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Dylan and I wait anxiously in the lineup to board the plane. The line is moving slowly, as an old couple laughing with the attendant is holding it up. I tap my
Foot nervously, flying always makes me anxious. I just need to be on the plane so it can be over! Dylan squeezes my shoulder gently, calming me. Finally the line moves alone, people fluttering onto the plane. I hand the woman my passport and boarding pass, she smiles and ushers me through. Thank got we got a direct flight to California. I wait for Dylan to walk through, his backpack swung low on his shoulders.
"California here we come" he cheers making me laugh. It's a smaller plane so it's just the two seats, so Dylan and I don't have to deal with anyone else which is always nice. I shuffle into my seat by the window shoving my backpack under the seat. Dylan plops down a smile on his face. He's always so carefree. He takes out his phone before shoving his pack under the seat. I quickly buckle up. I shift into my seat till I finally get comfortable. Dylan leans over to look out the window.
"We haven't left" I laugh shoving him
"Oh really, I couldn't tell" he laughs. After twenty minutes of preparing the plane we're finally driving off the runway. I notice Dylan anxiously tapping his fingers against the seat. Maybe he is nervous. He's staring down the aisle, a stiff look on his face. I grab his hand squeezing it gently as we lift off. He closes his eyes squeezing my hand back.
"Solid ground" he cheers as we pile out of the plane.
"Don't kiss the ground, it's filthy" I say, he chuckles. We head to the luggage carousel to grab our bags. The welcome to Palm Springs stares at me, making me instantly feel nauseous.
"I can't believe you lived in Palm Springs" Dylan says as he grabs his bag
"Don't remind me, I actually grew up in San Francisco, but we moved here when I was 13" I say, he nods.
"Palm Springs sounds like a place to retire" he laughs
"It is, or for spring break vacations, but mom loves it here" I say, he chuckles. We head out to the front, we see a sign with my name on it.
"Hi I'm Violet" I smile, the older man smiles brightly
"I'm Duncan, your Lyft driver" he says, I turn to Dylan who shrugs. We pile our bags in the trunk. Duncan chats lively with Dylan as we drive. Maybe it's because I've been with my aunt but I'm a bit taken back by the driver. I guess I shouldn't have expected more from Cheryl. We pull up to our house, and I notice Dylan's eyes widen.
"This is your house?" He asks, I nod opening the car door. I notice they added onto it since I've left. The left side of the houses is blocked off by tarps.
"This is very, modern" Dylan says as he grabs our bags from the trunk.
"Ya mom redecorated everything, she loves teal and gold" I say. I stand at the big blue door, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. I'm about to knock when the door swings open. I look down at a little girl dressed in an Elsa costume.
"Hi" she smiles, her Carmel coloured hair is done in a fish tail braid, pieces stick out all over her head. She has some red jelly stuck on her cheek.
"Hi" I mumble shocked.
"Stephanie, you can't just open the door to strangers" I hear a male voice, I look away from the little girl. A tall older man walks towards us, a dazzling smile stuck on his very stiff face. He's wearing a grey suit, his hair perfectly slicked to the side.
"Hi I'm Dave Vance" he extends his hand towards Dylan first, I stare shocked.
"I'm Violet" I blurt not wanting to shake this mans hand, realization crosses over his face.
"Violet, oh silly me I should have known. It's so great to meet you" he says stepping closer. The girl clings to his leg tightly. He strokes the top of her head lightly.
"This is my friend Dylan" I introduce stepping into the house. The front looks the same as the day I left. The white tile and glass walls hurt my eyes.
"Nice to meet you both" he responds, his smile wider now. I follow him and Stephanie down the walkway, the wheels on my suitcase echoing.
"So your mother is just in her study I'll get her" he says
"Mom" Stephanie yells rushing past the kitchen, Dave follows her.
"First time meeting Dave?" Dylan whispers, I nod, my heart hammering in my chest.
"It's fine" I smile.
"Violet" I hear my mom's shrill voice call out. I turn she's wearing a white cover over, with a pastel pink dress under.
"Hey" I muster, she pulls me into a weird hug, her hands stuck on my shoulder.
"Great to see you" she looks me over, his eyes zeroing I'm on my old denim shorts that she hates. I notice her hair is done in a slick ponytail, pulling her face, it enhances her Botox.
"And you are?" She turns to Dylan a tight smile on her face.
"Dylan" he shakes her hand, she grazes over him before giving me an approving smile.
"So you're violets boyfriend?" She asks
"No we're friends" I correct
"Oh, so then you're still with that Kai Boy, the surfer!" She states
"No, we broke up" I respond, she grimaces
"Well sorry to say I'm glad, anyway you guys must be exhausted, you sure look it Violet honey. I have some moisturizer you could borrow. So does Dylan need a room as well cause we are redoing the left hall with our guest bedroom" she looks me up and down again
"He can stay with me" I say, she nods curtly
"Perfect you two get freshened up and we'll have dinner in about two hours" she expresses.
"Nice to meet you" she calls after Dylan
"Same to you" he smiles politely following me. The usually empty walls are filled with pictures. A lot of Stephanie, but I spot one with all three of them. Moms holding Stephanie tightly as Dave smiles fondly at the two. A pang shoots through me, but I quickly rush to my room. I open the door, and a gust of nostalgia hits me. My bed is made perfectly, my papers neatly Organized on my desk.  I watch as Dylan looks around intrigued. He stops at some of my doodles on the wall, a small smile on his face. The smell is so familiar it makes my stomach flip. I plop down on my bed, the bed squeaking slightly from the weight.
"So this is your room" he smirks
"You've seen my room at Vicky's" I say
"Ya But you've lived here for years" he shrugs. Running his finger across my dresser.
"Trust me my room at Vicky's is more me" I swallow the lump in my throat. My mom decorated this room that's why it's so white and lilac. My mom thought it was the perfect colour for a young girl. I wanted green, and blue she hated it. Dylan sits down next to me. I stare at my desk, more precisely the grooves I scratched into it. I always hated that desk.
"So are you taking everything?" He asks.
"I'm not sure" I admit looking towards him.
"This bed is hella comfortable" he says making me laugh.
"Oh good to know" I smile, he leans backwards, a grin on his face.

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