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I wake up with a pounding headache, the sun blares through my window, making me groan. I sit up my head spinning slightly. I move placing my feet on the cold ground. I take a steadying breath, standing up. My feel feel unsteady, I stand trying to gain my balance. I here someone snore loudly, remembering Kai was with me. I head to the bathroom, Almost tripping over my shoes. I quickly brush my teeth, the taste unsettling. I hop into the shower, letting the hot water soothe the soreness in my body. I hear the door open.
"It's just me" I hear Kai say, I grab my shampoo lathering it onto my head. I hear the toilet flush and the sink turn on. I move under the water shutting my eyes tightly. I hear the sound of the curtains been pulled back, but I keep my eyes shut the soap still running down my face. Kai's arms wrap around my
Pulling me against his chest.
"Soap" I say making him laugh. He moves his hands to my head and starts massaging my scalp. I smile despite myself. After I wash out my hair and can see, Kai pulls me into a deep kiss.
"What has gotten into you" I say blushing, his eyes soften.
"I just love you" he mumbles, his eyes roaming around my face.
"Okay weirdo" I say.
"Get up" I nudge Dylan's legs, he mumbles into the pillow. He fell asleep on my couch. Kai left for work, and I've decided to recoup from my hangover by lounging on the couch all day. I push Dylan's feet so I can sit down, he places them back on my lap.
"What time is it?" Dylan asks, his eyes still closed.
"11:30" I say Turing the TV on. He sits up looking dazed.
"Where's Kai?" He asks
"Work" he stand moving to the kitchen.
"Sup bitches" Kalani barges in, She looks very energized.
"Hey" I smile, she plops down next to me.
"Where's Jackson?" I coo, She nudges me big blushes
"Working" she smiles
"So any new opinions" she asks Dylan and I, Dylan sits across from us in the lazy boy.
"Like?" Dylan asks grinning she groans
"Fine, your boyfriend is very fun" Dylan concedes
"Thank you" she smiles, Dylan laughs.
"So.... any plans for today?" She asks, I shrug grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around me.
"Sitting here, and relaxing all day" I say, Dylan nods
"Guys come on we should surf" Kalani cheers, I sigh.
"I mean not terrible, but I'm so comfy" I whine, she smiles
"Come on" She urges, I look at Dylan, he shrugs.
"Ya why not" I concede, she stands excitedly.
"Come on" I get up, and head to my room to change.
The sand is warm, and a slight breeze blows around us. I watch as Dylan and Kalani rush into the water. I decided to sit on the sand for a bit, still kind of wobbly from the hangover. I dig my toes into the sand relishing in the warmth. I end up watching Kalani and Dylan compete with each other playfully, it's beyond entertaining. My phone rings out then.
"Hello" I answer
"Hey, I'm on break" Kai responds
"Oh, what's up?" I say leaning back. I hear a crinkling sound on his end.
"Nothing, eating. You?" He asks, I sigh looking at Kalani and Dylan again.
"At the beach, Dylan and Kalani are doing surf tricks, it's hilarious" I tell him, he chuckles.
"I'm jealous"
"You should be" I joke
"I miss you" he says
"It's been 6 hours" I laugh, he chuckles too
"Still miss you" he replies, making me roll my eyes.
"You're obsessed"
"I admit that"
"Okay, are you coming to the beach after work?" I change the subject
"Sure, I kind of need a surf break anyway" he explains
"Okay good"
"Alright I have to go, talk to you later love you" he hangs up quickly. I place my phone down, laying
Down on the sand.
It's sunset when people start making their way to the beach for the bonfire, Kai should be here in a couple minutes. Kalani has ditched us for Jackson, leaving Dylan and I sitting in the sand by the water.
"So how are things?" I ask him, playing with the sand, he snorts
"What, I'm fine" he chuckles
"I know just asking" I shrug, he smiles kindly
"Thank you" he says, I smile.
"How are things with you?" He asks, I shrug again
"Usual I guess, I kind of wanted to ask you something though" I say, placing a pile of soft sand on my thigh.
"Shoot" he says making me chuckle.
"Okay well have you noticed anything different about Kai?" I ask, he hums softly in thought.
"I mean besides him being all over you no" he responds
"So you've noticed his clingyness" I comment
"Yes we all have" he laughs
"Why?" He adds tilting his head slightly
"I just.. I don't know I just feel weird" I tell him
"Well you're not very romance oriented so that makes sense" he says
"No I just feel like he's over compensating, like it's forced" I spill
"So your worried he's doing something?" Dylan asks. Honestly I don't think I ever thought of it like that, I was just confused.
"I didn't think of that" I respond, Dylan moves closer to me
"Hey I'm not saying he is, I was just asking" he assures placing his hand on my knee. I Lean against him, sadness washing over me.
"Hey" we hear behind us, we turn and see Luna.
"You two seem cozy" she smiles, I notice a blonde petite girl beside her roll her eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask, she shrugs
"To say hi, oh and introduce you to Sammie" she says pointing to the girl.
"Hi" she smiles
"Hey" I say confused at this interaction.
"Babe" Kai calls rushing towards us. He leans down to peck my lips gently.
"Kai" Sammie says, he looks at them now, his face dropping slightly.
"Hey" he mumbles, his eyes darting between us.
"We'll see you guys around" Luna winks turning and leaving.
"What was that?" Kai ask sitting down between Dylan and I.
"Not sure she just came up to introduce me to Sammie" I say, he nods flicking at the sand.
"Interesting" he replies I nod.

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