.
"I'm going to be training you today. You're actually taking my job. I'm moving to our Portland branch, to help kickstart the opening" She explains standing, she waves me over to follow her to the back. Her long black hair flows behind her.
"This place is really just one big family so if after today you still feel confused feel free to ask anyone" She assures, as we walk into a small room. There's a table in the far corner, as well as a small kitchenette on the left side of the room.
"This is our staff room, lockers over there. You pick a code for your lock and it changes everyday, saves a lot of time and its easier to remember" She chuckles demonstrating the lock. I nod following alone. I place my bags into an empty locker, and create a passcode quickly.
"You get forty five minutes for lunch, feel free to grab any snacks or coffee. Everything's ours to share, so if you bring something be prepared to share" She explains as we walk briskly out of the small room.  She shows me the information room, where two guys are sitting sorting through some mail.
"We get a bunch of letters indicating someone in need, we go through all of it. Then it's sent to people like Amanda and Phillip, they go through each letter, and decide who we can support, it's tough definitely takes a toll, but they're both amazing" She explains, her tone filled with admiration. She takes me back to the front. She has me sit down next to her as she shows me all of the programs on the computer. She walks me through what my day to day should be. How to answer a phone, how to respond to emails. And she's given me all the passwords and phone numbers. The day flies by, we're constantly answering phone calls and emails. Transferring files to each staff member. It's a lot more work than I expected, but I'm excited to try. I get a text from Dylan telling me he's gonna be picking me up. During our break a bunch of people brought out a goodbye cake for jasmine, she teared up. Everyone so far seems really nice. A lot of people smile and introduce themselves which is nice.
"So just make sure that all the files are closed as well as locked before you leave for the day" She expresses. Shutting down the computer.
"And I think that's everything, again if you have any questions just ask anyone." She explains before she pulls me into a hug.
"You seem like you're gonna do great" She quips
"Thank you for everything, and I hope Portland goes great!" I smile, she blushes. We walk back to the staff room together, she chats about the movers she hired. She really likes to talk, but It's nice it makes me feel like I'm part of the team. She even walks me out, hugging me again before she drives off in her navy blue sedan. Dylans leaning against the car waiting for me with a huge grin on his face.
"I see you already made a friend" He says
"Jasmine trained me, it's her last day" I explain before pecking his lips.
"So how was it?" He asks as we get into his car. I shove my purse in the back seat.
"Honestly it was great, I wasn't expecting so much work, but I'm glad. I won't have any time to stress" I say, he chuckles.
"That's good I guess, all the people are really nice there as well" He smiles, I forgot he's volunteered there before.
"Jasmine seemed great, and I met a couple other people" I respond, he nods encouragingly.
"So a couple options, surfing, movie, or food?" He asks, his eyebrow raised
"Wow, I have options" I quip, making him chuckle.
"I am a gentleman" He shrugs making me blush.
"Surfing, I've been inside all day" I answer
"I was hoping you'd say that" He says as he pulls into my driveway.
"I'll go inside and change and be out in five" I huff before rushing out.
"Vi" My aunt calls once I close the door, I walk to the living room where she's sitting with her laptop.
"How was your first day?" She asks, lifting her glasses up.
"Really good, busier than I thought" I say, she nods. Her eyes roam over me almost sadly, making me instantly anxious.
"That's good, so your mom called" She says, I try not to roll my eyes. Of course she called my aunt, to talk about how terrible I was to her, and she probably wants details on Dylan and I.
"What did she want?" I ask expecting the worst.
"She wanted to tell me how disrespectful you were to her, and how she just wanted the best for you. She told me about what you said to her. Then she asked about you and Dylan" She explains, now I roll my eyes.
"I didn't tell her anything, the conversation lasted ten minutes. I faked another call" She laughs, my heart warms.
"She's crazy, and thank you for not saying anything" I reply moving to give her a quick hug.
