Something Real

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"Well that was fun" I say once we get into Dylan's car, he laughs loudly making me smiles.
"It was a disaster" Dylan grins, turning the car on. After Vince came back from taking his phone call everything kind of took a weird turn. Vince got really drunk, and to say he was passive aggressive is an understatement. It wasnt directed at us either it was towards Chloe, and it was out of the blue.
"I kind of feel for Chloe" I admit
"Ya, my dad can be a jackass" He admits
"Do they fight a lot?" I ask, he sighs
"So far almost every day. It's about stupid shit too, like wedding plans or money" He says, I nod. Chloe seems fine, she is very naive. I still can't gage if she's in it just for the money.
"That sucks that you're stuck there listening to them" I say, he nods turning to me.
"So I put in an offer on that place we saw" He stammers
"You did?" I ask
"Ya, I know we didn't fully discuss it but I need to get out of my dad's place" He explains
"No, that's okay I really liked it. Just let me know how much I owe you" I say
"You're still in?" He asks
"Ya why wouldn't I be?" I ask
"I don't know I guess I thought you we apprehensive, I mean I know we talked about it but, then we didn't talk again after that" He stammers his cheeks pink.
"I'm really glad you still want to" He says making me blush.
"Ew we're moving in together" I laugh, he chuckles too
"Ya eww" He repeats. We pull into my driveway. I check the clock it's later than I expected.
"Thank you for enduring tonight" He shifts closer, his lips close to mine
"I know a way you can make it up" I quip he grins moving to capture my lips. I run hands up his arms before wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer our bodies flush together. His hands move down to my hips, he squeezes slightly making fire shoot through me. I moan, and he deepens the kiss, making me dizzy. I pull away breathing hard, his chest rises and falls rapidly.
"You want to come in?" I ask my voice husky, he smirks, leaning his forehead against mine.
"I do" he mumbles, I smile. He shuts off the car, and we walk into the house quietly. All the lights are off, and I can't hear the TV so I assume they already went to bed. I peak over towards the living room, no ones there. We tiptoe down to my room.
"Violet" I hear, I quickly shove Dylan into my room shutting the door quickly before my aunt peeks her head into the hallway.
"Hey" she smiles
"Hi" I responds sounding breathless.
"How was it?" She asks stepping out. She has her fluffy pink robe wrapped tightly around her. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and her reading glasses are perched on her nose.
"It was fine. A bit awkward" I confess, she nods
"Awkward how?" She asks
"Just meeting him, and answering questions you know I'm awkward" I say, she nods
"That's normal, I always hated meeting the parents" She smiles
"Ya, but at least it over with now it doesn't have to be awkward" She adds, I nod, my heart beating fast.
"You should invite Dylan over for dinner, so we can talk to him" She says, it makes me laugh
"I will, you can get Uncle Tom to grill him" I say, she nods taking off her glasses.
"Okay well, goodnight. Love you" She hugs me
"Love you" I respond. I wait for her bedroom door to shut before I head into my room. Dylan's on the bed, a grin on his face.
"That was close" I whisper hopping onto the bed, he bounces slightly.
"Ya" He smiles, licking his lips. My eyes roam over his face, and land on his eyes. He's staring into mine, and it makes my heart skip a beat. He moves his hand so it's now on my thigh, I shiver. I shift closer, my lips now inches from his. He moves the rest of the way, pecking my lips. I deepen the kiss, grabbing onto the base of his neck. His grip moves to my waist making my skin flush. one of his hands goes to my cheek keeping my body close to his. I let my hand fall down his arm, to the hem of his tee. I'm about to pull it up, when he breaks apart leaving me dizzy.
"What?" I ask breathless
"We don't have to" He says, his eyes changing into a deeper shade of brown. We haven't done anything sexual yet, but now feels like the right time.
