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Things between Elle and I are tense and weird. Dylan and her aren't dating anymore, or I should say they never went on a second date. She's still very flirty and I think she expects him to change his mind and ask her out again. So she hangs around a lot more now thanks to Riley. I can't stand her, she's always being passive aggressive and she clings to Dylan everywhere. And it's not like he's leading her on, he told her point blank that he didn't think it was gonna work and it would be better if they were just friends. I get liking him, he's very likeable and that's not the reason I can't stand her, not anymore at least. She's just very manipulative, and controlling. She loves to be the life of the party and she thinks everything's about her in some twisted way. And I can't seem to get away from her because now she's always there, with Riley and Kai and Kalani. I've decided to ignore her, or distance myself as much as possible so we'll see how that works out! I'm sitting on my surfboard letting the waves rock me side to side. The sun is setting and this is the only time I feel like I can breath. I let my hand fall into the water, swirling it around with my pointer finger.
"I will never get over this view" I say turning to Dylan, he's laying flat on his board staring up at the sky.
"Ya I'm pretty gorgeous" he grins at me, a blush creeps onto my face. I splash him lightly, he chuckles looking back up at the sky.
"I get what you mean though, it'll never get old" he says sighing and placing his hands behind his head. The way he's laying makes his arms bulge slightly, making my head spin.
"So I kind of need a job" I blurt, he laughs looking back at me.
"What kind of job?" He asks
"Any kind. I'm actually suppose to head back to my moms in two weeks" I say, his smile drops, and he sits up on his board. He creates waves, moving my surfboard.
"You're leaving in two weeks?" He asks, my stomach plummets at the thought.
"I need to figure out my life, I love it here, I just need to secure a career or job, and figure out if and how I can stay" I explain, he nods looking down at his hands.
"Well what do you want to do?" He asks, I turn back to the setting sun.
"No idea" I sigh, he nods
"That's okay" he assures making me smile. If only he knew how scared I was that I'll do absolutely nothing with my life.
"Sure if I want to mooch off my aunt and uncle all my life" I joke, he nods his hair sticks to his forehead.
"Well is there anything you enjoy doing, that you could make into a job?" He asks. I remember how badly I wanted to be a psychologist to troubled youth.
"I want to council troubled kids, or kids with disorders" I explain
"I didn't know that Vi" he smiles, I blush.
"I have to go to school for that" I counter
"So, you can start by becoming a volunteer councillor at that kids club. Go to school at night, or online" he says, his voice cheerful.
"I need money" I say
"Okay... Well, my dad has this charity For underprivileged kids in Hawaii. It's run at that Sunshine place a couple blocks from here. I'm sure they could use a receptionist or something" he smiles
"Your dad runs a charity?" I ask
"It's for good PR, he has other people run it so he looks good. I volunteer there a lot" he says. Of course he does.
"I didn't know that, I guessI could do that" I say, he nods encouragingly
"Come on, I mean unless you want to move back to your moms" he utters, his cheeks pink
"Hell no! My mom's the devil. I'd love to move here permanently, I'm just not prepared" I say
"I would need to get all my stuff from my moms in California" I say
"I could help" he smiles
"That's sweet but you don't want to meet my mom" I say, he laughs
"I do have some experience with bad parents" he exclaims.
"So you'd come to California with me? So I could get everything packed and shipped?" I ask
"Ugh I didn't know you lived in California!" He groans
"Of course you idiot" he adds making me smile.
"Fuck You" I mutter, he shrugs. We both turn to look at the sun which is almost fully gone.
"Guys!" I hear someone faintly call, we both turn and I spot a blurry figure from the shore waving at us.
"I can't see" I say
"We drifted pretty far, I think it's Kalani" he says, I nod
"Let's go" I start paddling back to shore. Kalani's standing there a smile on her face.
"What?" I ask a little out of breath
"Jackson told me he loves me" she squeals quietly
"Awh K, That's great" I smile hugging her, she hums happily.
"Is that why you called us?" Dylan asks, she shoves him
"And we're going out to eat" she says
"Great I'm starving" Dylan responds.
"Same" I agree. We all shove our boards into Kai's and Dylan cars and decide to walk the block to the diner.
"I'm ordering everything" I say as my stomach rumbles loudly. Dylan nods in agreement.
"You're seriously that hungry?" Elle asks, I forgot she was here. She wasn't even surfing hates to get her hair wet.
"Ya you should see her eat" Kai laughs I shove him.
"I have a healthy appetite sue me" I shrug, we all go to a booth when we get there, Dylan sits across from me, and Elle sits beside him. A waitress comes and takes our drink orders, while we graze over the menu.
"What are you getting?" Dylan asks me, I sigh
"I think I'm getting the usual, with a side of pancakes, you?" I ask.
"The big surf burger, I think" " he says
"You want my sausage? Cause you know I hate it?" I ask
"Do you even have to ask?" He smiles. We all order, expect Elle who decide she wasn't all that hungry anymore.
"So when would we go to California?" Dylan asks sipping on his coke.
"Not sure I have to talk to my mom, and have to see with your dads charity thing first" I explain as he hands me his drink so I can have a sip.
"You're going to California?" Kalani asks, I turn to her
"Ya, well actually I was gonna leave in two weeks back there" I start, her eyes widen
"You can't leave!" She states
"You're leaving?" Kai asks at the same time. I notice Riley eyes him.
"Well I was gonna leave, but Dylan gave me another option. I'm gonna work at his dads charity to make money while I take some courses" I say, Kalani looks relieved instantly.
"Courses for what?" Riley asks now
"I think psychology" I say, sipping Dylan's drink.
"Wow Vi Thats's awesome" Kalani smiles
"Ya we'll see" I state turning away.
"So why are you going to Cali then?" Elle asks
"I've decided that if this works out I'm gonna move down, and maybe get a place of my own" I say, Dylan looks shocked.
"You won't stay with your aunt" he asks
"Well I have savings and I think I'm ready to find my own place" I explain
"Could we get a place together?" He blurts, I'm a bit shocked.
"I need to move out of my dads place" he adds
"That's a great idea, cause then I won't have to pay all the rent by myself" I cheer, he chuckles
"Oh I'm only a rent cheque" he laughs
"Ya pretty much" I quip just as the waitress brings our food.
"Wait So you're moving down for good?" Kalani asks
"Ya I guess" I say, she cheers pulling me into a tight hug.
"So you're from California?" Elle asks as I place my sausages on Dylan's plate, and take some of his fries.
"Ya" I respond
"Cool, So where are your parents now, why aren't they here?" She asks.
"Well I came here to visit my aunt and uncle" I explain.
"So they're just gonna be okay with you moving aren't you gonna miss them. My mom does everything for me, I couldn't imagine moving until I get married" she laughs, my stomach plummets
"I'll manage without them" I say shoving a pancake in my mouth.

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