All Made Up

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I hear the door slam closed, my eyes spring open, my heart racing. I look down at Kai, who hasn't budged, quickly peeking at my clock, 5:35. We must have fallen asleep, I stand up taking the blanket with me, leaving a naked Kai lounged across my bed, I smirk. I grab his shirt from the floor, throwing the blanket back onto him, before heading to the kitchen to see who came into the house.
"Hello" I call, my footsteps light, no one answers back.
"Hello," I say a little louder, that's when I see Dylan, and Kalani in the kitchen.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, my heart racing. They turn toward me now, their eyes wide.
"Hey," Kalani says
"Sorry we should have called its just since Kai came earlier we thought we would come and see if you guys wanted to go out," Dylan says, a smirk on his face as he looks me up and down.
"I see you guy's have made up" he adds making me smile. Kalani drops a pan than from the counter the bang rining out.
"Shit sorry" she stammers, picking up the pan
"It's okay" I assure, she nods looking nervous.
"I'm not mad at you K," I say, she looks relieved
"Good, cause I was an idiot, and I'm sorry," she says walking toward me. I pull her into a hug.
"Now can I get some food cause I'm starving" she whines making me laugh
"Yeah raid the fridge," I say, she nods skipping towards the fridge, Dylan smiles at me, and I stick my tongue out at him, making him laugh.
"I should have guessed when I heard a bang, Kalani was here," Kai says coming up behind me. His arms go around me, his head resting against my back.
"Shut it," she says sticking out her tongue
"What are you guys doing here?" he asks annoyed, making me laugh. He sits down on one of the stools, pulling me between his legs.
"We wanted to see if you guys wanted to come out with us?" Kalani says a piece of cheese in her mouth.
"Where are you guys going?" Kai asks, rubbing his eyes.
"Probably just to the bonfire, maybe some night swimming" Dylan answers from his seat on the countertop.
"Yes we haven't been night swimming in a bit," I say excitedly, Kai chuckles.
"Okay good, I need some girl time," Kalani says, Kai groans
"She's mine tonight," he tells her, she shakes her head.
"Sorry Bro" she replies making me laugh.
"You get ten minutes," he says finally, his hands locked around me, pulling me fully into his lap.
"Someones possessive" Kalani responds
"Nope, just can't get enough," he says making me shiver. I kiss him then, my body screaming for more.
"You guys are insufferable" Kalani\ whines.
"Okay I'm gonna go get dressed and we can head out," I say, pulling away from Kai, who groans.
" I'm coming with, girl talk" Kalani squeals, Kai pulls me in again.
"Be nice, talk to him" I whisper, he nods before kissing me quickly. I wink at Dylan before heading to the room with Kalani, who seems very chipper.
"Okay so.." She begins as she bounces onto my bed, I shut the door.
"Dylan, he's so fricken cute," she says, a huge smile on her face.
"Are you guys a thing now?" I ask pulling out my black bathing suit, she groans, making me turn to her. She's spread out across my bed, her hair falling over the side.
"No, well we haven't even kissed again" she stammers
"Oh, well maybe he's waiting for you to make the next move" I suggest, she sits up, her eyes wide.
"You're right! He must want me to do something since he made the first move" she explains, springing off the bed.
"Come on let's go" she squeals.
"Hold up I'm not even dressed" I laugh, she groans rushing me along with her hand motions.
"Jesus finally" she exclaims after five minutes of her hurrying me up.
"We're ready!" She shouts skipping down the hall, I notice Kai, and Dylan laughing at something in the kitchen.
"What's so funny," I ask passing Kai his shirt.
"Just guy things," Dylan says, I nod.
"Well can we go now?" Kalani whines, Kai looks at her annoyed.
"What's the hurry?" Kai asks pulling on his shirt.
"I just want to swim" she states, he gives her a weird look, as Dylan looks off awkwardly.
"Then let's go" I stammer hoping it pushes Kai off the subject, we all walk to the car.
"Since both cars are here do you wanna go with Dylan and I'll go with Kai?" I ask, hoping this gives them some alone time.
"Sure I guess," she says, Dylan nods, hopping into his car, as I get into Kai's Jeep.
"Jesus, what was up with Kalani?" Kai asks as we pull out of the driveway.
"She's just excited. She's gonna make her move tonight" I explain, but he still looks confused.
"With Dylan" I continue, he nods.
"I thought they were already a thing" he exclaims, turning sharply.
"Not officially" I reply, he nods.
"You want them together though right?" He asks
"Yeah that's why I wanted to ride separately so they could talk," I tell him, he seems to relax.
"You can't seriously be jealous of Dylan now" I state, he shrugs, making me groan.
"I'm not jealous of him, I just don't like that you guys have so much in common" he replies, brushing the hair from his face.
"Well, wouldn't you want me to have someone I can relate to?" I ask, trying not to sound too annoyed
"Of course, I just want that person to be me, It makes me feel like shit knowing I can't help you" he responds, his voice strained. I never really thought of it like that, I guess I would hate if he had someone who could help him more than me, but that's not that case, he helps me more than he knows.
"You help me Kai, more than you know... you saved me" I stammer, heat creeping onto my face.
"You saved me too, I can't imagine where I'd be now without you" he replies quietly, my heart races.
"And here I was thinking I meant nothing to you" I joke, he laughs then, his boyant, beautiful laugh, that fills me with happiness.
"I love you" he states, shaking his head slightly.
"Ditto babe" I wink, he extends his hand, intertwining our fingers.

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