"I know" I smile before pulling him into another kiss. He leans into me, easing me back onto the bed. He hovers over me, his lips peppering kisses along my collarbone. I arch into his touch, and he growls lowly in response. His touch sets my skin on fire. I pull him back up, smashing our lips together. I flip us over so I'm now straddling him, he moans. I place my hands on either side of him to keep me up. My hair falls over us like a certain, He pushes it behind my shoulders smiling fondly at me. I move to kiss his neck, he makes a small noise that urges me on. His hand ruses past my side, and a giggle bursts through me. He stills.
"What was that?" He asks grinning like a little kid
"Nothing" I say, he laughs, before placing his hand gently on my side.
"Don't" I say trying not to smile.
"I'm not doing anything" He shrugs nonchalantly.
"Dylan" I cry, just before he attacks my side. I burst into laughter, my stomach cramps instantly making me laugh harder.
"Stop" I say between fits of laughter. He stills his movements slightly, letting me inhale.
"You're a shithead" I say breathless, he laughs, his hands landing onto my thighs.
"I couldn't help it" He says, his eyes roaming over me seductively.
"You could" I huff.
"You're so beautiful" He blurts, my face flushes.
"What?" I laugh
"You're the most beautiful person, I've ever seen" He repeats, my stomach twists. He said it so simply, like he's stating a fact that can't be argued with. I lean down kissing his lips lightly In response.
We lay in bed our breaths both rapid. I shift so my head is now on his chest, I can feel his heart beat. His fingers twists into my hair, sending shivers through me. I run my finger along his bare chest, relishing in the strong planes of his chest. He shifts pulling me closer to him. His fingers lazily trace my hipbone, sending pinpricks of heat along my side.
"How are we ever going to leave this bed?" I ask, he chuckles and it vibrates through me.
"I can't imagine when we have our own place" He responds, the thought makes my stomach coil tightly.
"We'll both never see the daylight again" I smile up at him. He shifts, so that he can place a gentle kiss to my lips. I sigh contently laying back down onto his chest.
"I'm really happy" Dylan blurts. I shift sitting up, keeping the blanket wrapped around my naked body.
"What did I say?" He asks concerned, as I move to face him.
"No, it's nothing you said. Well not in a bad way. I just want to tell you how important you are to me" I say, feeling the need to express myself.
"I know" He smiles kindly
"Dylan, when I was with Kai, it was amazing and new and everything felt so right. Its hard to explain but he was my first love, and I was so infatuated with him. This feels different to me. We're different in a more real way. I want to grow with you, and with Kai it was more of the in the moment it feels amazing. With you its like I can see a clear path ahead of us. God this sounds so stupid" I groan, he sits up
"No it doesn't sound stupid" He assures
"This" I point between us
"Feels more mature and grownup." I say
"I get it, it's almost like I've known you my whole life. You're the only girl I've dated seriously, and we haven't been together that long. It just feels different" He explains. He shifts his lips millimetres away from mine. I can feel his breath fan over me, I inch closer closing the distance between us. His hands instantly latch onto my hips holding me steady. My skin burns as his lips trail across my chest. I can faintly hear the shower turn on, I break away breathing hard. Dylan looks at me confused his lips stuck in a pout.
"You have to go, my uncles going to work soon" I say looking at the clock it's 5, he usually leaves at 6:30. Dylan stumbles out of bed, grabbing his scattered clothing as quickly as possible. I watch amused as he struggles to put on his shirt.
"It's not funny" He grins grabbing his shoes.
"It's hilarious" I smile moving to the window to open it. He pauses, smirking at me. He snakes his free arm around my waist pulling me flush against him. I flush, as he dips down to kiss my lips lustfully. I moan into the kiss, my skin heating all over. He pulls away, leaving me breathless and dizzy.
"Bye" He smirks crawling out of the window I stare after him, my heart beating wildly.
"Fuck you" I whisper as he rushes off, I can hear him chuckle. I shut the window, smiling to myself. I sigh happily getting back in bed. I can still smell him on my sheets before I fall asleep.

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