"Oh, your uncle and I are going to a dinner party tonight. You remember Jenna and Mathew. Did you want to join, or do you have other plans?" She smirks making me blush.
"I'm actually about to go surfing, but you guys have fun" I say, she nods giving me her knowing look, and placing her glasses back down. I rush to my room, and quickly change into my bathing suit. I shove a shirt and shorts in my bag, and rush back out. Dylan's bobbing his head to some music, it makes me smile.
"Ready" I say, I notice he's already placed my board in the rack. He starts ups the car. My phone rings out loudly, It actually scares me. Kalani's face pops up, I answer it.
"Hey bitch" She answers making me chuckle
"Hey, what's up?" I ask
"You want to meet us, we're surfing" She asks her voice a bit muffled
"Oh, Ya Dyl and I were actually on our way, who's all with you?" I ask.
"Jackson, Kai, Riley, and Elle" She says
"You want to meet everyone?" I ask Dylan, he shrugs
"If you're down" He expresses
"Please" Kalani begs. I haven't seen her since before California. We've texted, but not face to face yet.
"Sure, we'll be there in five" I say
"Yay, see you" She hangs up. I shove my phone in my bag.
"Everyones with her" I tell him, he turns, hie eyes roaming over me. I can tell he wants to say something.
"What?" I ask, he grips the wheel tighter.
"What are we?" He blurts.
"What?" I ask, he sighs.
"Are we together, or are we just seeing each other. I just want to know where we stand" He explains. What does he want to be? I can't help but imagine him flirting with Elle, it makes my stomach turn.
"I thought we were together, exclusively" I admit, my heart thudding. His cheeks turn pink, and a small smile appears on his face.
"Good, just checking" He says, it makes my heart skip in my chest.
"Are we telling everyone?" He asks
"Why wouldn't we?' I ask confused
"Aren't you worried about Kai?" He explains
"Honestly I'm more worried about Elle not knowing, she's been trying to lock you down." I say
"You don't have to be worried, like at all." He says, a warm feeling g spreads over me.
"Good, then we tell all of them." I say, he nods a grin on his face. We park and grab our boards. We spot everyone close to the water, Riley and Elle are laughing loudly at something. Kalani spots us first, a smile spreading across her face.
"Vi" She calls pulling me into a tight hug
"I missed you, you have no idea" She whispers making me laugh
"I missed you too" I reply
"Dylan" Kalani hugs him, he lifts her off the ground.
"So how was Cali?" Riley asks, her eyes darting between us.
"We did everything we needed to do" I say, she nods. Dylan steps closer to me.
"I forgot to tell you, my dad invited you to dinner" He says, I look at him a bit shocked.
"Seriously" I say, he smiles
"I know I told him you weren't anything special, but he still wants to meet you" He jokes, I laugh shoving him.
"Shut it, I'm amazing" I say, his eyes rake over me, sending a chill through me.
"Somethings different?" Riley blurts, I turn to her.
"What?" I say
"You guys seem different" She says. I want to roll my eyes considering she just met us.
"Ya, Well, we have some news. Dylan and I, um, we're actually together" I stammer blushing, a smile exploding over my face, Dylan grins widely at me.
"Seriously?" Riley asks
"Congrats" Kalani smiles, Jackson nods along.
"Thanks" i blush, Kai's stares jaw dropped between us.
"That's super cool guys, I knew it" Riley smiles clapping her hands. Kai stares directly at me, his jaw set in a hard line. He suddenly stalks off towards the water, board in hand. Riley stares after him, her eyes wide. She rushes after him suddenly. We watch as she stops him before he gets on his board, the water laps between them. I look at Dylan, he shrugs.
"Surfs up?" Kalani says before rushing off with Jackson in tow.
