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Dylan kissed me, he likes me back! I'm honestly in shock, I wasn't expecting it to go so well. I never expected it to go anywhere honesty. Now we're in my bed making out, I can't keep my hands off him. He's a really good kisser, it's concerning. His fingers tangle in my hair, making me moan slightly. I shift moving to straddle him, he grins against my lips. He pulls away, my hair falls around us like a curtain, I laugh. He pushes it away, his fingers lingering on my cheek. I quickly sit up, his hands fall to my thighs. I tie back my hair, making him chuckle.
"Shut it" I smile leaning back down to kiss him. A knock on the door makes us spring apart, my heart beat speeds up. We shift to the edge of the bed, sitting side by side.
"Come in" I call, my voice wobbly. Dylan runs a hand through his hair, so it's not so mused. My aunt walks in, a smile on her face.
"hey" She smiles
"Hi" We both respond, she looks between us, her eyebrow quirked
"Saw Dylans car in the driveway was just gonna ask if he wanted to stay for dinner" She says, her eyes full of humour, I blush. I turn to him, just as he stands.
"I actually have to go, my dad's coming back tonight, he needs to talk to me" He explains, I stand too.
"Alright, tell him I say hi" She says before shutting the door.
"You didn't tell me your dad was coming back to town" I say
"I was going to, but you were acting weird today and then this happened" He smiles pulling me in by my waist.
"How long is he back for?" I ask
"Not sure, might be just the night" He responds, A surge of anger courses through me.
"He's an ass" I say, he chuckles
"We have that in common" He says moving to peck my lips lightly. I walk him out, our hands intertwined. I watch smiling as he drives away, he waves. I sigh happily closing the door. I walk towards the kitchen where my aunts unpacking groceries.
"Hey" I say sitting down, she turns, a sly smile on her face.
"I'm assuming it went well" She retorts making me laugh
"Ya well not at first, but we figured it out" I explain, she nods putting away the cereal. My phone beeps, I quickly look at it.
"We need to go on an actual date, tonight work for you?" He writes, I smile down at my phone
"Can I go out tonight?" I ask
"Sure" She smiles
"Sure what time?" I ask
"Around 8? I'll meet you at the beach" He responds right away. I can't sit still at dinner, my mind keeps replaying events from earlier.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you liked me?"  I ask, after we break apart from the kiss
"I've liked you since we first started being friends, well first it was I was attracted to you, but the closer we became the more I liked you. You were with Kai and I loved being your friend, so I decided to keep it to myself" He explains.
"You've actually liked me for that long?" I ask, not fully convinced.
"Ya, then when we kissed It just made things that much clearer, but I wanted to give you space. I honestly didn't think you liked me like that. I thought you were still in love with Kai"  he adds
"You're too nice" I laugh, he pulls me into another deep kiss that makes my toes curl. I card my fingers through his hair, pulling slightly.
"Well now I know not to be so nice, honestly I'm mad at myself  for not telling you sooner cause we could have been kissing a lot sooner" He grins pecking my lips, I laugh pulling him down for another kiss.
"Violet!" My aunts voice breaks me from the memory, I spring up, no doubt looking confused.
"Sorry" I say
"When are you starting at Sunshine?" She asks a small smile on her face.
"Tomorrow mornings my first shift, it's just training I think" I tell her, she nods popping a piece of asparagus in her mouth.  I decided not to eat since I'd be having dinner later with Dylan. So I'm just sitting at the dinner table.
"Are you excited about moving out?" My uncle asks. Dylan and I never discussed moving in together now! Is it different now that we're together? Maybe he'll think it's weird now. It'd be like we're moving in together to him.
"Ya we saw this really nice place today just twenty minutes away. The owners moving to Florida" I explain
"Oh Bobby's kid, Griffon." My uncle responds, I nod in response. They continue to talk about how Jaspers moving in a couple of weeks as well. I zone out again, now I'm thinking about living with Dylan. Would he even want to now? I offer to do the dishes after dinner, while my aunt and uncle watch a movie. They always make sure to do something together before they head to bed, it's a cute tradition they have. after I finish, I rush to my room to get dressed and put on some makeup. I decide to wear my denim cut-offs and just a plain black t-shirt. I actually put some makeup on, deciding I'll actually put some effort in. I put my hair in a half up half down ponytail. I look at my reflection and a pang of excitement rushes through me. It's my first date with Dylan. I never expected us to be doing this, it's all so new. Kai pops into my head then, and I remember our first date. Well lack there of, we went to McDonalds, and I persisted that it was our second date because I wanted to skip the first date.  Wait what if Dylans taking me somewhere fancy or wants me to be fancy! Shit am I underdressed. My phone rings out, breaking my train of thought.
"I'm waiting outside when you're ready" Dylan writes, my nerves jumble up. Well there's no time to change now. I quickly head out the back door, my aunts fast asleep on my uncle, it makes me smile. I shut the door quietly, and rush down the steps. I notice a blurry figure at the bottom but it's pretty dark out.
"Hey" He smiles, my heart races.
"Hey" I smile back, blushing. He reaches out for me I take his hand. He leads out out closer to the water.
"Can I know now what we're doing?" I ask, he chuckles.
"I know you hate restaurants and anything fancy, but I did want to take you out on a date. So, pizza on the beach?" He says as we stop in front of a blanket, there are some wireless lights on the corners, And two pizza boxes in the middle. I smile down at the scene, he knows me so well.
"I love it" I say as we sit down, he blushes slightly.
"I probably should have scheduled it earlier maybe at sunset but I found these in my garage" He explains making me chuckle.
"We'll schedule the next one earlier in the day" I say, he grins and blushes.
"How's your dad?" I ask taking a slice of pizza, he grabs one as well
"He's good I guess, actually he had some news." He exclaims, his voice sounds uneven.
"He told me he's getting married" He finishes, I stare shocked
"Seriously! did you know he was dating someone?" I ask, he shakes his head
"Shit, did you meet her tonight?" I ask
"Ya, her names Chloe Davis They met four months ago at his business seminar oh and she's 23. " He explains, my jaw drops
"What?" I stutter he nods
"That's barely older than you, and four months is nothing!" I exclaim
"Yup, and she's now staying at the house with me, while my dad flies out to Japan for the week" He says
"Jesus, are you serious. You just met her today and you already have to live with her" I express
"Has your dad dated before, or I should say is this a common occurrence?" I ask
"Not really, I mean I'm sure he's had some flings out of town, but he hasn't been with anyone seriously since my mom died" He responds, I nod. He looks down at the blanket, and quickly back up shrugging.
"Well that sucks, he should have told you a lot sooner. " I say, he shrugs
"At least I'll be out of there soon" He smiles kindly
"So you still want to move in with me?" I ask
"Ya, why you don't?" He asks
"No I do, I just thought you would think it's weird now. I'm glad you still want to cause I was super excited" I smile, he nods, and I shift closer to him. He smirks at me, and a wave of heat rolls through me.
"You could stay with me tonight, I could distract you" I grin, running my hand up his arm.
"A distraction sounds amazing especially if you're involved" He grins sexily. I shift now gripping onto his shoulders. I move closer to his face. his breath fans my face. He reaches the rest of the way attaching our lips. The kiss is soft, but soon turns heated. I move straddling his lap, his fingers grip tightly onto my waist, making me break out into goosebumps.

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