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Luna, of course, she makes her way towards us. She's wearing a black tank top with a lot of necklaces on, with some navy tight shorts.
"Hey guys" she says in a sickly sweet voice, that makes my stomach clench.
"Hey, Lily right?" I ask, she looks shocked. Did I just do that, Jesus I would of never done something like that, I just know she wants Kai back, and it makes me angry.
"Luna" she corrects, her eyes angry as hell, it almost makes me laugh.
"So you guys are a thing now." She says, pointing between us, while she chews viciously on a piece of gum.
"Yup" Kai answers staring down at me, making me dizzy once again.
"How cute" She says distain evident in her voice.
"Was there something you needed, or were you just telling us how cute we are?" Kai asks making me smile, she looks at him shocked.
"I just wanted to congratulate you, I'm really happy that you finally got over me" She says, her smile tripling in size.
"Oh you must be seeing as you're still into him" I say, my anger boiling up, she rips her head in my direction.
"I am not" she whines, making me laugh slightly.
"I'm actually super cold, lets go find my clothes, and sit by the fire" I tell Kai, completely ignoring Luna, he smiles, and nods. He grabs my hand, and brings it over my head, so I'm tucked into his side. I Finally find my shirt, it's sandy, but it still smells like Kai, so I'm okay with it. Kalani brings us some drinks as we sit close to the fire, my body prickling from the breeze.
"I'm sorry about that" he says, as I lean on his shoulder exhausted.
"You don't have to be, anyway I should apologize I was being kinda of.." I say unable to find the right word.
"Possessive" he interjects, making me stare at him, he laughs.
"It's a good thing, it was hot as hell" he says, and my stomach floods with heat.
"Well then maybe I'll do it more often" I say, making him laugh, and bring me further into his body. We end up talking with Kai's best friends Kiara, and Jay, they're hilarious
"No seriously I fell of the cliff, obviously into water, but still that's how clumsy I am" Jay says, making me laugh harder than I already was.
"Well I fell into a trash can at school, so" I tell him, he laughs
"Rough" he says. It's weird but I feel so completely comfortable with Kiara and Jay, it's nice.
"Well how about this for embarrassing, I was stalking my crush, and as he caught me looking I turned, and fell into a concrete hole. I broke my foot, and he even helped me out of the hole, so I had to keep the pain inside so he wouldn't see me cry" Kiara says, making me laugh.
"Now that's rough, thank god you met me, I can handle how embarrassing you are" Jay says pulling her into his chest, she smacks him.
"Hey, I'm aloud to say that, you're not" she responds. Kalani now appears, a huge smile on her face.
"Hey I talked to Haku" she says, I nod for her to continue.
"He said she kissed him, and he told her he was with me!" She squeals with delight, I hug her.
"Yay, That's great Lani" I say, she smiles wider.
"I know, I mean finally" she says in a duh voice making me laugh.
"Anyway, Kai, Haku will take me home, and you take your girl back to our place!" She says, smirking, I stare at her shocked, she just laughs maniacally.
"I'm kidding, but seriously Haku's taking me home, at like 12 ish" she says, Kai nods, and she rushed off toward Haku.
"What time is it now?" I ask, he pulls out his phone.
"It's 10" he responds, I look up at him, he smiles down at me, moving a stray piece of hair from my face.
"What time do you wanna go?" He asks
"Now, but we need to stop at mcdicks for a burger"
I tell him, he laughs, and nods standing up. He hold out his hand, and I take it, jumping up, our bodies are still touching, he leans down, and kisses me. The kiss doesn't last long, but it leaves my lips tingling. We walk hand in hand towards the car, a smile on my face the whole time.
"Jay, and Kiara are super great" I tell him once we get into the car.
"I know, they've been my friend since kindergarten"
He says, making me smile. Of course he has friend since kindergarten, whoever met him probably got attached, I know I was. We head to the McDonald's drive through, and I order a Big Mac, a large fries, and a coke, yes I was very hungry. He orders the same, I grab some cash, and hand it to him, but he shakes his head.
"No way, this is sort of our second date, I'm not making you pay" he says, I stare at him, but he doesn't budge.
"I never knew you were so old fashioned" I say, making him laugh.
"I just believe in treating my girl right" he says, and I swear in that moment my hormones went crazy. I grab his face again, kissing him. I can tell he shocked, but it doesn't take him long to kiss me back with vengeance, god I really like him.
"What was that for" he asks as we pull apart, he pulls up to the window.
"Oh nothing I just believe in treating my man right"
I say, and he laughs loudly, it's a deep down in the belly kind of laugh, and I love it. We get our food, and I dig in.
"God yes, thanks for this" I say, as I take a huge bite of my burger.
" I don't think any girl I know is this easy to please" he says parking so we can eat. I stare at him wondering if he's talking about Luna, she seems high maintenance.
"I just like being around you, I don't need some fancy restaurant to make me happy" I say, he freezes mid bite, my stomach churns, was that too much.. god.
"You're amazing, you know that right" he says, turning to me now.
"I guess" I say, I can tell how serious he is.
"I mean it Vi, you're so unlike anyone I've ever met in the best way, I'm so glad we're a thing" he says the last part jokingly, making me laugh.
"I'm glad we're a things too" I respond smiling widely.

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