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"We're getting a large popcorn, I'm starving," I tell Kai as we move forward in the line.
"Definitely I'm so hungry I could eat a cow," he says rubbing his stomach, I laugh. We get to the register and excitement overtakes me because I'm starving and I love popcorn. Kai orders us a large popcorn, an extra large coke to share, and some sour candies. Kalani tells us to go grab some seats because her order is taking a while.
"I hope you know I'm eating all of this popcorn," I tell him as we sit down in the theatre, he chuckles shoving his hand in the popcorn. Kalani and Deena come in a bit afterward.
"Sorry it took so long the guy took forever with my order I don't know what's so difficult about butter being dispensed in 6 layers" she huffs sitting down next to me, as Deena sits down next to Kai.
"Jesus you're smart," I tell Kalani, she nods.
"Nothing for you?" I ask Deena noticing she has nothing in her hands.
"Oh no, plus I have whoever's beside me to share from," she says, smiling at Kai.
"I'm probably gonna be sharing with you if she ends up eating the popcorn" I whisper to Kalani who giggles.
"Yeah sure, and who doesn't get anything at the movie theatre!" She states making me laugh-snort. The movies about some weird alien who's trying to take over the earth by inserting itself into humans in office, it's interesting. I watch as Deena digs her hand into the popcorn, a small smile on her face, my toes curl in. Kai places his arm around me after her stunt, pulling me closer to him. The movie ends with the president who is extremely strong, and handsome killing the alien, while also absorbing some of its power.
"That shit was crazy" Kalani states, I nod, popping a candy in my mouth.
"I thought it was cool like It shows what the world could go to" Deena interjects. Suddenly I bump into someone, my body gets kicked backward but the person reaches out to grab me.
"Sorry" he says his arms still around me.
"No it's okay" I say stepping back, suddenly Kai's at my side.
"You okay?" He asks looking at the guys strangely
"Yeah no I'm fine it was an accident," I say smiling politely
"I'm sorry again, I'm Dylan," he says extending his hand, I shake it.
"Violet, and my boyfriend Kai" I introduce, he smiles at Kai now.
"Yeah Kai and I go way back, how are you, man?" He asks, Kai stiffens.
"I'm good" Kai answers, his body flexing I look at him weirdly.
"Well we need to get together soon man,  I'm actually having this party tonight you guys should come it's the least I can do for practically knocking you down," he says smiling, I smile back.
"Sure" I answer, I mean why not. Something about Dylan intrigued me, he seems genuine.
"Great, anyway I'm sorry again really, and I'll text you my address," he says rushing off towards his other friends outside.
"Why did you say yes?" He asks, I shrug
"I thought it might be fun" I respond. He visibly relaxes and nods. We walk out to the car, Kalani, and Deena are leaning against it, staring at something ahead.
"What's going on?" I ask, she points to two guys fighting, while who I now recognize as Dylan pulls them apart.
"Let's go" Kai says, rushing into the car, Kalani looks at me confused, I shrug.
"So we're going to a party tonight," I tell Kalani, she smirks
"Okay you just got here and already people are inviting you to parties," Kalani says, making me laugh.
"Whose party?" She asks, and again Kai stiffens.
"Dylan's," I say, she nods
"He's hot right," she says wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"Kalani I'm right here," Kai says, she shrugs
"He's hot" she retorts
"He's not that cute don't worry Kai," Deena says, Kalani gives her a weird look making me laugh.
"Anyway you can pick me up at like 9, I'll text you," I say once Kai parks at my house, he nods.
"You're forgetting something," he says, I smirk. I pull him into a kiss, he smiles.
"Love you," he says as I close the car door
"Love you" I yell back rushing to my door. My uncle brings Chinese back with him, we eat outside talking about how the owners of the building he's building kept changing their mind about the structure.
"They're obviously stupid for not taking my advice," he says, my aunt laugh
"Of course, don't they know your advice is always right," she says sarcastically, making me laugh, he mocks hurt before pulling her into a kiss. It's refreshing watching a normal couple, they seem so happy.
"So is it okay if I go to a party tonight?" I ask as I grab all the empty containers to throw out.
"Sure, but you need to tell us the address, and  you have to tell us if you're going to stay over okay," my aunt says, I nod
"Wait is that too lack?" she asks, my uncle laughs
"No honey we trust her she's not like all the other youth," he says in an old man voice, she giggles.
"I'll text you I promise," I check the time it's 8, so I start straightening my hair. I don't wear a lot of makeup, but I definitely put a bit more on tonight. I decide to wear my denim shorts, with a white peasant top. It's 9:15 when Kai texts me that he's outside.
"Alright, guys I'm going," I say handing them a piece of paper with the address on it.
"Have fun, love you" my aunt calls
"Love you" I respond before closing the door. I see Deena in the front seat, my body burns, as I hop into the back.
"Hey, I'm sorry I took the front, I just feel terrible motion sickness in the back," Deena says, I nod.
"You look so good," Kalani says, I smile. Kalani looks amazing as well, she's wearing this white dress that makes her look like a bronzed goddess.
"You look amazing K," I say, she shrugs blushing slightly. 
"You really look amazing" Kai interjects looking at me through the mirror.
"Thanks" I respond. We pull into this a full driveway, the musics so loud, I can hear it down the street.
"Who's ready to get fucked up" Kalani yells pulling me along with her. Once we get inside we're met with a fog of people dancing, and laughing.
"Let's go get a drink" she yells in my direction, I nod and follow her. Kalani mixes a few things together before passing me a cup.
"Jesus" I cough, as the liquid burns my throat, she smirks.
"A special concoction" she responds. She passes a cup to Kai, and Deena who are right behind us.
"What's in this" Kai asks, she shrugs.
"My secret" she tells him, he groans.
"Well I'm driving" he says putting the cup down, I take it and pour it into the remainder of my drink.
"Go Vi" Kalani cheers, I smile, but Kai gives me a weird look.
"You made it" Dylan says surprising me.
"You just scared the shit out of me" I tell him, he laughs, throwing his head back.
"Sorry, I'm really not on my game here" he says, Kalani giggles.
"How are you liking the party?" He asks, I take a quick look around the music is loud, and people are sweating and dancing.
"Too soon to tell" I reply, he chuckles.
"I hate it to" he says shocking me.
"You hate your own party" I ask, he nods.
"I'm not into crowds" he says, I nod. My anxiety raises as the music thumps in my ears. I look around, and notice Kalani talking to this tall brunette, but I can't find Kai anywhere my body hums. My heart starts pounding viciously against my chest, making my head spin.
"Hey, do you wanna go outside?" He asks, his face concerned, I nod, trying to catch my breath. The smell of the ocean close by calms me instantly. The breeze cooling my heated body.
"Hey are you okay?" He asks, placing his arms on my back as I bend over to catch my breath.
"Yeah sorry" I say shakily, he shakes his head helping me to the ground
"No it's okay, I get panic attack to" he says, I look up at him shocked at his openness.
"You do?" I ask, he nods sitting next to me.
"I've had anxiety since my mom passed away when I was 12" he says, his eyes tracing my face.
"I'm so sorry" I say, he smiles sadly
"What about you?" He asks, something about him makes me want to open up.
"I got it when I started high school, I was bullied pretty badly" I say, my voice cracking.
"People are dicks" he says making me laugh.
"Yup" I respond looking up at the stars. We end up telling each other what triggered our anxiety, and what helps the most, I realize I really like talking to Dylan, he understands more than most people.
"How did you know I was having a panic attack?" I ask, he shrugs
"I could feel one coming on to, the crowd and music is a trigger for me, and I noticed you looking around kind of frantic" he says, I nod.
"Thanks" I tell him, he smiles kindly at me.
"No problem, I know it's hard especially when people can see" he says, I nod thinking about all the attacks I had at school while everyone laughed. He tells me about this time he had one in class, and the teacher thought he was joking around, so she wouldn't let him leave.
"Jesus that would have sucked, how long?" I ask, he closes his eyes thinking.
"The class had about 45 minutes left, it was torture and then I had to make an excuse to my friends about why I wasn't going to walk with them to class. None of them know, I guess I was embarrassed by it" he considers, I nod.
"I get it, the feeling of shame for being so weak" I say
"Exactly" he says quickly making me smile.
"It's nice to talk to someone about it" he says, I nod.
"Yeah, especially someone who understands" I add, he grins, handing me a bottle of water.
"I stash them everywhere" he tells me before I ask, I laugh snort, he smirks.
"Cute" he responds
"Shut up or I'll have a panic attack on you" I respond, making him laugh loudly.
"That was fucking hilarious" he says still laughing pretty hard, I start laughing at how hard he's laughing. Both of us continue laughing, tears streaming down our faces.
"What the hell is going on here?" A voice breaks our laughter, both our heads snapping toward the door.
"Kai" I say, he looks angry really angry. His eyes are glued to Dylan, who looks sheepishly.
"I'm gonna ask again what the fuck is going on" he yells this time, I jump slightly.

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