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It's 7 by the time Kai drives me home, and I'm starving. Kalani is still on the beach, she told Kai that she would catch a ride with Haku, I told him we could stay longer if he wanted to wait for her, but he was exhausted as well. My stomach growls loudly, as Kai parks in our driveway.
"Someone's hungry" he says, a smile on his face.
"Starving actually" I respond, I notice his cheeks, and nose have turned pink from the heat, it's cute.
"Same, I could devour a cow right now" he says, making me laugh.
"Come in, I'm sure Aunt V made something delicious" I say grabbing my backpack and towel from the backseat
"That's okay I don't want to impose" he says
"Shut it, you wouldn't be plus it could be my payment for the lessons" I tell him
"So I'm some sort of food pimp now" he says, making me snort, we stare at each other, and burst out laughing.
"Come on" I say, he looks at me blankly for a couple of seconds,before turning off the car.
"Hey I'm home" I call, and I was right it smells delicious.
"Hey, I'm in the kitchen" my aunt says. Kai, and I walk to the kitchen, my aunt is setting the table.
"Hey sorry if you had to wait, also is it okay if Kai joins us?" I ask
"Oh it's okay I was out all day as well, I got home about an hour ago, and of course I made a lot of food" she says smiling at Kai. Kai, and my aunt laugh a lot, he has great table manners. He's also very charming.
"So Vi how did you like surfing" my aunt asks, still giggly from Kai's joke earlier.
"It's great" I say
"She's being modest, she stood up, it was pretty impressive" Kai says smiling in my direction, I blush.
"Wow, on your first try" my aunt asks impressed.
"No not on the first try more like the one hundred and tenth try" I tell her. After I've had enough food to feed a village, me, and Kai start washing dishes.
"Do you like Leo?" Kai blurts as he wipes down a
Plate, I stare at him flabbergasted. 
"What?!" I ask, he sighs
"Are you into Leo, cause he's into you" he says, his voice hard.
"No I'm not into Leo" I tell him, my fingers popping the bubbles of soap for a sense of distraction.
"Oh, well he really likes you" he says, as I hand him another dish.
"I think he just likes the way I look, he couldn't take his eyes off my ass" I say, the memory freaking me out.
"Well can you blame him" Kai says quietly, my entire body blushed. I want to say something witty, but nothing comes out.
"I'm sorry I wasn't like insinuating that you're only your looks" he says after I struggle to find any words.
"No, I know you didn't mean it like that, I'm flattered really, thanks" I say, my voice sounds high even to me, god why can't I be charming! We finish the dishes in silence, except for my heart beat it feels like even the neighbours can hear how loud it is.
"Thanks for Dinner V" Kai says before I walk him to
The door.
"No problem hun, say hi to Tutu for me" my aunt replies not taking her eyes off the TV. I walk Kai to the door, my heart still beating out of control.
"Thanks for inviting me" Kai says before he's fully out the door.
"No problem, it was my gentlemanly duty, you see you were hungry, and I'm a gentleman" I joke, and he smirks, and I think my body is melting.
"So now I'm the damsel" he says, his voice raspy.
"I guess so" I say, he nods, and starts walking to
his car.
"I like being the damsel" he yells from his car, making me laugh snort.
"I like being the gentleman" I respond, he smiles, and hops into the car, starting it with ease. I watch as he reverses onto the main road, before I go back inside. I sit next to my aunt on the couch, a smile stuck on my face.
"So...." she says, a wicked smile on her face.
"We're friends" I say, my eyes glued to the TV, and a huge smile glued to my face.
"Sure, friends" she says, and I don't respond, letting the feeling of Kai wash over me.
"He doesn't like me, I don't think" I say, wanting advice.
"Honey, he looks at you like... like he's looking at something remarkable" she says, and my heart flutters
"So how do I find out for sure?" I ask, as Kai's smile pops into my mind.
"Ask him" she replies
"No, I can't just ask him!" I tell her, she laughs.
"Oh I forgot you have to look aloof" my aunt says, making me laugh.
"Just be flirty, give him openings" she says, and she's totally right.
"Openings"I repeat, my aunt nods.
"Great thanks Aunt V, I'm gonna go watch some Netflix in my room, and probably pass out, I'll see you in the morning, night" I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Night" she responds. I grab my laptop, and phone, slumping onto my bed. I open Netflix, and decide to rewatch some episodes of Grays Anatomy, maybe I need some Meredith, and Derek inspiration. I open my phone now, noticing a message form a number I don't have.
"Hey, got your number from my sister, so yeah, oh PS it's Kai" it reads, making my body fill with excitement.
"Oh thank god I thought you were my creepy stalker"
My fingers hover above the send button
"Fuck it" I say before I hit send.
"You mean Leo?" Kai replies instantly, making me laugh.
"That's so mean, but yes I meant Leo" I respond
"How much do you wanna bet he'll ask Kalani for you number?" Kai asks
"He will not" I respond
"He will" he says. We continue to talk till 2 in the morning, and now I know for sure I have a major crush on Kai.

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