We all spend the rest of the day on the water, Kai hasn't been within ten feet of me since, he's surfing alone farther out. To be honest it makes me angry because I was supportive of him and Riley. I understand it's weird but we're not shoving it in his face, and it's not like he hasn't moved on. Riley and Elle sit on the sand, chatting away. Riley secretly glares at me when she thinks I'm not looking. Guilt wraps around me for Dylan I can't imagine how weird and shitty he feels. I don't want him thinking there's still something between Kai and me. Suddenly a big wave splashes over me breaking me from my thoughts. Kalani and Jackson laugh loudly making me grin as well.
"Shut up" I call just as Dylan paddles beside me.
"That was hilarious" Kalani yells back, giving me a thumbs up.
"I was distracted and got hit by a wave" I explain to Dylan, who looks confused. He pushes some hair from my face, letting his thumb trace my jaw bone.
"You okay?" He asks
"Ya, why? The wave was more annoying than actually hurtful" I chuckle.
"No, I mean Kai's acting weird and I just wanted to make sure you're okay" He says
"Ya I'm okay, I'm more angry at him considering. we've moved on, but I thought we were friends, and I was supportive of him" I say, he nods leaning forward slightly.
"Maybe cut him some slack, I'm one hundred percent sure it's not easy getting over you" He says, I blush.
"You're annoying" I say, he shrugs
" I have my moments, but mostly I'm just devilishly handsome" He retorts making me laugh. I peck his lips lightly relishing in the softness of his lips.
"He'll come around" He exclaims, I nod watching as he paddles out further.
Everyones huddled by the small fire Dylan made, ok a blanket. They're passing around some snacks and booze, but Kai still hasn't paddled in. Its dark, and the waves have grown bigger cause of the wind. I stand by the shoreline staring out at his dark Silhouette. Finally he starts paddling back to shore, my anxiety easing. He doesn't make eye contact with me at all, actually he avoids it. He's about to walk right past me but I latch onto his arm stopping him.
"Kai, can we talk?" I ask, he freezes.
"Not really in the mood" He states, his voice razor sharp.
"Come on" I urge, he turns his eyes sharp and angry.
"What?" He asks. He's angrier than I realized. I didn't expect this reaction from him.
"I don't understand why you're mad at me" I say simply, he huffs, pacing his board in the sand.
"Who says I'm mad?" He responds making me roll my eyes
"What are we five, Kai, talk to me" I retort angrily
"Why do you think I'm mad Violet?" He asks
"You have no right to be mad, you're with Riley" I say, he sighs loudly
"You told me to go for it with Riley" He states, I'm even more confused
"Cause I want you to be happy, because we weren't together anymore. Why can't you do the same for me?' I ask
"Because I knew all along there was something there, and you fought me on it. Now you're with him how convenient" He expresses. I step closer to him, needing him to understand.
"There was nothing going on when we were together Kai, I promise. It just happened." I say, he looks past me towards the water.
"Why him?' he asks, his eyes move back to me.
"Kai" I stammer.
"Fine you're right it doesn't matter.." reliefs spreads through me, maybe we just needed to talk.
"Cause It would be the same if you were with anyone else" He says, a breeze passes over us. I stare at him confused.
"I love you violet" he states, the air between us turns tense and I step back.
"That's not fair and you know it, You're with Riley" I say
"You told me to go for it, I did it because I was angry that you weren't bothered!" he states loudly. The angers evident in his face.

"Kai, we broke up! And you broke my heart remember you cheated on me!" I exclaim, He starts walking away angrily
"Kai come on, how can you possibly think this is okay." I say following him
"I'm so sorry that I ever caused you any pain, I wish I could take it back" he turns to face me, I bump into his chest. His hands go around my waist to stabilize me.
"But I still love you Violet! I want us to still be together because I can't see myself with anyone else. You're it for me, and I'm not sorry that you being with someone else makes me angry because I'm not going to stop trying to get you back or stop loving you. I will continue to try to prove to you that we're meant to be because we are" He states, I'm frozen in shock. I take a step back, sucking in a breath. Everyones staring at us. I spot Dylan, his eyes are wide, and his jaw is clenched tightly.

Finding MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora