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"What are you doing here mom?" I ask she continues to stare at Kai, her smile almost sinister.
"Sweetie, I came to see you of course," She says in her fake mom voice, I cringe.
"And who is this handsome young man?" she asks, extending her hand toward Kai.
"I'm Kai, Violet's boyfriend," Kai says shaking her hand, I want to get him away from my mom as soon as possible.
"He was actually just leaving," I say stepping closer to Kai, who gives me a weird look.
"Oh was he, well it was great to meet you, Kai, hope to have you over for dinner soon," she says, giving him a sickly sweet smile. I turn to Kai now hoping he understands I don't want him to leave but I don't want to subject him to my mother.
"I'll text you tomorrow, I love you" I whisper the last part, and he smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
"Love you" he whispers back before heading back to his car. I watch him leave before turning towards my mother who is staring after Kai.
"What are you doing here?" I ask rushing inside to find my aunt, my mother follows.
"I came to see you," She says again, making me angry. I find my aunt sitting at the kitchen table, and I can tell she's been crying.
"Hey" she smiles, making me sad
"Hey, why is she here?" I ask
"She wants to talk about everything, and to bring you back to California," she says, my body sinks
"No," I say, my voice squeaky
"Honey, let's talk, about your father, and about me leaving," My mom says sitting down on the couch, my body burns with anger.
"Alright let's talk then mom, let's talk about how you left me when I was so depressed I didn't eat for a week straight. You left when I needed you the most when I was being bullied because dad cheated on you with one of my classmate's mother, and broke up their family. I needed you, and you just left" I yell now, all the anger flowing out of me. She looks appalled by me, her eyes wide, and here comes the waterworks.
"Your dad cheated on me mind you so before you start pointing fingers I was more depressed than you," she says, and my heart breaks then
"Cheryl" My aunt scolds, tears spring to my eyes but I hold them back.
"What your father cheated on me," My mother says, tears streaming down her face, I grimace at the act.
"He did, but he also left me with all the mess," I say, my voice cold, and hard. She cries harder, clutching at the tissues in her hands, my stomach churns.
"I didn't come here to fight Violet," she says between sobs.
"What did you come here to do then?" I ask, she finally stops sobbing
"I came here to tell you I met someone and he is amazing," she says, her eyes bright, I groan. This is the 5th guy since my parents split, none of them ever last.
"Great, but couldn't you have told me this over the phone?" I ask grabbing a snack from the fridge, my stomach thanking me instantly.
"Well I wanted to come tell you in person, and get you to come back to New York with me," she says, I freeze, the piece of cheese hanging from my mouth.
"New York?" I ask, she nods eagerly
"No I'm not going to New York with you," I say firmly, she looks hurt, which makes me roll my eyes.
"Well I'm your mother so you don't have much choice," she says, and my body goes cold at her words.
"Cheryl you cannot make her do something she doesn't want to do" My aunt steps in, her arms firmly crossed.
"Yes I can, It's my responsibility to make decisions that are best for my daughter, my daughter not yours." My mother responds while inspecting her nails for any imperfections.
"I'm not going mom, this is my life now," I say because there is no way I'm leaving!
"But sweetheart I thought you wanted me to come back, and now I'm back and you're disrespecting me," She says irritated.
"I'm not disrespecting you, I'm simply stating that I will not go to New York with you" I state, she glares at me now
"But you have to meet Dave," she tells me sounding more like a child than a mother.
"Well, then Dave can come here" I reply, plopping down on the sofa, my legs ache from the long day.
"Your too much Violet," she says, I cringe. I always hated when she said this to me, it made me feel like loving me was impossible!
"I'm going to my room," I say, she groans loudly.
"Fine but we will talk about this tomorrow" she yells, as I shut my door. I sink down against the door, my body suddenly exhausted. Tears start streaming down my face, why did she have to show up? I cry silently against the door for a while, until I realize I need to take a shower. I make my way to the bathroom slowly, listening to see if I can hear my aunt, and mom talking. The sand slowly sinks into the drain, as the water pounds against the top of my head. I'm done my shower, and in bed as fast as humanly possible relishing in the way my soft comforter comforts me. I grab my phone checking to see if anyone messaged me. My heart breaks to see no goodnight messages from Kai, I guess he's mad or confused. I place my phone back on my side table and stare at the ray of light against my wall from the moon. Hot tears slide down my cheeks, and flashbacks of nights I spent crying in my room flash through my mind. Loneliness floods through me as I close my eyes.

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